Not ready to be a father

I've always known that I would want to be a father early (early according to our generation point of view). So, just before my 27th birthday, our daughter H. arrived in our world.

This was the end of everything.


For example, I could not spend one hour gaming everyday like I did before! I must say, being with my wife had me reducing it already. But you know, it is like when you try to stop smoking. Getting to that one cigarette a day is not so difficult. And even that half cigarette a day! But when you get to zero, this is a whole different story. Because you are not dealing with a product addiction, you are dealing with a habit. And a habit is such a difficult thing to change.


Well, there are a LOT of habits which don't suit with the arrival of a newborn. And you cannot kill them all at once. Would you ask an alcoholic-smoker-gambler to stop everything at the same time?

From what I know, we are not designed to be parents. We learn it the hard way, because there is no other choice.

Often, we wonder ourselves : Am I doing well enough? . And this little questions is what makes us great as human beings. And I want every parents - or willing to be - reading this post to know that.

We are not prepared to be parents, this is such a difficult job. That's why we must allow the slips which sometimes happen! As husbands and as parents.

I wish good luck to all of you in this crazy journey, being a father and a husband is what I am today. Believe me, this is way more thrilling than video games and parties.

(to those of you who wonder, now that she is two years old, we start having more time for ourselves!)

Adriatik, a french father

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