
They want you to lose touch with your intuition. Globalists plan to control you with apps and lights via the fear of annual viruses. Are essential services immune to the virus or can essential services spread the virus as well? If so, shouldn't we shut down essential services as well? Why would we keep essential services open? Isn't everything essential? Are our lives essential? Is anything that helps us stay alive essential?

June of 2010 - Month in Review - 2010-06
Charlotte Battle - July of 2010 - Month in Review - 2010-07
2010 Western Youth Institute (WYI)
The DCeric Show
Facebook Banned Me
Bell Ringer - November of 2010
Blake Webb Died. Redwood Glen
Vitamin D Receptor Activation in Liver Macrophages

June of 2010

04:38 PM - June of 2010 - Month in Review - 2010-06

I became a soldier on Sunday, the 6th of June of 2010. Amtrak pulled me over to Redwood Glen on Monday so I could be a Relief Counselor and program staff. So, I would perform alongside other staff in our nightly campfire skits which was my favorite thing that summer.

My Autobiography

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01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12

2020-03-26 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-03-26 - Thursday

Screenshot at 2020-03-26 07:59:17.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in March of 2020

Contact Me

Bitchute | Brighteon | Cointr.ee | Discord | Dissenter | Facebook | Gab | Hive | Minds | PeakD | Read Cash | Steemit | Telegram | Twitter | Uptrennd | YouTube
Longer List of some of my Social Networks


Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.


09:00 PM - 05:00 AM
8 hours

05:10 AM - In my dream, I was in the trailer I grew up in. I hear the doorbell and checked. I walked outside and looked down the road, both ways. To my shock, a ghost town. Back inside, I see my mom walking towards me from the back master bedroom. She is wondering who was at the door. The house was as empty as it has been during the 2010's during the reign of dad. I remember even looking outside on the roof and still nobody. Do I hear everything? Am I hard of hearing? No. Just distracted with thoughts and many things at times. I don't always respond or react as I am busy doing things and I don't always know what things mean. I don't always know how to interprete code, slang, folklore.

Got up. Turned on my laptop. Maintenance. Dried fruits.


05:29 AM - Keiser Report | Healthcare = 18% of GDP & yet no masks? | E1519

Asian countries rebound from COVID due to their accumulated resisliency.


05:50 AM - Charles Murray on Coming Apart

Social Capital describes the workers that makes up capitalism in an economy.

May of 2010 - Blake Webb Died

06:43 AM - May of 2010 - Month in Review - 2010-05

Blake Webb died on Sunday, the 2nd of May of 2010. I felt guilty as I was staying the night at his house and found him dead on his bed. So, I was beating myself up a bit for not coming to his room sooner. Sunday was the last day of the 13th Annual Doris Verbout Salvationist Basketball Tournament which was hosted at the Moore Street Corps.

Blake Webb & Friends 43604300_10156640640858766_5982449003021729792_n.jpg


Us kids and young adults were a bit sad and some of us ended up having a slumber party with the Campbell family in Portland, OR. Our party didn't last just one day but instead went on to June. We saw Robin Hood. We played a bunch of Mario and Donkey Kong on the Nintendo Wii.


In honor of Blake Webb being promoted to glory, I took the membership course and became a Salvation Army soldier early in June of 2010.

Facebook History


06:43 AM - Richard Epstein Enriches Us with His Ideas on Inequality, Taxes, Politics, and Health Care

When you have to hire minorities, it makes it tougher to fire them which then makes it tougher to hire them and it is tougher for them to go up the ladder to make more and more money.

Same thing with unions and other things.

Regulations, laws, taxes, code, red tape, etc, can and has messed things up in a variety of ways as I've mentioned above for example.

Salvation Army Way Back

06:54 AM - Hive

Hey thanks. Yeah, The Salvation Army helped us as a family in the 1990's with food boxes at times and with toys for Christmas a few different years I think. So, we go way back.


2020-03-26 - Thursday - 07:18 AM - 08:16 AM - Picard 110

Eye Scan Door Openers

Robot tries dehumanizing Picard by saying androids do not have choices like women didn't have the right to vote.

The problem comes when you try to put down one to put up the other, you end up putting both down and out of sync.

Sister asked his brother if he killed or fucked any of the people on the Borg cube after hugging him in a way that may imply she wants to fuck him as Porn Hub wants us all to do as they seek to destroy civilization. Porn Hub destroys local communities and especially families by putting down marriage. When you put down one, you also put down the other.

Girl doctor says she is not their mother, bastard robots.

Prophesy reminds me of something mentioned in The Vikings




Break in the sky

The Destroyer

She says to Picard, "Make it so."

Hey, that is what I say.

Picard was the pilot.

Picard has been a pilot many times.

So, it is not like he would not know how to drive a spaceship.

He would be an expert.

But in this show, he struggles.


Seven fights the chick lady

200 War Birds

Riker comes with many Federation ships

Riker says he has the best ship

Picard begins to die as many predicted he would

Picard prays to the bestest girl ever and I don't mean Rey

Riker to Picard: "Am I supposed to make pizza in the woods while you have all the fun?"

Data said that mortality gives life meaning and an eternal butterfly that never dies is no butterfly at all but that is not true. We die but we should not die but should die in the sense that we have choices that lead to death and we need help.

Picard is 94 years old.

They brought Picard back.

They could have made him immortal but did not.

Living longer is not bad.

But on television, they say it is.


Rounded with a sleep

They kill off Data

Data made Picard promise he would kill him

That is murder

But they normalize murder

Sojee is a woman too

And she is a robot

But she gets to live

Seven joins the crew

Picard smirks, "Engage!"

They fly off to the next adventure.

Sleep. I see something and then try to save it. I try to write it down and publish it but then realize I am still dreaming, still sleeping. But sometimes, I try to send it to the computer with my mind. I sometimes know I am sleeping but still try to save the dream and the ideas and everything.


09:40 AM - 3/26/20 alex jones info wars

Anybody can die

Constitution vs Lockdown

09:45 AM - Facebook

Uli Brambila, Is that in the constitution?

Are essential services immune to the virus or can essential services spread the virus as well? If so, shouldn't we shut down essential services as well? Why would we keep essential services open? Isn't everything essential? Are our lives essential? Is anything that helps us stay alive essential?


09:54 AM - Facebook | Hive

Are essential services immune to the virus or can essential services spread the virus as well? If so, shouldn't we shut down essential services as well? Why would we keep essential services open? Isn't everything essential? Are our lives essential? Is anything that helps us stay alive essential?

Jeff Holmes: "Joey Arnold, you sound like a little bitch. Go hide in your refrigerator." Karey Thornton liked this.

I replied

Isn't that what a lockdown is? Hiding? Didn't 80K die last year due to the flu? Why didn't we shut everything down for that?

Drew P Weiner wrote: "70k people died and in 3.5 months covid-19 had killed 40k can you math?"

Jeff Holmes: "Joey Arnold, you are being manipulated by the government and the news.
This is going to be no worse then any other year for flu deaths. All a big government plan to see if they can control the people.
If you have any guns or weapons, I suggest you give them to me before the powers that be catch you with them."

Jeff Holmes: "Drew P Weiner, you are weak. Can you math?"
Drew P Weiner: I wasn't talking to you fucking pussy
Drew P Weiner: Go fuck yourself

Violating Privacy

10:02 AM - Facebook

Some of the personal information is already acquired via Facebook, Google, etc, online, indirectly. They have been collecting private personal messages. They try to collect email messages, etc. So, this is a telnet version of what has been happening on the world wide web in a variety of ways according to people like Edward Snowden.

Home School

10:15 AM - Hive

Every kid is homeschooled until kindergarten or preschool lol and for me until high school.

It is hard and it is fundamentally very vital.

But each kid should go at his or her own pace and only when they are ready.

That is one of the hardest parts.

As people will try to tell you what that pace has to be.

And education should be customized as much as possible like vocational training to help individuals go off to work. But too often, main stream education tries to stop individuals from specializing towards specific careers.

We can talk about public education.

Depends on what public education means as it is a compound of several different elements working together, including the funding aspect, the curriculum, what is taught, the teachers, how it is taught, why it is taught, who is taught, who is NOT taught, when they are taught, where they are taught, how long they are taught, how much they are taught, and more importantly, specifically speaking, what is NOT taught.

Curing COVID

10:34 AM - Twitter

Colloidal Silver Natural Remedies


Is 666 seen as good luck in China and to Chinese?

Talk about an upside-down cross.

Some Christians say one world government is coming.

The problem is that we should offer hope.

And these Christians are not giving hope.

That does not motivate me to help people.

If you want to give people hope, encourage them towards a brighter future.

Otherwise, you paralyze them.

There may be hope.

I will die trying to help people.

To vegetarians I say, "Are plants not alive? Do not eat animals but what about plants?"

80,000 people died of the flu in the U.S. in 2019. Did we shut everything down for that?

Zinc helps our body

Owen Shroyer was riding around in a moped last night.

A police in a paddy wagon came and kept on parroting, "Lockdown, quack, lockdown."

But you can still walk around.

You can still drive around.

They lie and say you cannot but you can.

Talking The Flu

11:03 AM - Facebook

80,000 people died of the flu in the U.S. in 2019. Did we shut everything down for that?

Isaak Mtizwa wrote: "When you're thinking corona is like the normal flu u didn't get it... especially when u living in the us you shouldn't belive in fake news, it will hurt the civilisation even harder. You think its a big game? I pray for you."

Did I say COVID? I am not talking about COVID.

Isaak: what else then are you comparing?

Isaak Mtizwa I am trying to tell you about a book named Nineteen Eighty Four. I want to tell you all about this book. I am talking about a book.

Isaak responded with a link to a book, Wuhan 400.

Isaak Mtizwa, did you read my book? I am not talking about Wuhan 400 of 1981. I am talking about other things. Also, too many people have compromised immune systems. Eat more garlic. Eat more oranges. Google natural remedies to improve health.

Alex Jones

11:12 AM

Alex interviewed David Icke

Copy Left

Copy Right Free

Creative Commons

Open Source

My stuff too

In England, cannot gathering in groups bigger than two people, unless if they your immediate family that you are living with.

Horses Lockdown

11:23 AM - Facebook | Hive

If your horse is tired, do you lock the horse down and blame the ground? Too many are like a tired horse with compromised immune systems. Google natural remedies.


Can you post GIFs here? Maybe so.

Yes according to this post, @Shrazi, as I can see this girl draw this Star Wars C3PO and art is a non-moving GIF: @adelepazani/illustration-c-3po-and-hive-logo

Neoxian appears to be a general community that is focused on good content and GIFs are visually stimulating. The only thing I don't know is if they prefer that you include a minimum amount of text in your posts for that group. Many groups do ask for at least a paragraph or more, minus Instagram style Hives or communities.

They're trying to monopolize work so that you have to do everything they say or else.

They try to make you demand for your own prison cell.


I sprayed gardens and bushes and trees with fish fertilizer.

Dishes. Trash. Recycling. Soup. Tomatoes. Noodles.

Do we trust centralized aspects of the Internet?

I wonder if HTTPS is good or not.

Do you trust HTTPS, the system itself?

Do we trust the SSL certificate system?

I try to trust me, my intuition.

I agree that SSL and HTTPS is the best as far as I know, for most things.

Well said, Dan

Internet is like skating. They should have a sign that says, "Skate at your own risk." Surf the Internet at your own risk. Better, Internet might be a road. But if a website has no SSL certificate, then that might be a city with no paved road. But it is possible to get a jeep, a rover, a four-wheel drive truck for going off-road and off-certificate via maybe Ubuntu and other things to do perhaps peer to peer mesh networking Internet and/or other things.

Alex Jones

01:20 PM

They want you to lose touch with your intuition.

What did Bill Gates and Lord Greta say about old people?

Grandma Matrix

01:36 PM - Hive

As the economy goes down, then people will say this only happened because we were trying to protect the old people and that we should have simply ended their lives in the first place. Before July of 2020, the blame game towards the elderly as the cause of the problem will especially accelerate. As I've said in 2018 and as others have said before, they will be persuading grandma to upload her consciousness into the Matrix.

Mommy Government

01:50 PM - Hive

The people who lied to you about 9/11 is totally not lying this time about the virus and how government is your mommy.


01:56 PM - Wikipedia | AIDS Map

What is HIV?

Human Immune-deficiency Viruses

Two main strains, not strands, some say, HIV-1 and HIV-2.



Four main groups

  1. Group M has 12 subtypes, letters A-L
  2. Group N
  3. Group O
  4. Group P


Eight main groups

They say HIV-2 has been found to be less pathogenic than HIV-1.

HIV Natural Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar

Coconut Oil


Black seeds

Olive leaf extract


Aloe Vera

Chorine Dioxide (MMS) Miracle Mineral Solution (100% Cure Rate) because it gets oxygen into your body which helps cleans out viruses, toxins, etc.

Selenium Stops Aids Virus from Replicating

Distilled water

Brazil nuts


Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

Virgin coconut oil

Curry powder

Vitamin C capsules

What is Buffered Vitamin C?

Vitamin D

Serum Gc protein (known as vitamin D3-binding protein) is the precursor for the principal macrophage activating factor (MAF).

Vitamin D Receptor Activation in Liver Macrophages


It takes a long time to build your system?


David Icke talked about how we may live in a holographic reality and I started thinking about this as early as like 1997, when I was twelve, as I was driving around with my dad and my brother as we would do landscaping at times. I would revisit some of these thoughts these past twenty plus years to 2020, the current year.

God Verse

Specifically, in and around 1997, when dad was driving, I was thinking about how the universe may be part of God in a way. I was looking at the time space continuum

Hive Steem Talk

@itsonursezer#0807 are you talking about witnesses?

He talked about Steemit INC screwing Ned.

Are you talking about something that happened a long time ago?

I thought Ned screwed people.

So, I am curious if people say that INC screwed Ned.

Can I get a summary of what INC did to Ned?


Yoda, there are many reasons why.

Yoda, I can write books explaining it to you.

If he was talking about something something Ned and something something money this and money that, and the miners mining Steem, and possibly other things from 2016-2019, roughly speaking, then I think I am familiar with some of that. I was only asking as I was curious if there was anything I didn't know. Like for example, I don't like Ned. But if people really did do bad things to Ned, then I want to know about that. But I doubt it. I am just trying to be scientific about it.

Internet problems. WIFI was slow. Turned off. Came back.


03:08 PM - 🔴 LIVE: President Trump and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold News Conference 3/26/20


An Asian reporter asked Trump what counter measures will be done to stop hate speech against China. What a scary question as it is basically trying to say that we cannot have free speech and that we must imprison people of hate speech.


04:07 PM - Star Trek Picard Episode 10 Review | Et in Arcadia Ego Part 2

Star Trek: Picard

Picard is dead.

Picard is a synth, a golem, a copy.

Can you copy the soul?

Are Star Trek writers calling some people as anti-SJWs?

Does that mean they promote SJWs?

Can't unmake a soup

June of 2010

04:38 PM - June of 2010 - Month in Review - 2010-06

I became a soldier on Sunday, the 6th of June of 2010. Amtrak pulled me over to Redwood Glen on Monday so I could be a Relief Counselor and program staff. So, I would perform alongside other staff in our nightly campfire skits which was my favorite thing that summer.

2010-06-11 - Ladies in the River - 30716_10150208191130080_6386409_n.jpg
Women at the creek at Redwood Glen

I met a lot of interesting people including Farmer Hanna. I really enjoyed hanging out with the people. We would play basketball sometimes. I went off with Christian and his friends to San Francisco one weekend. We were listening to Backstreet Boys, I Want It That Way. We sang along in the car. I couldn't find Full House. We saw the Golden State Bridge. This was either in June or July.

Charlotte Battle

05:27 PM - July of 2010 - Month in Review - 2010-07

At Camp Redwood Glen, I was a Relief Counselor and program staff. It was a fun summer in San Jose, California. On Saturday, the 24th of July of 2010, flew in an airplane back to Portland, OR and moved in with Charlotte Battle.

2010-07 Me 01.jpg
Me at Redwood Glen in July of 2010

Camp Experience

I worked for five summers at camps in the 2000's and one summer during the 2010's. Working at camp is one of my favorite things to do in the whole wide world, if not my favorite kind of thing to do.

2010 Western Youth Institute (WYI)

06:15 PM - August of 2010 - Month in Review - 2010-08

Attended my third Western Youth Institute (WYI) of The Salvation Army, an annual week long Bible retreat designed for youth and young adults up to the ages of like 25 years old. I was 25 that year, meaning it would be my last time as a camper. Well, it ended up being my last and only visit to WYI in the 2010's, that decade. I really do love WYI and I was able to run into a bunch of interesting people.

2010-08-09 4972483556_017c941293_o.jpg
Playing a game at WYI. Can you see me in these photos?

2010-08 - 26943078678_6c932bfea2_o.jpg
Revolution Hawaii Reunion

Criminal Minds

I needed a place to stay. In July of 2010, I moved in with Charlotte Battle who would volunteer with The Salvation Army. She is like a missionary. She knew Blake Webb who died in May. She was a friend of ours and decided to help me out. She introduced me to Criminal Minds and I started watching ever since. She would also watch Bones which I also started getting hooked on. I did chores around the house for her. I continued helping with the youth ministry at Moore Street from 2009-2011.

General Shepherd

06:41 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Thursday - 3/26/20

The Fight For The Future is Now

Clown Pills vs Corona Pills

Cause of Death

06:57 PM - Facebook

Marilyn Mitchell, Over 80K depending on the statistics, meaning it depends on how the studies collected which criteria applied and deaths can be attributed to a number of things and also excluded likewise, simultaneously. Inside a scientific laboratory, inside a carefully crafted vacuum, you might be able measure the cause of death for a person in order to determine, say for example, that 81.5% of the cause of death was due to the flu. It would not be 100% due to the flu. The question would be what if it was due to the flu at 51%. Oh ok, you might want to include it. But if the cause of death was only 3% due to the flu, then you may not want to include it in the statistics. So, the exact numbers can be debated depending on how you want to define cause of death. I could probably write a bunch of articles about the science and the religion to trying to prove the cause of death which people can be addicted to trying to declare in order to power grab or make a political point or whatever the case might be.

The DCeric Show

07:27 PM - September of 2010 - Month in Review - 2010-09

I started hanging out with Matt Kurtz as early as August of 2010 and as late as maybe Christmas. It was most likely around September. I would generally take the bus to his house in Vancouver, WA. Matt's brother (Mike) somehow got me to go to his house to hang out and then I became a regular. I became addicted.

2010-09 Me.png
Oatmeal in September of 2010

Playing Games

We would watch movies, shows, play video games, board games, make videos, talk, have fun, etc. I would meet some of his friends, like Danny Magda, Mario, Matt's brother, Mike Kurtz, and also the other Mike, Mikey. Many adventures with these people, 2007-2012, 2017. Super Mario Smash Bros. Playstation. Nintendo systems. Classic games from the 1980's, 1990's. All kinds of games.

Facebook Banned Me

08:14 PM - October of 2010 - Month in Review - 2010-10

Facebook terminated an account of mine. Friday, the 8th of October of 2010, I posted the following: "was just deleted. just heard that Joey Arnold's one & only real FaceBook account was truly deleted & destroyed & terminated & disabled & killed & murdered & sliced & ran over all for no real reasons & shredded like dirt which makes me wonder & makes me angry & it is like the fifth time that FaceBook has commited such crimes which inspires me to truly press charges towards them for that."

2010-10-16 - Arnold Attic Trailer Screenshot at 2020-03-26 20:12:18.png
Arnold Attic Trailer


I wrote that my real Facebook account profile, possibly my very first or second account was terminated by Facebook for no reason. I originally joined Facebook around 2006. I may have made a second account around 2006 as well. I don't remember exactly. Over the years, I've made different Facebook accounts, pages, groups, etc.


Did the U.S. government outsource their bio-weapon program to Wuhan?

Was COVID bioengineered by the U.S. or by who?

Porn is actually rape

It is a form of control

They take over countries, and put it on television

They force people to watch it

They destroy families that way


They say only essential businesses can stay open due to COVID.

Essential to


08:52 PM - Hive

Lockdown = Social-Engineering

Lionel Nation

08:58 PM - Live Stream: Think Incrementally and What's Next

Stefan Molyneux


Bell Ringer

10:02 PM - November of 2010 - Month in Review - 2010-11

I was a Salvation Army bell ringer at JC Penney in Portland, OR at the Clackamas Town Center in Happy Valley in November and December of 2010. I would ride my bike and hop onto the Tri-Met MAX train to get there. I would bring in around $200 daily.

2010-11-21 - Infinite Altitude - 21st of November of 2010 Screenshot at 2019-12-01 19:31:14.png
Infinite Altitude on YouTube


I created a few more YouTube channels like Infinite Altitude, Ram Reflection, and Ironic Mystic. My computer was making weird noises on Thursday, the 11th.

Beep Beep

General Shepherd

10:17 PM - Owen Shroyer Live On The Streets Of Illegal Forced Shutdown In America

They try to shut his Twitter down.

They try to remote shut down his bike.

The Walking Dead

10:36 PM - December of 2010 - Month in Review - 2010-12

The Walking Dead became one of my favorite shows during the 2010's and I started watching it after the end of the first season, that sixth episode premiered on Sunday, the 5th of December of 2010. I was binge watching through all six episodes probably on Thursday, the 9th. I probably finished watching on Friday. I don't remember exactly which week I started watching but it was pretty ground-breaking for me. Thanks to the suggestion by Sharon Clayton and Matt Kurtz, I started watching this show. The show teaches us to prep.

Walking Dead.jpeg

Bell Ringer

I was a Salvation Army bell ringer at JC Penney in Portland, OR at the Clackamas Town Center in Happy Valley in November and December of 2010. I would ride my bike and hop onto the Tri-Met MAX train to get there. I would bring in around $200 daily.

Blake Died. Redwood Glen

11:16 PM - 2010 - Year in Review 2 3

Compound Media

11:43 PM - TACS: Validity of Religion discussion.

To answer Anthony Cumia's question, God did not. God gave us freewill so we can do what we want. And we do bad. Then bad stuff happens. And then we ask God for some help perhaps. But still, we have freewill.

Made in the image of God, spiritually speaking, as in the soul is, not the body, especially as we are now under the curse of sin, meaning things are different now.



05:29 AM - Keiser Report | Healthcare = 18% of GDP & yet no masks? | E1519


05:50 AM - Charles Murray on Coming Apart


06:43 AM - Richard Epstein Enriches Us with His Ideas on Inequality, Taxes, Politics, and Health Care


2020-03-26 - Thursday - 07:18 AM - 08:16 AM - Picard 110


09:40 AM - 3/26/20 alex jones info wars

The Rubin Report

02:59 PM - WHO Official Praising China Response - Dave Rubin Responds | POLITICS | Rubin Report


03:08 PM - 🔴 LIVE: President Trump and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold News Conference 3/26/20




04:07 PM - Star Trek Picard Episode 10 Review | Et in Arcadia Ego Part 2

General Shepherd

06:41 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Thursday - 3/26/20

Lionel Nation

08:58 PM - Live Stream: Think Incrementally and What's Next

Stefan Molyneux


General Shepherd

10:17 PM - Owen Shroyer Live On The Streets Of Illegal Forced Shutdown In America

Fox News

10:22 PM - EXCLUSIVE: Trump goes one-on-one with Hannity to discuss coronavirus response

Compound Media

11:43 PM - TACS: Validity of Religion discussion.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
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Megan Myers


Chicken, soup

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