First Step.

I've been inactive quite a while and here's why, as I said, I'm trying to make a change, and this weekend I make my first step, without seeing the path, hope I can make my own.

For the first time in my life I'm working with nature, today I've been pruning some mango trees and doing some field work, it's hard but if you like to be in nature this work can make you a little happier, I don't know If this will be my future or my present, I'm just trying to get the right direction. at least my work place now have some great view.


And it's amazing to see how grows the food you eat.


I have a lot to learn in many fields but that's how I live, and I hope I can share my experience with everyone who wants to learn and also teach, this is just the starting point, welcome aboard and thanks for reading.

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