Everyone should have a person like him

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Hey guys, how are you all? Hope everything is fine for all. There is only one thing in our life that we can't buy with money or anything, nowadays anything can be bought with money. The only thing we can't buy is time. Time is same for all of us. Neither any of us can pause it or have it. Even health can be bought these days. Those extra days of health is due to spending money on it and additionally our efforts too. Everything will perish in our life span, except the right and good things we did to earn a name on it. There was a person in my life who is true to himself and to the others. He has extraordinary knowledge about peoples behaviour. He is always there to help others and share his knowledge with them. Lot of them will show gratitude towards him, but as always there are some people who don't appreciate right things and good will.

We met in my work space, at first I didn't thought any about him. Basically I don't think about others or less doesn't show much interest in talking with people as I'm an introvert. The difference between his cadre and mine is I'm two steps behind him. But the knowledge he poses with work is immense and don't ever hesitate to contribute his thoughts in work. He also tries to help other colleagues in their work. I'm just a three years experienced guy in our work space, whereas he has a total of 30+ years of experience in the field. His motto is to not depend on others to get your work done. Thats why even though he is non-computer person, he still can manage to write a draft in word and do some excel calculations. He still shows interest in learning new things.

He told me later on that when he first came here, I observed all peoples here, but I found none good hearted except you. At first he is always trying to give suggestions and ideas on how to proceed with work and get it done. I got this job after waiting approximately six years from the completion of academics. So after all that waiting, I just jump to the first opportunity I got. At first I got nothing common knowledge in this new work space, as I always prepared for private software testing description job. But here it's all new and it took me over a year to get the glimpe on the work I was doing. After that he came to our office on transfers. In our work space all are greedy about the bribes they get. There are two people only in our office who don't take bribes, it's me and my other colleague. So basically after I joined in this job I hit a rough patch almost up until now and it's still continuing.

My mother was suffering from heart pain and she has diabetes and also have gas trouble. One day while is on the back of a scooty of another lady, they has fallen from the bike and my mother right hand had been broken. At that time there was some money with us which are my father benefits. That was taken care of. Then after one year my mother constantly saying that she has pain in the area of heart, at first we thought its just gas trouble. But one doctor suggested us to take angiogram, because whatever the symptoms she is having are the one for heart attack. After the test it was confirm that she has blocks in her heart. Then again I needed to go to the hospital to get my mother a stunt operation through angiogram. After that one and half year the broken hand didn't fix with the implant and it's causing the infection making her body for all type of symptoms.

Recently I manage to scratch all the money I have and manage to pay for the treatment of removal of the old implant and installing of new implant. That became a disaster as the stitching didn't quite close the operation wound as it was directly in the elbow area. Between all these complications my mother fell unconscious one night and I had to go to hospital once again. It took doctors three days to understand the main cause and it was the new implant infection and her diabetes high levels. I has no money at that time and I know that upto one and half year I will be not having money except to pay my EMIs and the expenses for the house. In that horrible time, he called me and told me I know you don't want others money, but the situation is not good so I'm sending you some amount to take care of the situation and said don't say anything about it and hung up the call. Then I received the amount and I settled the bill in the hospital. Like this situation, he helped me professionally and financially without expecting anything in return. In these days we can't find this kind of personalities.

Each and every situation in my life will come like now or never and the time bound is not so great at all. But, still I was able to manage with the help of some peoples in my life. I am always greatfull to those who helped me in my worst situations. Mostly I thought of this person as my well wisher and he has my utmost respect for him. Every person needs to be like him or every person should know a person like him.

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