
Corona Virus is the New Nine Eleven. Invisible War. The irony is to the extent we have Open Borders and a Prison Planet at the same time. If police are enforcing global prison planet lock-downs in many countries around the world, then wouldn't those cops be spreading COVID? So, they can be outside and we cannot be outside? What, so, they're immune to COVID and we are not?

Meaning to Life

Take the time to ask key questions in life. If you are wondering about the meaning to life, then you should seek after that. These type of questions is what we call philosophy and theology. Why do some people go to Heaven sooner and some later? Well, it all comes down to freewill, which is a result of love. See, the meaning of life is love and the meaning of love is life. God gives us the freedom to make choices. Well, what we do, our decisions, affects other people and that can lead to some people dying earlier and for others later on. To be healthy, crush raw garlic and wait ten minutes for the chemical reaction. And then consume.

COVID From H1N1 2009?
Weekly Photos - 393pics | Mirror
Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate
Exclusive: Controversial US scientist creates deadly new flu strain for pandemic research
How much role does 5G play in Coronavirus?

COVID From H1N1 2009?

11:47 AM - Steemit

Yoshihiro Kawaoka was engineering the 2009 H1N1 in Wisconsin with the goal of turning the virus into a super virus with the ability to get past human immunity, all in the name of alleged science. In other words, they were saying that in order to better help people, they had to release that type of flu virus out to the world in order to study and observe how it does what it does so that they can develop vaccines, medicines, to fight deadly diseases like the flu.

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2020-03-16 - Monday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-03-16 - Monday

Screenshot at 2020-03-16 20:00:09.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Contact Me | Published in March of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Understanding Banks

12:11 AM - Facebook

Danae Place, Have you seen that old movie, It's A Wonderful Life? Very educational and historical in regards to especially banks and how they began changing after 1913 and more so in 1933 especially and it is critical to look at 1871 and what happened that year as well. Also, in some ways, 1695 in some ways. One of the key dates in in regards to what FDR did in the 1930's.

Education Monopolies

12:24 AM - Steemit

Globalists were not the only people that would write and read for centuries but you are right that it was virtually or nearly a monopoly and cartel over information, history, education, like though control, to a large extent, but not absolutely 100% and not always globally.

Taking Off Blinders

12:30 AM - Steemit

Sadly, too many people put too many blinders on, purposely, but the good news is when we take the time to find the people who are trying to take off some of their blinders.

Supply Chains

12:37 AM - Steemit

I encourage people to stock up especially on dry oats, grains, rice, wheat, etc, and consider selling and sharing and bartering and donating as they please as supply chains break globally especially before May of 2020 as some are saying that we have several weeks left before supply chains begin running out to the extent new supply chains do not rise up before May to compensate enough.

Steem Follower

12:40 AM - Steemit

Do you log in to Steem Follower using your private posting key or via other keys (passwords)?

Against Tron Bot

12:44 AM - Steemit

The purpose of this particular bot is to upvote posts from non-Tron witnesses or does this bot have more so to do with helping people vote for non-Tron witnesses or am I totally confused?

Steem Bros

12:47 AM - Steemit

But that is assuming our collected wallets can beat Tron Overlord Justin Sun in this race over the control over the Steem blockchain and I do encourage us all to at least try our best to defeat King Bowser as we are all little Mario Bots of the Steem Shroom Kingdom.

McDonald's Poo Screens

12:58 AM - Steemit

Oh, just poo. As in Winnie the Pooh, the king of China. I'm joking but for a minute I thought you were going to say that they found COVID on the screens. Not to say that this isn't terrible in and of itself.

Sabbath Time

01:03 AM - Steemit

Yeah, the ability to turn off the news, the phone, the computer, the television, etc, etc, when we are tired, when we need to stop, to sleep, to go on a fast, to take a break, to get some air, is a critical skill that we should always encourage people to consider making a daily habit. We can be overwhelmed by too much good and bad news and especially bad news. Yes, some people can suffer from a disease called being lazy and yet people can also be rusty on their ability to keep a Sabbath, that is a day off.


01:19 AM - Steemit

I want to try to find the genome map, the ingredients, the DNA, of what this COVID-19 is specifically. But yes, I know it mutates and that means the specifics is changing as there are different strands, different versions that mutate, evolve, change, adapt.


Yes, it has a HIV delivery system. I want to know how many different things it has as a chimera virus. You mentioned a few things like MERS and SARS. Some call it SARS 2 or something. Yes, the Novel Corona Virus 2019 is air-born. It may be giving some people cancer, etc.


Some people get reinfected with COVID again and again as it mutates and returns again and again. We can use natural remedies in our attempts to battle COVID or die trying at least. I encourage people to consider fighting these things without going to hospitals. The RO is 3.8 but what is RO?


We should be treating COVID as at least three different things, HIV, MERS, and SARS, and we should be looking at different natural remedies, treatments, for these three diseases or viruses or whatever that they are, at least. People do beat cancer. People do beat HIV. Not everybody can, I get that. But some can do it. Yes, extremely complex, it is. But not impossible to do in all cases.

Obama DId COVID?

01:26 AM - Steemit

Didn't Obama give COVID to China in 2014 during the time Obama was saying that Ebola was trial-run for an air-born disease that may come in the future? Why did Obama say that? Why are some people saying Obama did give China something other than like a pile of cash like Obama gave to Iran?


01:40 AM - Steemit

So, COVID has a HIV delivery system and causes something like AIDS or specifically AIDS among other things? So, assuming that is true, I should be looking at natural remedies, cures, for AIDS, etc. I wonder what people can do to accelerate their reproduction of the white blood cells. There has to be a way to trigger that, to compensate, to activate something as a response. Now, if COVID isn't causing sterility, then 5G might be. Globalists try to depopulate mankind. So, they are always trying to stop people from having babies.

So, SARS2 mimics Herpes (HSV)? Wow. I need to write all this down, that is the map of COVID, that is all the different things it includes as an engineered chimera virus. When you talk about the brain, what it does in the brain, it makes me think of zombies. If Big Pharma doesn't like it, then there must be something good about DRACO.

John The Baptist Virus

01:57 AM - Steemit

One of the problems is that the same globalists who engineered this John the Baptist chimera COVID virus (which prepared the way) are also trying to release deadlier viruses, etc, in the future, like a Depopulation Jesus, that is as COVID attempts to lower our immune system as a way to prepare us for even deadlier viruses, 5G, bad vaccines, etc, etc, that is as they always try to slowly boil us frogs, I mean humans, and as we expose them, then they try to accelerate their over-century-long plan and PLANS of trying to take over the world.

Open Border Prison Planet

The only thing worse than this particular SARS2-COVID19 is 1984 tyranny, that is Open Border Prison Planet authoritarianism which they always try to escalate. This COVID thing is extremely complex as it does many different things all at the same time. COVID tries to sterilize people, kill people, weaken people's immune system for future diseases, scare people towards begging for bigger government to save them, to fear-porn people towards bad vaccines (not the good vaccines but the bad vaccines), to break supply chains so people have to depend on globalism more and more, etc etc.

Crying Wolf Virus

And COVID attempts to make some people look like conspiracy nuts like you said. COVID is kind of like the boy who cried wolf regardless of how real and not real this COVID wolf is as it eats your grandma, oh little red riding hood. So, COVID is a bio-weapon and a psych-op at the same time. It attacks the money supply as well. It is critical to remind people of all the different pieces to this puzzle. I wouldn't necessarily overwhelm people with too many of these things all at once but perhaps one thing at a time and one day at a time for those who might be new to all of this.

Ending Throwaway Culture

02:01 AM - Steemit

I am against The Throwaway Culture, like plastic plates especially.

Holo Vision

02:19 AM - Steemit

No. Not a test lol. I don't really care if things go off topic, I aint no Community Nazi. And I already trust you mostly because your name, Holo Vision, is brilliant.


What is RO?

In epidemiology, the basic reproduction number (sometimes called basic reproductive ratio, or incorrectly basic reproductive rate, and denoted R0, pronounced R nought or R zero[11]) of an infection can be thought of as the expected number of cases directly generated by one case in a population where all individuals are susceptible to infection.[12] The definition describes the state where no other individuals are infected or immunized (naturally or through vaccination). Some definitions, such as that of the Australian Department of Health, add absence of "any deliberate intervention in disease transmission".[13] The basic reproduction number is not to be confused with the effective reproduction number R which is the number of cases generated in the current state of a population, which does not have to be the uninfected state. By definition R0 cannot be modified through vaccination campaigns.

The Walking Dead

2020-03-16 - Monday - 02:25 AM - 03:10 AM - TWD 1012

Big Battle

Negan bats a goner in the head and then Alpha is like oh ne, through the heart.

It's you said a whisperer to Beta who had part of his mask off

So, Beta murdered him

He stabs himself in the head but still becomes a a zombie?

Alpha has less heart than Negan

Negan talked about his girl that died before the zombie pandemic and she died from like cancer and the treatment

Negan executes Alpha in the neck in the same way Rick did him and then Negan cuts off her head like David did Goliath and Negan delivers the zombie head to Carol who says, "It took you long enough" which probably means Negan went undercover the whole time to infiltrate and eventually murder or execture Alpha in the end as Negan eventually did or Negan eventually decided to do this at some point. I think the former over the latter is more likely that Carol got Negan to sneak out from his jail to infiltrate the whisperers to do this.

So, Carol got Negan to do this all along?


2020-03-16 - Monday - 04:06 AM - 05:00 AM - Outlander 504

Flashback to Claire at a Catholic church praying

Claire says if time is God then memory must be the Devil

Is time God's eternal web?

Honesty is the best policy to the extent of relevance

Joe: "We're doctors, not robots."

Jaimee killed the man who found out who he was. He burnt down the room.

Jaimee found a cat and adopted him as Claire was not having new children



10:28 AM - 3/16/20 alex jones info wars

It is a Vampire Zombie Virus as it comes back again and again.

Must watch! The True Origins Of The Coronavirus
The Mysterious Origin Of The Wuhan Coronavirus

My Blog & Shane

10:57 AM - Facebook

Shane Harro Harrison, You say you would love to hear it but then refuse to hear it on my blog. The irony within your soul is very thick. All you have to do is click on a button to go to my blog which has been online for years. But you just sit there and do nothing. That tells me that you are full of fluffy oatmeal, yum yum. I'm not going to tell you that you are in my blog.

Alex Jones Show

11:02 AM

Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate

Exclusive: Controversial US scientist creates deadly new flu strain for pandemic research

Son of the Flu

11:20 AM - Facebook

COVID From H1N1 2009?

11:47 AM - Steemit

Yoshihiro Kawaoka was engineering the 2009 H1N1 in Wisconsin with the goal of turning the virus into a super virus with the ability to get past human immunity, all in the name of alleged science. In other words, they were saying that in order to better help people, they had to release that type of flu virus out to the world in order to study and observe how it does what it does so that they can develop vaccines, medicines, to fight deadly diseases like the flu.


Exclusive: Controversial US scientist creates deadly new flu strain for pandemic research

Over 40 Years

Some say the H1N1 emerged in 1977 and that H1N1 has been circulating the world since 1977. These types of things, and others, have been in fact weakening the immune system of mankind in a variety of ways for the past 40 years or longer. COVID comes out of all of this and more.

Yoshihiro Kawaoka was engineering the 2009 H1N1..... Some say the H1N1 emerged in 1977 and that H1N1 has been circulating the world since 1977 (over 40 years) to weaken immune systems........

Banning Charity

12:03 PM - Facebook

Neal Winders, The admins of Shelton Talks! are banning my posts in this Facebook group as I talked about how we should share rice with each other and help each other out. I am not allowed to talk about charity in this group according to the mods here.

I wrote a post about this and the admins deleted it.

If the mods won't let me post in this group about similar ideas, then it is unlikely that they would help you out either.

I posted about this and it was removed by the mods in this group. That makes me sad.

Cannot Post in Shelton Talks!

12:11 PM - Facebook

Shana N Greg Bridges, No, not comments but posts. You know the difference right? The posts that I submit in this group used to be approved a year ago but no longer as of 2020. Every one is not approved and is in fact therefore rejected.

I posted this yesterday and it was banned.

What can we do? That is why I write articles on many websites.

I said the same thing but I am not allowed to say it. But I said this. But you can say because the admins like you and do not like me.

Why can't I post in this group? I do live in Shelton, WA, USA, right? Why can't I talk about this?

Dry Rice which was banned in this group.

Make sure to follow post-2009 work in regards to COVID and H1N1.

Invisible War

Corona Virus is the New Nine Eleven.

Tri-state Marshall Law?

7.4 seconds is the length of the average attention span of Americans in 2020, which was the result of over 60 years of television, that is programming, etc.

Alex Jones vs Trump

01:15 PM - Steemit

ALEX JONES vs TRUMP if INTERSTATE TRAVEL BAN in USA is activated or announced.

Payout Bot

01:51 PM - Steemit

In order to upvote low-value posts, does that mean the bot waits till a post is six days old or before a post is paid out in order to make sure the post didn't all of a sudden receive a bunch of upvotes towards the end?

Upvoting Bot

01:59 PM - Steemit

My background is that I've done some web design, I know some HTML, I know how to Google, but I have not made any dapps yet but I think about it sometimes. But I am more a writer than a computer geek. I know bits and pieces of some computer code and I get some of it. One problem with your bot, which I think you mentioned, is if the bot ends up trying to upvote too many posts and you mentioned how it probably needs to cool off for 5 minutes before upvoting more posts. I guess it comes down to how much SP a bot may have and the percentage it is upvoting at. The objective of the bot, like you said, is good, I like it.

Open Border Prison Planet

02:01 PM - Steemit

The irony is to the extent we have Open Borders and a Prison Planet at the same time.

Breaking Supply Chains

02:04 PM - Steemit

But that may change before May of 2020 to the extent new supply chains are not established or older supply chains are not mended.

In 2020, it is said that dozens of CEOs have stepped down from top companies including Bill Gates of Microsoft.

What is Event 201?

Garlic is Medicine

02:13 PM - Steemit

If you don't crush it, can the chemical reaction happen in your mouth or in your stomach? I sometimes crush the garlic in my mouth and let it sit in my mouth for a few minutes.

No? It takes ten minutes?

How about ten minutes in your mouth? Does it require oxygen for the chemical reaction to happen?

So, crushing the garlic can create Allicin.


02:17 PM - Steemit

It is amazing or scary that there was that 1981 book, Wuhan 400, and it makes you wonder who knew what and how long.


02:32 PM - Steemit

In many ways, 5G is like a microwave in that it nukes and gives people radiation. 5G has given children cancer. 5G lowers the immune system and does assist in the destruction that COVID and other diseases partake upon.

You may want to clean out your storage unit just in case COVID becomes an excuse for people to stop you from having it in the future and you can carry a reclinner chair up a flight of stairs, sip some tea, help move dressers, for the computer room, move some things over to the garage and still have enough time to talk about Mister Rogers in being cool and funny and I do not mean Gab.com but Aladdin that movie but Bruce Lee and CIA, those three, a red shirt, the funniest, to capture the flag, being thankful for the peanut butter rice crispy treats and green punch and spaghetti and understanding my name sake being curious and creative. Batman name. A GF?

Earn It Act threatens encryption.

Very sad to see how they sneak things non-related into bills, especially bills related to COVID.

In Maryland, the government, via SWAT, did not knock and murdered a softwate engineer.

Give Me a Girl Friend And Then We Will Talk #HowToKeepPeopleHome

If you are coughing, drinking more water, tea. Nap more. Garlic. Oranges.

War Room

08:20 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Mon 03/16/20 Full Show

Blind Shane

08:29 PM - Facebook

Shane Harro Harrison, Why are you following me if you are not following me? I do not understand. It is like buying a book and never ever reading it. That is what you did. The Internet is like a library. So many books. You sit at the doorway of the library. I'm deep inside the library. And you are telling me to come to the doorway. And I'm deep inside the library. I'm also writing about you on these other website. I'm very happy that you never ever see what I write about you. You make me very happy. Thank you for your ignorance, your arrogance, your blindness.

Sunday, he had like three tooth pastes he brought over for the table. But I could use some.

Banks are running out of cash. Now, they can have less than $10K cash per bank. Actually, they don't have to have any cash and some banks are refusing to give people $5K in cash.

Nap from 09:00 PM - 10:45 PM

@Corona Macht Frei#9411 said I should take my meds on Discord. I can't because the banks won't give me cash so I can take my meds.

Dalat City

11:26 PM - Steemit

Have you ever been to Dalat City in Vietnam? Have you seen their waterfalls and strawberries? Have you been here? Have you ever been there? What do you think? I was here in June of 2013.

2013-06 - Dalat City Trip - JA & 3 Girls - 1465213_547058605389101_746535949_n.jpg

Comparing the 1980's with The 2020's

11:38 PM - Steemit

Interesting but I am not sure if that is funny or not. For a minute I thought you were going to say he wished to be dead. Well, I can see these jokes as funny in a few different ways. And also, I want to say that there was a 1981 book that talked about Wuhan 400 I believe. And ultimately, the ability to compare anything with anything is possible but it is only a question of to what extent or how general or specific. We can all compare and contrast and I can teach people how to do it.



12:49 AM - Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the West, Dawa, and Islam

The Walking Dead

2020-03-16 - Monday - 02:25 AM - 03:10 AM - TWD 1012

Hannah Ivy

03:18 AM - The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 12 "Walk With Us" | REACTION

George Drake

03:24 AM - 'Beta Finds Out & MAJOR Alexandria Attack Coming' The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 12 Review

Movie Idol

03:45 AM - The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 13 'Michonne Finds Out Rick's Alive' Trailer Breakdown

Movie Idol

04:02 AM - The Walking Dead: World Beyond Ending After 2 Seasons | Connection To Rick Movie Explained


2020-03-16 - Monday - 04:06 AM - 05:00 AM - Outlander 504


10:28 AM - 3/16/20 alex jones info wars

Mark Dice

02:20 PM - No, Joe! No!

War Room

08:20 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Mon 03/16/20 Full Show

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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

Get Your Vote On Peeps


Teaching Regulation Agency tribunal - Day one, Anne Marie Waters

How much role does 5G play in Coronavirus?

Please, no forced vaccinations !

Virginia is again under attack by liberal politicians, this time they intend to add so many illegal 'voters' they can't be removed!

World Economic Forum, Bill Gates and John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health ran a prominent individuals from global business, government, and public health were exercise players led a fictional outbreak scenario in the Event 201 pandemic sim

Exclusive: Controversial US scientist creates deadly new flu strain for pandemic research

COVID Explosion - April of 2020 - Potential Projection

How do we protect cells from viruses? Eat some oranges.

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What is the Corona Virus?

Flush Out Your Lungs Daily

My Uptrennd

COVID From H1N1 2009?

Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate

Double Government

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