頑張れ、カフェ店員さん( ^ω^ )! Go for it, cafe clerk

今日はまたまた近くのカフェまで、お母さんを連れてブランチに出かけて参りました( ^ω^ )


いつもポイントが1000ポイントを超えたあたりでお会計から引いてもらってるよ( ^ω^ )

今日はそのポイントカードがちょうど1000ポイントを超えたから、「今日はポイント使ってお会計しようー( ^ω^ )」って思ってたのね。


たくさんお客さんも並んでたし、大丈夫かな?と思いながら見てて、ついに私の順番( ^ω^ )お会計の時に「このカード貯まってるので、引いてもらってもいいですか?」って聞いたら、


たぶん今までやったことナイっぽくて、「あ、やっぱりいいです!ここは頻繁に来てるので、また次に引いてもらいますね( ^ω^ )♪忙しい時にややこしいこと言ってごめんなさい」って言ったのね。



あの女の子、早く職場に慣れたらいいなぁ( ˘ω˘ )カフェ店員なんて、オシャレでステキだと思うよー( ^ω^ )♪

Today I went to a branch with my mom until the cafe nearby again (^ ω ^) 


It's my favorite place when going all the way ♪ There's something like a point card in the cafe there, and the points are accumulated every time I go. 


I always have you withdrawing from your account when points exceed 1000 points (^ ω ^) 


Today the point card exceeds just over 1000 points, so I thought, "Today I will use points and accounting (^ ω ^) ". 


After finishing eating, I am on line with my account. Then the girl at the cash register paid off a newcomer and he was in a state of panic. 


Many customers are lined up, is it okay? While watching while thinking, finally in my order (^ ω ^) At the time of treasurer, "Since this card is stored, can you please ask me to draw? 


"!? ... Yeah So you draw a point worth ... Um, er ... (; '· ω ·)" I, out the paper from the pocket in a hurry terribly (Note Rashiki ones), are you looking so hard Right. 


Perhaps what I did until now is nai, "Oh, it's okay! Because I come here frequently, I will get it again next time (^ ω ^) ♪ I'm sorry to say complicated things when I am busy" I told you. 


Then, "Wow! I do not care ... ... I'm really sorry ... I will remember the absolute way by next ... ( ' ; ω ;`) !! "Because it says too low backwards, Sorry to bother you ( ' ; ω ; `) 


It is a cafe where customers are always full and busy, so I guess they used to care about asking seniors .... It is hard working when you are not used to working. 


That girl, I wish I could get used to work early ( ω ω ) I think that a cafe clerk is fashionable and wonderful (^ ω ^) ♪ 



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