PRP-LGBT Magazine 04 | Donate blood as a homosexual?


Hello dear Steemians and welcome to the fourth edition of the @PRP-LGBT Magazine!

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Table of Contents

  • Blood donation by homosexuals
  • LGBT in Jordan
  • Extra Curation?

Blood donation by homosexuals

Despite the recent success that since 1 October 2017 same-sex couples have also been officially allowed to marry and thus have been granted freedom of choice, it is very deceptive that non-homosexual people are now completely equal in Germany. Although "same sex merriage" is the right step in the right direction, homosexual people, for example, are still discriminated against blood donation.

For someone who has donated blood once in their life, whether homosexual or not, it would seem strange to be asked three times whether they are homosexual or bisexual.

But why?

It seems perplexed. In times of constantly increasing demand for blood donations and blood reserves, about 5-7% of Germans are denied the right to show solidarity and to donate blood - simply because of their sexuality. Everywhere in the headlines one hears that Germany needs more blood donors - and this every year anew, which is of course understandable, if one keeps in mind that despite preventive measures the University Hospital Münster alone still needs 60 preserves per day!
Yet, those who officially outed themselves as homosexuals in their blood donation service will not be used for further donations - they will be controlled and (no matter if it is clean) then discarded. [x][x][x]

Quelle: Pixabay

The reason is the justified fear of diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C or syphilis. Homosexuals represent an "increased risk group" and are therefore excluded from blood donation in principle. Even after the assassination in Orlando, homosexuals were not allowed to donate their blood to other homosexuals.[X][X]

Unfortunately, it is correct that gay men are the higher risk group, with an approximately 50-fold probability of HIV infection,[X] however, these dangerous diseases from which one rightly tries to protect oneself are by no means sexuality-oriented and heterosexual people can also transmit it very easily through man-to-woman contact. These viruses are equally deadly and dangerous regardless of sexuality and gender. For this reason, the blood is checked after each donation in every human being and an infection by blood donation is nowadays 1 in 4 million.[X]

When donating blood, you are obliged to state when you last had sexual intercourse - unprotected, with a partner you do not know, for example - and thus (voluntarily?) to disqualify. Someone who regularly goes to donate blood, usually, the factors that deny him the blood donation, and when it is advisable, for safety reasons, to postpone the date.

If we now allow homosexuals to donate blood, we can very strongly hope that they are no more or less responsible than their heterosexual fellow men - if not more so, because they are aware of their risk, one hopes.

Until a change occurs, the need for blood donation is likely to be higher.

Israel[X] and the USA[X] have relaxed their regulations. In Germany, too, homosexuals have been allowed to donate blood for a year now, if they live abstainingly for a year.[X]
This now seems to be a step in the right direction. The sceptical reader now sees this as a "test", so that one can show that now only responsible people donate blood. So homosexual people are actually nevertheless excluded, because let's be honest, who voluntarily renounces sexual intercourse for a whole year to go to the blood donation only 6 times per year at the most?

In contrast, the demand for bone marrow was particularly high, which is why donations were allowed here as early as the beginning of 2015.[X] However, there is also the danger that "homosexual", "prostituting" or "delinquent" bone marrow can continue to be rejected without justification at the doctor's request.

Discrimination on the basis of gender or sexuality is banned in the EU, but this is still silent discrimination against willing (homosexual) blood donors. In principle, the right to solidarity should not be denied to any non-heterosexual donor simply because he feels attracted to someone else. Similar to heterosexual people, it should be the case with everyone that the decision as to whether someone may donate is to be decided solely and exclusively in the individual case! We're already doing it, it shouldn't be too hard.

If you pass on HIV through blood donation, you are liable to prosecution.

Written by @Serylt

LGBT in Jordan

Quelle: Pixabay"

Jordan is an Arab state in the Middle East. The official language is therefore Arabic and the population is about 10 million people. Compared to the neighboring countries it is significantly safer in Jordan, since there is currently no war. Homosexuality has been legal there since 1951! Very unusual compared to other Arabic countries. However, this does not mean that it is accepted there in everydays life. Same sex marriage is not yet allowed there, yet Jordan has taken a step that many other countries should take. It is a foundation that is being created and must now be built upon.

In a survey in Jordan 1000 people were asked the question: "Should society accept homosexuality?" 97% answered "No".I find that sad to see again and again, but it's still not 100%, you have to count on it. But here you can see again that laws are not everything. Even if it's not illegal, it doesn't seem to be accepted and that makes life difficult.
Have you ever been to Jordan? What are your experiences concerning LGBT in Arab countries?
Thanks to @redpalestino for the tip with Jordan!

Extra Curation?

I honestly have no extraordinary post I would like to present today. But I want to use this place to make all readers or writers think: You don't have to identify with the LGBT community, you don't have to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender to deal with this topic. The article above about blood donation is a good example. This is partly politics/science, but still falls into the LGBT area, because it concerns homosexuals. So if you have an interesting topic, just write about it and use the tag #lgbt if it has something to do with it.

If you see a great LGBT post and you think it should be shown in the magazine, just post it in the comments or write me (@misomaniac) a message in discord. Or if you want to write a part of the magazine as @Serylt did, contact me! I am very grateful for any support!

Nevertheless a small shout-out to @ancapbarbie for her curation work with The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - IDAHO Edition!

How you could get featured:
Posts under the tag #lgbt will be upvoted, provided that they have quality. Quotes should be indicitated as such and sources of literature and images should be named.

The PRP-LGBT Account

Thanks to @naturicia and @carlgnash for the delegations! As soon as the change from SBD to Steem becomes lossless again, the income will be exchanged and powered up!

@prp-lgbt is primarily intended to curate and share contributions on all possible LGBT topics. At the moment there are not many LGBT related posts and I want to change that with this account. I want to reward people who deal with this topic and show others that you don't have to hide here on Steemit! Steemit is a wonderful platform and I want to spread even more love!

If you want to be part of the team, feel free to write me a DM on Discord!

Click on this Banner to get to the LGBT Discord!

The picture is self-drawn, so it belongs to me. (@misomaniac) You are welcome to include it in your posts but you must give credit to this account!(@prp-lgbt) The Page Dividers are from @javehimself so if you want to use them it would be nice if you credit him as well.

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