The thing I'm most grateful for in this life// Ladies of Hive Community Contest #64

Dear Mom,
The Buddha taught: "Children come to their parents in this life because there are four kinds of karma conditions: one is for gratitude; two is for debt collection; three is to repay the debt; and four is for revenge."
I came to you and Dad because of our predestined relationship in a previous life, but I did not come to take revenge or collect a debt because no matter how much you owed me previously, it is not as much as I owe you a life in this life.


Every day, I look in the mirror and always feel lucky to be granted by you a healthy body and a clear mind so that I can live a healthy and normal life. I feel happy to be your daughter and to live in your warm love. I admire a brave mother who has set up a career for us, quietly living and working alone. I respect a father who always sacrifices silently for us and works tirelessly. Twenty years of living in your arms is a priceless time in my life, a time when I'm so happy.

In the past few days, when I watched the news, I couldn't help but be shocked when I read the news that an 8-year-old girl was abused to death by her stepmother. Her parents just divorced, the court ruled that she lived with her father, thinking that life with her would be happier and prosperous than living with her mother, but no one expected that she would fall into hell.
She was beaten every day by the lover her father had just met. Every day she had to live in fear, and her life had to end at a too young and green age. She doesn't know what life is yet and how the color of this world is yet.
Through that little girl's story, I realized how lucky I was to be born into a happy family, loved and pampered by parents, and to have lived a peaceful life.


I now have a family of my own, have many concerns of my own, and can no longer be with my parents early in the afternoon. But you still give me the same love as you did when I was young. You are still very concerned and worried about me. I am grateful and happy. Only blame the child's youth for being too bubbly and thinking too shallow. I didn't know what to do to please you, to repay you for what you have done for me. The thing I'd like most right now is to have enough conditions to give a better life for you and Dad, but I can't do it yet.


Someone asked: "Would you trade 10 years of life for wealth and fame?"
I thought, OK, maybe I don't need fame, but I need riches. I need a large amount of money as quickly as possible to completely cure your disease, the disease that has tormented you for many years. Every day you have to take medicine to control the virus. And I need a large amount of money as quickly as possible to give you and Dad the best life in the future. But come to think of it, a dream without a foundation is also just a fantasy. Even with a lot of money, your disease can't be completely cured.


Now, there's the question that: "What are you most grateful for right now?"
And I want to say it out loud: the thing I'm most grateful for in this life is being your daughter. I'm so happy to have been born and raised in your arms. And I'm grateful that right now you're still in my life.

Every moment I exist in this world, I always think about you. Although I can't give you a villa to live in, can't give you a luxury trip, but I will always give you my greatest love. Being with you, hearing your voice, and having the opportunity to worry and care for you and Dad is something that I feel extremely grateful for.


If there is a next life, I still vow to be your child, to repay the favor, to make up for it, and to repair what I haven't been able to do for you in this life.
I hope that you and Dad will live a long time with me so that I can see that my life still has meaning. May you always be healthy and happy! I'm so grateful to both of you!

I love you and Dad so much!

To be my parents' daughter, and still have the opportunity to take care of them are the things that I am most grateful for right now. This is my entry for this week's topic, created by @kaerpediem. There are a few pictures in the post that I took from my mom's Facebook. I'd like to invite @thu172 to join me in this contest. Thank you for reading my post and have a great weekend.

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