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RE: RE: Rewards going to Hive Fund, Just Watch It.
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RE: Rewards going to Hive Fund, Just Watch It.

RE: Rewards going to Hive Fund, Just Watch It.

no cabe duda que taylor swift es una gran compositora y artista, al escuchara ufff! me encanta que opinas @jaguar.force ? donde estará el derecho de autor en esta publicación? porque no te pones a hacer tu trabajo como es y dejas de farmear el voto de @upmewhale, a ver si dejas de atacar a buenos autores y los votan para que todos puedan llevar el pan a su casa...! todo para ustedes? @hivewatchers anteriormente llamados @steemcleaners ??? y habiendo tantos buenos creadores de contenido como el pana @sevillaespino jajajajaj

QUE PENSARA @blocktrades de este caso? entonces en hive no apoyan a buenos autores de contenido originaaal, porque he visto muchos que se esfuerzan de verdad del habla hispana y ni @cervantes los apoya..

DEJEN ALGO PARA LOS BUENOS AUTORES .. les hago una lista de buenos autores? NO MEJOR NO PORQUE TAL VEZ LOS PERJUDIQUE PORQUE ahora TODAS LAS CUENTAS las vinculan supuestamente que yo las manejo por dios!!! ojala mi hermana @kcguillen2 SUBA un vídeo cantando a ver si la apoyan, la pobre cometió un error y @versatilelove? nunca le encontraron plagio a mi esposa..! HARÉ UN TUTORIAL DE COMO ESTAFAR EN HIVE

que tal @fundition?? dejaron de apoyar un buen proyecto de EDUCACIÓN Y curación como @emp2-00com QUE TODAVIA SIGUE CURANDO BUENOS AUTORES A PESAR DE TODO!!!

METANME EN 5 LISTAS NEGRAS MAS! ¡porque? porque le enseñe a muchas personas a crear contenido PERSONAS REALES! el unico que saco del paquete es a @appreciator este pana si hace un buen trabajo y todavía le quito el voto a mi esposa @versatilelove xD! LE ENCONTRARON EL PLAGIO?


TU QUE OPINAD DE ESTO HERMANO @thecallmedan tantos musicos subiendo videos en 3speka y ni 1 voto bueno le das a ellos


there's no doubt that taylor swift is a great composer and artist, when you listen ufff! i love that you think @jaguar.force ? where will be the copyright in this publication? because you don't start doing your work as it is and stop phonying the vote of @upmewhale, see if you stop attacking good authors and vote for them so that all can take home the bread...! all for you? @hivewatchers formerly called @steemcleaners ??? and having so many good content creators as the corduroy @sevillaespino jajajaj

WHAT WILL YOU THINK @blocktrades of this case? then in hive they don't support good authors of original content, because I have seen many who make a real effort of the Spanish language and not even @cervantes supports them.

LEAVE SOMETHING FOR THE GOOD AUTHORS .. I make you a list of good authors? NO BETTER NOT BECAUSE THAT PERJUXES THEM BECAUSE NOW ALL THE ACCOUNTS link them supposedly that I handle them for god!! ojala my sister @kcguillen2 SUBA a video singing to see if they support it, the poor thing made a mistake and @versatilelove? they never found plagiarism to my wife...! I'LL DO A TUTORIAL ON HOW TO SWINDLE AT HIVE

how about @fundition?? they stopped supporting a good EDUCATION AND HEALING project like @emp2-00com THAT IS STILL HEALING GOOD AUTHORS EVERYWHERE!

GET ME IN 5 MORE BLACK LISTS! because? because I taught a lot of people to create REAL PEOPLE content! the only one I take out of the package is @appreciator this corduroy if he does a good job and I still take away my wife's vote @versatilelove xD! DID YOU FIND THE PLAGIARISM?


YOUR VIEW OF THIS BROTHER @thecallmedan so many musicians uploading videos on 3speak and not even 1 good vote for them

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