How I Can Help Others With 700SP!

Congratulations @karensuestudios for reaching such a milestone! I could only imagine how it would feel like to one day reach such a milestone myself and perhaps organize a giveaway contest like yours. :)

Let me first introduce myself. I'm Caleb and I and a music educator by day and performer by night. I am the founder of a growing community on Steemit called #steem-music and we have collaborated with a number of communities both on Steemit such as #steem-cartoon and #teammalaysia, and locally in Malaysia as well, such as Small Changes.

How #steem-music came about was the experience of struggling as a minnow on this platform. I had friends on the platform but most of us were low on SP so at times it was disheartening. I’ve also seen many that have their initial passion die down due to too many undervalued posts. By having a community which shares a common interest and goal, it would be easier to move forward together. So far it has slowly gained traction on this platform as the tag helps musicians’ posts gain visibility and in turn, get rewarded.

As a community, #steem-music has continuously looked for opportunities to share with others what Steemit is all about. Here are some of the recent promotional events that we've conducted and collaborated with:


A roadshow that we conducted at a local university - University Sultan Idris to share with a group of student musicians about Steemit.


Gigs conducted every fortnightly which includes collaborations with a local NGO called Small Changes which focuses on providing a good education for students in rural areas and #teammalaysiababes, which is led by @angiechin28.


A Musicians On The Blockchain community workshop that we did together with @djlethalskillz - the official ambassador of @musicoin, @bitrocker2020 - big brother of #teammalaysia and @vandigital from #hiphoptheblockchain.



We also work closely with an amazing community filled with talented artists called #steem-cartoon, with @sireh being the founder and @perennial being the co-founder. This was a recent event that they joined with #teammalaysiababes.

Steemit itself has ben life changing for me and I would love to bring in my musician friends to the platform. At times I struggle to convince them due to my low SP and payout but I believe in the ling term future of this platform. With the monitoring of the #steem-music tag, I’ve also noticed many good musicians from around the world that deserve so much more! I do hope with the extra delegation, I can help both the #steem-music community and beyond, to encourage authors to consistently create good content! :)

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