UPS Driver Seen Fainting On The Job Sparks Backlash

Recently a video went viral of a UPS driver who had been working in the extreme heat and it looks like he collapsed on the property of a customer out of exhaustion, before getting up to return to his vehicle and finish his shift.

The scene has caused a great deal of backlash for the company to which they responded that the driver was fine and that it doesn't make sense for them to have AC in their trucks because the drivers are making frequent stops.

Does making frequent stops mean AC isn't a good idea? There are a number of companies that have air conditioning in their trucks and cars even if those drivers are making frequent stops, so why can't UPS do something to improve their fleet rather than having drivers work in those harsh conditions? If those in charge of making such decisions had to spend a day or two working making deliveries all day in the heat then they might be a bit quicker to change things. This is a difficult job to begin with and it becomes incredibly more difficult when people need to work all day in the extreme heat.

Other competitors have already made the changes and brought in air conditioning for their drivers to deal with heat and dust while they do their job, what is taking UPS so long to make those same changes? Are they ever going to?


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