I think I'll learn Japanese

I've just randomly decided this. My goal will be to understand anime and manga. I'm going to track my progress here on Steemit and share what things work for me. I'm going to try to apply the different learning techniques that I've been using to study Chinese just to see how well they actually work.

So, my specific goals:


  • learn Hiragana/Katakana
  • learn enough Kanji to read a newspaper
  • be able to read (children's) manga
  • be able to listen to and understand (children's/young adult) anime

I'm giving myself a timeline of one year to accomplish this totally arbitrary level of fluency that I've chosen. Of course, I don't know enough about the language to know if this is reasonable or even to be able to plan my time beyond the first week, but I guess we shall see. Keeping that in mind, I'll revisit my list of goals every week and re-adjust them when reality gets in the way.

I'm going to use the Genki text books that I've borrowed from a friend as my primary source material and I'm going to supplement the content in that by searching the Internet. I'm going to continue to study chinese while I do this, so it should be interesting.

I'll do at least one post a week with an update on my progress and any notes I've made. To avoid burnout, I'm only going to press hard with the text book for three out or four days a week. I am going to do writing practice pretty much every day, but that's just because I like to put pen to paper and make the ink flow. I have a fountain pen, and though it doesn't like when I anthropomorphize it, I'm pretty sure it does like to write letters in foreign script.

If anyone has any tips or anecdotes, please do share.

So, any bets on whether I even make it a week?

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