Hello, everyone!
It is cold here in Japan. I heard it is cold even in Florida. Please take care of yourself not to get sick.
I made dinner tonight for my family. Today's menu was Kanitama which literally means crab and eggs. It is like omelet with crab. Yesterday, my sister told me we had many eggs in the fridge so I thought I would make Kanitama!
I will share my recipe.
*Serving for 4 (4人前)
Eggs(卵)---------------------------------- 8
Crab meat (かに)---------------------- 2 packs
Onion(玉ねぎ)------------------------- 1
Carrot(にんじん)---------------------- 1
Shiitake mushroom(しいたけ)--- 5
Cloud ear mushroom(きくらげ)- one hand full(一握り)
Spring onion(ねぎ)------------------- 2
Dried small shrimp(乾燥えび)---- one hand full(一握り)
Salt(塩)------------------------------------ a touch(少々)
Pepper(胡椒)---------------------------- a touch(少々)
Chicken stock(鶏がらスープ)----- 3 tsp
Sesame oil(ごま油)-------------------- 2 tsp
Soy sauce (醤油)----------------------- 2 tsp
Rice vinegar(米酢)-------------------- 2 tsp
Sugar(砂糖)------------------------------ 2 tsp
Water(水)--------------------------------- 200 cc
Ginger(しょうが)----------------------- as your taste(お好みで)
Shimaji mushroom(しめじ)-------- a half pack(半パック)
Starch(片栗粉)-------------------------- 1 tbs
Put all the ingredients (except starch) for the sauce in a pot and cook until the mushroom is cooked.
片栗粉以外のソースの材料を鍋に入れてしめじが煮えるまで煮ます。Mix the starch and 1 tsp of water in a cap and pour it into the pot.
片栗粉を大さじ1の水と混ぜて1の鍋に入れます。Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and set it aside while you cook omelet.
すべての材料をよく混ぜて、かに玉を作っている間置いておきます。Cut spring onions into small pieces.
Cut all the vegetables (except spring onion) and mushrooms into strips.
Stir fry the vegetables and mushrooms with salt and pepper until everything is cooked.
Put the fried vegetables and mushrooms in a plate and let it cool.
炒めた野菜ときのこ類をお皿に移して冷まします。When the 6. above is cooled, transfer it into a large bowl.
上記の6が冷めたら大きいボールに移します。Take crab meat into peaces and out it into the bowl.
かにの身をほぐしてボールに入れます。Add dried shrimp, chicken stock and eggs into the bowl.
Mix all together thoroughly.
Fry rhe egg mix into a round shape until eggs are cooked.
卵の液を丸くなるように焼きます。Put the omelet on rice in a bowl.
Lastly, pour the sauce on top of the omelet and garnish with spring onions.
- Apologies for my poor cooking skills and photo-taking skills.
We should have a lot of vegetables and stay healthy especially this season!
I hope you give it a try with my recipe.