It Is Almost September YAY

Tomorrow will be the start of a new month which is September. Time flies so quickly really. September here in the Philippines had become the start of the merriest season. Everyone here is waiting for this month to start because this gives us a glimpse and excitement to the upcoming holidays.
Let me upload this photo taken January this year. This is one of my favorite local delicacy that is served during the celebrations like Christmas and New Year's eve. So delicious and the color is very festive which is perfect for the occasion. I am excited to start my September. This is the start of what we call the "ber" months ( SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovermBER and DecemBER) All months of course lead to December which is the Christmas season. That is how most us here are, anticipating the said season and we took it upon ourselves to make the observance and celebration a bit longer. I can't wait.


Much love,


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