Make it simple


A few days ago, I talked about motivation and how it can help us to push ourselves to the extreme and I’ve seen people who are motivated in the gym showing up for a few days and lifting different hard weights, doing rigorous training,but at the end of the day they stopped coming Just because they can’t keep up with the kind of routine They have set for themselves. That’s why I mentioned in that post that motivation may not keep you. Sometimes you have to follow humans' biggest nature which is going for the simplest things and consistent with it. Human beings love simple things and our body and mind appreciate it.

If you are asked to choose between simple things and hard things what will you choose? For example, choose between a hard habit and a simple habit most people will choose a simple habit.Our brain is designed in a way to love simple things, things that are not difficult. Why we all struggle to be consistent is that we create a routine in such a way that we can’t keep up with it. Sometimes our routines are too difficult for us to be consistent with it. If you want to be consistent and you want to create a new habit, you must be able to create a routine that is simple enough for you to do even when you don’t feel like doing it and that is the secret of going from zero to a hundred.

Make it simple enough

Some people believe that going for easy things isn’t the way, but if you see someone consistent with a habit, they don’t start from it being too difficult. Everybody starts from somewhere that they can do repeatedly, for you to create a habit no matter how difficult it is, you must be able to break it down into a simple formula that you can keep up with and no matter what life throws at you or how you are feeling it must be simple enough for you to repeat the following day. If the habit you are trying to create is hard, you are likely not to continue to the end.

Why habits like watching YouTube videos,and scrolling on the Internet are so easy is because they take little to no effort, and if you’re not careful within days, it will turn into a habit. Creating a new habit is not difficult when you make it simple to the extent that it requires little to no effort and even when your brain is tired, you can still do it. It will not be difficult for you to do consistently.The main reason why some people are consistent with a hard habit is because they have broken it down and made it easy for them. Just that the word easy is not the same for everybody. What is easy for you might be difficult for another person.

Thanks for your time.

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