Sometime in July 2019 I took my kids to Spar to pick up a few night time snacks. I treated them to some Coca Cola, Haribo and two multi packs of Hula Hoops.

When I got back home I decided to have a packet of ready salted Hula Hoops for myself. I began to eat the packet next thing I know I am chewing a brick (or something hard) that was in the pack and my back tooth was broke in half, I spat the mouthful out on to the floor in my flat and quickly cleaned up throwing the mouthful of chewed food and rock solid objects in to the bin.

I quickly phone the KP hotline that is displayed on the packet, it was a Friday night so the office was closed. I found an emergency number but upon calling this number I ended up speaking to a man that seemed to have no idea what was going on.

I decided the best thing I could do is call them Monday. I called KP Monday and spoke to a lady that work for the consumer care department of KP called Emily. She asked for photographs of the object and a photo of the packet, I have neither but I still have the big packet my packet came in. I explain this and she asks for a photograph of the multi pack.

I send her a photograph of the bar code like she asked for she tells me she will be in touch. The next thing I know I get a £3 voucher come through my door. I take this as an insult my kids could have ended up eating that packet which I explain on the phone.

KP inform me I need to have a day off work (not easy) and pay a dentist for a check up, give the dentist a questionnaire about my tooth injury and my general oral hygiene to fill and then they will consider a coarse of action.

I still have not got round to going to dentist as I have been very busy at work and it seems to me that KP are deliberately putting obstacles in the way to buy time and be awkward. A number of times KP had supposed to be calling me back, in the end I end up having to call them.

They were completely dismissive and pretty much assumed I was lying and simply after a false claim.

This weekend I was shopping and I notice a headline about KP snacks and their Hula Hoop factory. The story exposes the grime of the factory and claims a greasy goo mixture of cooking fat and dust covers the factory and the factory is rarely cleaned.

After reading the story I contact KP again explaining I want money to fix my broke (in half) back tooth, they again ask for the foreign object as if they have completely forgot who I am. I believe they are finding LOADS of foreign objects in their food and KP snacks consumer care are arrogant, pisstakers. their job seems to be to be awkward and distract!

The same disgusting factory also make Hula Hoops alternatives for M and S, Aldi and other supermarket chains!

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