What You Do To The Least Of My Followers

Screen Capture of Call for Action in Lahaina

Screen Capture of a Message I received a short time ago

As more information becomes available about the attack on Lahaina, only those who are irredeemably lost will believe the "official story" spread about Maui. This is however not about the official story. This is about how to respond to the most heinous assault on Kanaka Maole - on the Hawai'ian people. For them, it is about bate survival. These are their islands. And they will remain that, as long as there are Hawai'ians left. Which explains why they are under attack and scheduled for extermination. Hawai'ians are pesky. They are in the way of converting the islands into one big tropical amusement park. Anybody that does not suffer from memory loss and can look back at how island life was forty years ago will be able to attest to that. Maui has always been a prime target for gentrification. Profits have been the determining factor since Linda Lingle gave the Maui Thatcher. Development for the sake of profits - not for the integrity of the Hawai'ian population. In so many ways, the Hawai'ian people shared the fate of the North American Natives. Their language was also forbidden. Their way of clothing themselves, their way of socializing, of eating - everything was scrutinized. In short, their way of life had to make room for the American Dream - for which you have to be asleep to believe it, as a famous stand up comedian once noted. The American way of live is not compatible with other ways of living. You could mention the "Quakers", who managed to not get absorbed into the malström of consumerism - which is at the heart of the American way of live. The fact, that the Hawai'ian islands have indeed been consumed since they were incorporated into the United States. Although, these in themselves are not so united any longer. No matter how well the few are doing - the many are going down the road into oblivion. And of the many it can be said, that they are living in deep denial about their not becoming as affected by these currents, as those whom they can easily observe sliding down the stairs that once elevated them intotye middle class.

There have always been what is termed "white Hawai'ians" - collaborators of the unhealthy way of life that enabled them to park two or more large pick up trucks in front of packed garages. Krishnamurti famously said that "it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" and I explored this realization many years ago. It led to the understanding that this notion of his lacked the other part of the profoundly sick society. Those who are unwilling to adjust themselves to the profoundly sick society are not healthy either. This was clearly visible during the years on the Big Island. Both versions of Hawai'ians - the well adjusted and the not adjusted - were suffering one way or another from a way of life that was not their own. Did not reflect their culture and identity. The largest number of Hawai'ians worked for the State of Hawai'i, that had nothing to do with their ancestry. It did however provide a decent middle class life style. Thusly, few Hawai'ians bit the hand that fed them. Something of a "natural" behavior of sorts. It brings with it unfortunately the watering down of the original integrity, also called "Mana" in Hawai'i. Mana was traded for relative well being and doing. The issue at hand though is the emptying of that vessel containing Mana, as it does not replenish itself without actively seeking to improve the lives of others. That's how it gets refilled.

In this regard, the attack on Lahaina is the result of aquiesence to a life style that has at its core the "return of investment". That is of course not all to it. A Hawai'ian friend on the Big Island kept reiterating at any fitting moment that "money talks - bullshit walks" and I was never able to relay the inherent irony this notion. Because what happened on Maui is money not only talking, but acting in pure self-interest, while those who walk are bullshitted and ultimately paid with their lives for not being part of the soulless accumulation of wealth - derived from those who have no aspirations to become a millionaire, or eveb billionaire. In order to turn into one of those, one has needs a good portion of psychopathy. But psychopathy is antagonistic to Mana - to everything the Hawai'ian culture represents. "Aloha" is not just a slogan by the tourism industry. The exchange of breath is the most intimate relationship with another being. We are all breathing the same air - even the psychopaths have their
share. What is called "Aloha Spirit" cannot be acquired with money. It cannot be build like mansions on a Pacific shoreline. That's where one won't find it. Today, Aloha Spirit is with those at the receiving end of the stick in Lahaina. Those who were scheduled for extermination. And to those, who might find this assessment outrageous, I am asking what they think a psychopath considers to be a valuable life. The thousands of young Ukrainian and Russian lives sacrificed in a proxy war mean absolutely nothing to the psychopaths that are the shareholders of the military industrial complex. Absolutely nothing. Not there, or in Syria, in Afghanistan, in Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea and so forth. Millions had to die in these instigated wars. Millions are dying today for the profits of psychopaths that celebrate themselves as benevolent billionaires. The only way to get a stretch of tropical Pacific shoreline - is to remove those who don't want to sell it. People have already forgotten the Leilani eruption that incinerated over 900 structures - mostly of Hawai'ian ancestry, but even those who were not, they were and still ate in the way of turning the South of Puna into a rare earth mining venture with all consequences. Way too many events of this kind show the same handwriting. The handwriting of psychopaths that are incapable of empathy and compassion.

Which has become sorely obvious in Lahaina - were not all dead bodies have been recovered and those who want to buy the scorched land are already calling the owners of that kand - if they are still alive. There is no limitation to this degeneracy, no shame, not an iota of decency. This is the moment where Hawai'ians will stand up. For way too long they have for one reason or another refrained from going berserk. This time, Aloha must be reserved to those capable of returning it. It can no longer be cast like pearls before the swines. The people behind this attack by various means are undeserving of Aloha. Instead, now is the time to bring back Aloha in its pure essence and form. There shall be no "rebuilding" of Lahaina Klaus Schwab style, or Bill Gates' way, Zuckerberg, Winfrey et al. Their properties must be returned and become part of a land reform. A land reform based on the principles of Queen Lili'uakalani. Maui must be build backwards - back to its origins. Before the psychopathic sugar barons took over. And in a proof of "climate change" being a fake, a scam to expropriate the many that own valuable land and resources, Maui shall be the first island that goes fully analog again. No more smart-whatever. No more cell phone towers, no more plastic cards, or plastic anything. No more CCTV's, no more fake "to protect and to serve" police force. No more military installations. No more desecration of sacred mountains. No more high rise buildings, super stores with endless paved parking spaces. A true, sustainable tourist location with public transportation. Only accessible by ships that use Flettner rotors and sails. Reforestation and organic agriculture. Making "Slow Down - This Ain't The Mainland" a guiding principle. A ban on toxic chemicals and prohibition of aerosolized spraying into the atmosphere. A ban on corporate architecture. To namebut a few topics.

This way, there will be lots of good work - not only in rebuilding Lahaina to its original specifications, but also in the demolition of tourist resorts that have been eye sores for way too long. Sustainable tourism requires sustainable buildings. Once people get the idea how much better life on the Valley Isle will be - if "Analog Maui" becomes a reality, there will be ample support and innovation. The many victims of the heinous attack by various means on West Maui shall not have vanished in vain. To honor and to celebrate their lives, all people onMaui must come together and change course dramatically. There can be no other way - as the other ways will ultimately lead into the same ruin Schwab et al have in store for the useless eaters.

And yes, I am determined to live up to what I propose. I will be there every inch of the way - whence I am able to return to Hawai'i, leaving this involuntary exile behind. And to those, who will argue that it can't be done, I like to point again to the nature of psychopathy - it cannot and will never end well.

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