It's NOT about the Journey...It's about the Message

Have you often heard the quote...

It's not about the destination, it's about the journey?

I totally agree with this message of how you should focus on the moment and that is the most enjoyable part of it all. But I have a new twist on this message...

When it's all about the journey, it's all about yourself. The focus is only about having a good life for you and this IS needed to perform well in your life but we should want to evolve and grow into something bigger than ourselves.

The Message

When what you are doing is not just about the journey but about the message, it becomes about other people and what you will offer them. Living your life to leave behind a profound message or lesson is giving to the next people behind you something of value that will be appreciated and most likely improve the way of life.

I have often talked about how information, data, lessons and education are the most important things in the world because they are the only things that can be passed down forever. All material goods are eventually destroyed or lost and only do so much for people. But education that can better people's mindset to improve their daily lives and the world is much more valuable.

We are creators and meant to serve people, to come together, help our fellow human being and mother nature so we can all prosper and continue to live beautifully on this planet. One of the greatest emotions we can have comes from contribution, helping, giving, and everything that doesn't have to do with ourselves. That is why many people can get into a depressed state in life because they only focus on themselves.

If you want to have a full life, a non selfish way of living, then we must not make it just about our journey but about the way we contribute to all people in our world during our journey...



My recent trip to Guatemala

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