Everyone is where they ARE in their Present NOW perspectives

Everyone is where they ARE in their Present NOW perspectives.

Ever changing and flowing and being recreated.

Being an open heart, using integrity and compassion to relate kindness and empathy to others seeking answers is a selfless calling.

In so serving others we share the energy of our powerful heart-mind complex and generate more positive energy for the collective.

This exercise certainly is certainly a form of ascension, and provides opportunity to perpetuate joy, love, connectivity and if we became courageous enough to separate, abandon ourselves from love, source, we chose to give up knowing love, a lot of peace, joy, unity to experience the lower density loneliness, singularity, grief and everything else that sucked in this 3D life.

I think of all the pain and torture I and others went through, teetered on the very edge of death holding on by a thread and it’s selfish to want out of that to return to unity, peace and joy?

I don’t buy it. I think it’s selfish to even think it could entail selfishness.

Who would want to place that lower density label upon someone else other than a lower density being?

I would also think the plan entailed an expectation for all to return back to unity, connectedness with love and source, knowing all are on their own individual path.

To think to want others who may be ready earlier because they did the hard work necessary to get there to be held back because others did not doesn’t seem fair to me, maybe to a degree would be ok but to label them selfish, something just doesn’t seem right about it.

Just some other thoughts

Indeed words are cumbersome, heavy and misleading as every individual reflects their own perspective from within and responds to it individually.

Telepathy does not regard the emotional aspect, simply a conveyance of information at least on the very brief encounters.

Therine it lacked a depth and feeling, but conveys a dry sort of information.

If as humans we could learn to be more balanced in how we both perceive and react, the immediate and virtual worlds might fulfill a desirable richness and loving humanity quality while prompting a like richness in others yet needing to grow.

We are either allegedly either growing or dying.

I’m not convinced this is necessarily true, as some choose to stand still frozen in a “comfort” zone.. frozen!!

The promotion of quietude within draws powerful answers and experiences which have magnitude beyond a book or auditory experience.

Quiet can be discovered by sitting under a tree in nature, riding a bike in the woods, perhaps painting a canvas or simply awakening and writing down a dream.

The other side of this 3D matrix does not require hours of meditation it does require Presence in the NOW! That is when contact occurs as well.

The infinite quality indeed has a quantum features and innumerable perspectives as truly there is no time as we are accustomed to understand it.

Space becomes quite irrelevant and infinitely vast, travel instantaneous.

Energy transfers to heal and love are immediate.

This is NOT new to many people.
We truly are not enslaved to any aspect of this reality if we choose to consider just BEING who we are, living ourselves and not having expectations.

That is the NOW I’ve yet come to understand on my short journey.

Shift Happens
Earthship 420 🌏

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