Keep a smile and carry on,
Every day is a mystery, never known.
A new day, a new light,
That’s the only way to feel alive.
A day to rise, a day to fall,
A day to learn, a day to love,
A day to stay, the next to move on and explore
A day will come as a call for one’s growth
A night will follow soon, to make the path pitch dark,
It will make things difficult, will confuse the heart.
That’s the call for hope and faith,
That’s the call for self awakening- one has to take.
Night will get darker, obstructing the path.
But keep a smile, face the night, eye to eye,
As the dawn, next morning will be the most liberating sight….
A sight of victory, a sight of freedom,
A sight of knowing one’s own self-
A sight of inner peace….. A total celebration