Pngme making loans look easy

We all have to admit that blockchain technology and crypto currency is the future ahead and the adoption has been brave, vast and quicker than any thought.

Blockchain technology first broke out with bitcoin about 11 years ago and ever since, we have experienced diverse improvements, changes and likewise broadened solution on almost every grounds in the world.

With Ripple, we have experienced blockchain in the banking sector, while the etherum blockchain brought about a smart contract solution that lets thousands of other projects establish their self in blockchain; and for example health solution blockchain platforms such as Farmatrust, Docademic, e.t.c were based on ETH and equally contributed their quota to the evolvement of everyone in the world towards blockchain and cryptocurrency.

To say the few, we know fully that bitcoin, litecoin etc the best platform to receive payment across several countries; and with such developments, it is shocking to find out that there are zero to none platform going for decentralization of the MSMEs market.

The MSME Market (micro, small, and medium enterprises) is a big world on its own because it involves several individuals who are into businesses and help grow the economy. This aspect of the economy is often faced with several trials, and challenges and to name a few:

  1. Inability to get loans to support the msme.

  2. Inability to evern get access to acquiring capital or start up finance.

  3. Extorts and excessive charges applied to loans.


Due to circumstances as mentioned above, is why some knowledgeable team with competence are launching the PNGME PLATFORM that aims to bridge the gap and fix the financial threats that affects MSMEs worldwide using blockchain technology.

What is PNGME?

PNGME is a decentralized etherum based mobile finance institution i.e a lending marketplace; that is created to support MSMEs and equally provide smart services such as lending msmes money, building a borderless payment for all msmes.

The PNGME platform is the first mobile finance ecosystem that links all msme with the coming markets with free access, low cost credit using blockchain technology.

On a short note, the pngme platform has both the lenders, the borrowers, and just the normal platform users which uses the application for borderless payments.

How does the platform works?

The PNGME mobile marketplace is using a hybrid blockchain stack that makes use of P-O-A in the etherum side-chain, IPFS, smart contracts, ERC-721 non fungible tokens and finally the USD-C stable coins for fiat settlements. The platform is equally secured with API, nodes, and a KYC/AML compliance back-end that secures that all pngme platform users are real.


Benefits to be derived from the PNGME includes:

  1. Pngme makes it easy for msmes to get lenders to borrow from, at a low fee and no ridiculous like time past. Also, the loan is not dependent on your credit score, which means no matter the level of your Credit score; you get a chance of a loan.

  2. Pngme helps lenders to determine the level they are exposed to risk and keeps them in check.

  3. If you get or want to get a loan within the platform, your collateral's could be traditional or digital assets which also lowers the risk of the borrower.

  4. The PNGME also provides a decentralized token (PNG COIN) which will be utilized on the PNGME marketplace:

  • the png coin helps give discounts to users on the platform,

  • you can buy a pngme membership using the pngme token,

  • the png coin will be used on the platform as transaction fees,

  • you get the opportunity to stake the png coin for better future rewards; staking starts from 6 months upward

  • pngme marketplace users can also earn png coin by referring their friends, using the marketplace as a savings account and finally by buying goods on the platform.

Screenshot (28).png


Ticker: PNG
Platform: ETH
Total Supply: 1,192,258,185 PNG

The functions of the pngme marketplace cannot be over emphasized and there is a need for you to even look further forward, understanding the core concepts of the platform for you, for me, for us and for every msmes that you know; spread the good vibes and remember to always DYOR as this is just my thoughts.

For further information; kindly look below:


Author: cytpoway121

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