Got who doesnt like with ice cream during summer? But not even during summer, when you are going to winter country for travelling. Will you still dare to order an ice cream? Tell you, YES! Please order and feel the excited experience! Its really nice!
Ice cream also part of my “medicine” when im sad and stress. When it put on your mouth, its start to melt inside your mouth and you slow slow to swallow it.. I know ice cream will make girls to be fats but you never heard of “girls have 2 tummy” right?
哈咯各位!我又来了.. 这次想分享“冰淇淋🍦”。有谁不喜欢啊?男女老少都爱.. 没有分任何的年龄呢!而且在那么热带的国家,相信你一定会点“冰淇淋”吧!但是你们试过在冬天的时候也叫个冰淇淋吗?我们应该要尝试一下不一样的!因为那个感觉是超”酷”!有些人吃了冰淇淋会牙龈疼的。