Staying Motivated

Over the months I've been participating of Steem, I've noticed plenty of people come and go. The reasons why I'm sure vary, but I can't help to wonder how many struggle with the idea of working hard at this, and staying motivated.

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Along the years I've been training people this challenge is something that I've tried to tackle often, and of course the formula is different for each individual. That being said, believe me that it's important to learn this very thing about ourselves, learning how we can keep ourselves focused on the goal.

Many mentors suggest different things and I've heard and read different opinions on the subject that I'm sure can be effective. But there is one method that seems to work most of the time, and it's the one I intend to share on this short and important message.

Set reasonable goals

As much as that may sound simple, it's precisely what we need to be doing. If you don't try to focus on what you could be doing today, on what accomplishment you could do today, then the tomorrow you want will never come.

Independent of the size of your account, on the type of investment you can do. Working hard on your blog, or purchasing Steem and putting it to work, the plan you need to come up with has to have defined steps.

I always say:

"think big, start small but be quick"

Which is another way of saying, don't just let the waves dictate where life takes you, but try to be in charge of the boat as much as possible.

If you don't set goals for yourself, you are sure to not achieve much and believe me when I tell you, there is no exception to this rule.

So think about what you want to achieve, set a goal you can reach and work hard towards it, and don't wait, do this today.


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