Life Mode: You Get What You Tolerate

Every year I get older I become more aware of how life works. Sometimes I wish I could have learned and/or implemented these things at much younger ages. However, we are ready for things when we are ready for them.

You get what you tolerate

This is a mantra that has become very evident to me in the past couple years. As someone that was a notorious people pleaser I tolerated alot. That has drastically changed in of late. Honestly, when you make this change for yourself (if it is needed) there are gonna be people in your life that don't love it. You will know longer be there ultimate resource or supporter if they don't deserve it.

Anyway, I digress.

Yeah, I don't deserve to be spoken to like that.

I'm wrapping up a weekend in Vegas. Came out to visit buddy of mine. While out here I met a girl who seemed like a bit of a ball buster, but she was sarcastic, pretty and energetic so we exchanged numbers and planned to meet the next night for dinner.

This girl's "sarcasm" from our initial meeting went up another level. She was demeaning, bossy, foul mouthed and then at one point verbally threatened me with violence (and mind you I wasn't even arguing with her from my end).

I can't even portray the actual experience through this post, but trust me it was next level crazy. Pretty sure I was told to shut up atleast a dozen times (and not in the playful valley girl shut up kinda way)

Anyway, we had met for a drink with my buddy before dinner. That is where the rudeness began and then by the time we peeled off for dinner is where it leveled up to dysfunction.

We had just ordered appetizers when she basically got to the point of verbally threatening me with violence cus of whatever crazy thing she was pissed off about that I didn't even say. It was like I was in a convo where I wasn't saying anything but somehow was in it. Wild!

Anyway, once the threats happened I got up, walked over the the server and said, I need you to close out the bill for the apps and her drink. Stood right there with him at the register, paid that bill.

Then proceeded to walk back over to the table. Told her, I'm a good man and I don't deserve to ever be spoken to like that. Enjoy the apps they are taken care off, have a good evening and I wish you all the best in the future"

I then walked the F out of the restaurant.

No more being Mr. nice guy.

Years ago, I would have sat through that whole dinner, continued to just deal with the verbal abuse and then found a way to polite never hang out with her again.

Forget that noise though. I literally knew this girl all off 3 hours and she was talking to me like I was in an abusive marriage with her. I'm still baffled.

Anyway, remember. They way you let people treat you is the way many of them will.

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