TOP 10 of SPLINTERLANDS CURIOSITIES! Did you already know them? | @samueldc

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Did you know ...? No, you don't know everything haha, here you'll find out more.


HELLO! I was a great time wasted, but now I'm back for the @splinterlands game, how was this end of the season? To celebrate this new phase of 15 days I have analyzed and found 10 curiosities of the largest trading card game in the Blockchain @SPLINTERLANDS.


1) POTIONS IN REWARDS CARDS: One of the many strategies to get good cards, is to buy Golden or Legendary potions, this makes the rate of capture of this type of cards increase.

However, there are accounts that have certain options disabled that do not allow them to use these potions in daily rewards or at the end of the season. To see this, we enter our Splinterlands account, press our user, go to Settings and this window will appear:

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You must have the option in yellow deactivated, and now yes, to use all those potions at the end of the season or in the daily rewards, and luck, so that you get a legendary gold!

2) SEE BATTLES AND LETTERS FROM OTHERS: If you are one of the gossipers, of those who like to see the battles of their friends and know how much they have advanced, then let me tell you that you can, without having to have your publication key to Enter the owner's account and review.

If you want to see his last battles you go to Battle and in the next box you put the username of the player you want to see:

And ready! All the battles he had will be loaded.

The same goes for your cards. You go to CARDS , and there you put the name of the player you want to see his card package:

TARAN! You will see all his cards.

3) BATTLE PLAYBACK: If you didn't know it, you can play your favorite battle as many times as you want, but if you already knew it, well I also inform you that you can share them with a link with all your friends who love @splinterlands. You can do it as follows:


Now, to share your best battles.

4) FILTER FOR GOLDEN LETTERS: Are you like me, an inveterate collector and have collected many gold cards? Surely you see them every hour that passes because you love watching them shine. In order to have them all together and see how many you have and at what level, you can activate the following filter. You enter "CARDS", and then select this:

Remember, just the gold card filter and you can see them all together.

5)DEC BONUS: While it is true that in each battle you earn a percentage of DEC, it is also true that you can earn much more for certain reasons. If you play with Promo, Alpha or Gold cards, you will receive an extra percentage in DEC. So if you have these types of card editions, don't hesitate to use them in battle.

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6) SPANISH VERSION: In the beginning, the game had English as its native language, as time went by it was updated and added new languages ​​until finally the long-awaited one was introduced: Spanish. To activate it, it is located right on the right side of your user, you display that bar and there you will get all the available translation languages.

7) RECOVERY OF CAPTURE RATE (DEC): Every time you do a battle, whether you win or lose, 2 points will be taken from the DEC capture rate. That is, we start with 100% and with each battle we are decreasing from 2 in 2. What is the matter with this? That the percentage we receive in DEC is less.


If at 100% DEC uptake, we usually win 10,000 thousand DEC per battle, 90% would be 9,000 thousand, 80% about 8,000 thousand and so... Ideally, your uptake does not fall below 75%, because that every day this regenerates 25% every 24 hours.

8) SEE THE BATTLES OF THE OTHER: If you are new to the game you may not have heard or not applied, the strategy to predict the battle. When we search and find an opponent in classification, we get this window:

But then, you can see this little window:

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So you can see until the last 5 battles that your enemy has had, how many and what monster he used and at what level he has them. This gives you the information necessary to know what Splinter could use and with what other you could fight it and win.


9) SKIN SHOP: Yes, the so empty and almost never visited and bought Splinterlands fur store exists. To do this you go to SHOP, then to SKINS and there you can see all the skins of all splinters with different prices that you can buy with DEC.

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And of course, you decide if you want to buy a new skin or keep the default one. However, if you buy it, you can alternate these two whenever you want. They are not permanent.

Until recently a user of Steemit @gatolector, published a very interesting post, in which he tells us a proposal addressed to the fur store that would benefit many digital artists. If you like to read it, here it is:

¿GELATINOUS CUBE y EL PRÍNCIPE JULIAN? ¿Una tienda de Pieles para Artistas de SPLINTERLANDS? | @gatolector

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10) CHANGE MISSION: (Read as basic propaganda) Tired of losing and losing with a Splinter? Do you want to win to complete your daily quest and can't? Well, I have the solution! With "New Mission", you can change it and get another splinter that may be stronger to finish the mission of the day.

And yes, many will know, but I was recently surprised to discover it myself. I had always been there, but I had never stopped to read what he said and what it was for. You can change it here:

Keep in mind that the new Splinter that you will have as a mission will be completely random. So think if you need it!


And now we go with ... oh! We are done with the 10 curiosities.

I still think I could draw about 10 more curiosities, but it would make this much longer than it already is. Tell me, did you know any of these things? Did your day to day change in @splinterlands? I hope that two languages ​​in the same post are not overwhelming!


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