
It's critical not to panic too much around children. Fear Porn is better than being too unprepared for disasters. When you are afraid, then you can be careful and brave. Try your best to do what you can to take care of yourself and those around you, especially in the mist of the Corona Virus (COVID) pandemic of 2020. I've been talking about this SARS 2 disease thing since at least January because I want you to know how bad it can be.

Defining Tactics

But at the same time, I'm not running up to children screaming, "We're all going to die." I'm not saying we should lie to kids. They can magnify the panic within our souls. Instead, give them hope. Encourage teens to eat more raw garlic and oranges for example. Dare them to Google Natural Remedies on the Internet. Turn it into a game.

Michael Jackson Man in the Mirror Back After a Decade - YouTube
Rock Well - Somebody is Watching Me

Michael Jackson

08:20 PM - Facebook | Michael Jackson Man in the Mirror Back After a Decade - YouTube


09:20 PM - Rock Well - Somebody is Watching Me | Facebook | Bitchute | Minds

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2020-03-14 - Saturday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-03-14 - Saturday

2010-07-09 - Friday - Hanna 37446_10150225371925080_1145842_n.jpg

Vanilla Farmer Hanna From the 2010 Camp Redwood Glen. Oh, she blocked me on Facebook.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Contact Me | Published in March of 2020

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Michael Jackson

08:20 PM - Facebook | Michael Jackson Man in the Mirror Back After a Decade - YouTube

I'm Michael Jackson. I'm looking at the man in the mirror.


09:20 PM - Rock Well - Somebody is Watching Me | Facebook | Bitchute | Minds


Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.


12:05 AM - Steemit

Haha especially as Trump dissed Bitcoin not too long ago, like in 2019.

It looks like Wordpress banned my blog.

Wordpress suspended the blog of Oatmeal Joey Arnold because he likes Trump. Wordpress is against free speech.

Hopefully people remember 2008. Flote.

Sounds like a disease lol. #Coronials

Give or Not Give Debate

02:34 AM - Facebook

Don Jewett, People can do what they want and yet you can argue either way, that is to argue in favor of free markets on one hand for any occasion and yet in favor of helping people out for free in all situations to minimize or eliminate the ability to profit at all, ever, period, because people can be in need of help at any time and not just this time and therefore you can clearly argue for never ever having a job or ever having the freedom to make a living somehow to support your family, friends, loved ones, etc.


2020-03-14 - Saturday - 02:56 AM - 03:52 AM - Outlander 502

A patient injested too much mercury and his wife thought it was medicine but Claire said she could not help and he went on to die. He had stomach pains.

Tuffy the Squirrel is like Smokey the Bear

Claire says the future us safer because they got antibiotics, modern medicine, and I disagree to the extent that natural remedies can assist the body in healing.

Bonnett is still alive

Can you change history via time travel and heal the sick?

2020-03-14 - Saturday - 03:53 AM - 04:51 AM - Outlander 503

Going to war

Dead body



10:56 AM - 🔴 LIVE: President Trump & Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold News Conference 3/14/20

Ben Carson is there.

Understanding Dynamics

11:17 AM - Steemit

But politically speaking, assuming we do not disagree, then we both believe and say the same things. Judging is a good thing and not a bad thing. The problem is when people judge inaccurately and incompletely. Just like there is good anger and bad anger, there is good judging and bad judging. I'm trying to help people make better choices. I enjoy reading this book, The Killing of Uncle Sam. Emotionalism can lead people astray.

Wordpress Ban

11:24 AM - Steemit

I agree and I am a bit concerned as I was banned on Wordpress yesterday.

Holo Chain

11:26 AM - Steemit - Holo Chain - https://holochain.org/

I like this idea. Holo Chain sounds like a Bit Torrent version of a blockchain type social network.

Wall Server Idea

11:28 AM - Steemit

Maybe something like Bit Torrent, IPFS, like P2P, Holo Chain, etc.


11:31 AM - Steemit

If the yams are sweet enough, I can eat it by itself. I generally don't cook, so I let other people make those types of decisions. So, I kind of forget what they taste good with. But I think they taste good with potatoes.

Internet is a Library

11:44 AM - Facebook

The Internet is like a big library, but are you reading the books?

Magdalene Campbell

Maggy blocked me on Facebook.

I'm reviewing 2010 and 2011. Dishes. Mail. Cam thing, over 1K pics for this month and a bit of Feb. She is doing Canning. When you see black and green on an orange, cut it up and eat part of it and throw the rest in your garden, in your compost. Put the other oranges in your freezer and keep it in the dark and keep the orange stems away from oxygen as germs can enter in that way to begin to spoil the fruit faster.

Turtle Virus

It is like a turtle is a virus. No. Just kidding. But seriously, it is like a virus is a turtle and the virus wears a shell called protein. But the virus has like receptors, which are like keys or like the little head of the turtle that pokes out of the shell in order to get into the cell. It goes from shell to cell. So, the body can detect viruses to the extent it can locate the head or whatever that might poke out of the shell. The shell is typically made of protein that is of the body that the virus is inside. I wonder if protein is supposed to be in the bloodstream. Is it in the blood? Can the body detect if certain types of muscle protein is not supposed to be running around in the bone sections of the body for example. I wonder if the body can figure out if something is out of place. I especially wonder if viruses sends out signals or who knows what that the body could detect and then go after.

Akkad Daily

02:04 PM - Coronavirus Cancels Civilisation

Billy The Fridge IRL

02:23 PM - Seattle Coronavirus TRUTH?! What do we know? InfoWars - No Toxicity | $3 TTS

Walking Dead is all about tricking people into eating and killing other people, exactly.

Canned Foods


Dry Oats

Solar Power

A week of food and then what?

Then you will eat people?

Stock up on dry oats

Water Filter

But if there is no power.

Fat is Delicious

Patriot News

02:29 PM - Love and Light, Patriots "Faith and Trust, WWG1WGA"

Prince Carlos has lots of power?

Mass Arrest of the Deep State or the Patriots? It could go either way depending on a few things.

Globalists are still trying to use COVID to bring forth globalism.

Should Trump tell the world that CDC lied to Trump concerning COVID? Because this virus is much worse than CDC said.

@Steve B, agreed that RINO Republicans are not patriots and are aligned too much with leftists, globalists, etc.

People should always find new ways to teach new people the value in always preparing for the worse by trying to have guns, dry rice, dry oats, water filters, solar power, etc, etc. Prep. Prep. Prep.

I doubt that Alex Jones is on a payroll like that.

Zionism is anti-Messianic-Judaism and anti-Christianity.

I am against Zionism.

The good news is that channels like this one is popping up all around the world. That is critical.

I'm reading a book called the Killing of Uncle Sam and it talks about connections between Rothschild, Rockefeller, and others.

Qanon is interesting but it can be dangerous.

I would start with trying to trace the Rothschild family back to before the 1700's. Some say his line goes back to the Egyptians and Babylonians. But I don't know.

Alex Jones got mad because Trump did not try hard enough to really stop tech fascism.

Trump did some good things but we should always try harder and harder to confront Trump, to hold him accountable, to tell Trump what we want.

We should not assume that Trump knows enough.

We should always try to stop 5G, bad vaccines, geoengineering, trafficking, open borders, tech fascism, elevated taxes, elevated regulations, etc.

@Suzi T, people were trying to hold Obama accountable concerning Benghazi for example.

But they are trying to say Trump has COVID so they can murder Trump and say COVID did it.

People should always warn Trump not to underestimate globalists who try to kill Trump and others. Don't regret not trying your best.

Who should Trump not fire is the better question. Trump should try to fire thousands of people in the government.

My concern is that Trump may run out of time to drain the swamp.

Was COVID engineered?

Globalists have been trying to take over the world for centuries or longer in a variety of ways. So, it can be tough.

Fake News will always find something to complain about and lie about. And Trump fired some people. But is that enough?

Yeah, that thing about the Google website concerning COVID sounds suspicious.

As a web designer myself, I can say that a website does not always or necessarily require thousands of engineers.

Agreed, Trump does more than just fire. Trump has been lowering taxes, regulation. Trump has been going after traffickers, gang members, etc. Trump has been helping so many Americans.....

I love Steemit, Bitcoin, Bit Torrent, IPFS, P2P, the pursuit towards decentralizing the Internet.

Good news is in how TV shows like Ellen cancels while YouTube live streams, podcasts, etc, continue to grow as they have been for years. That alone red pills many through that.

Does Trump know how electronics can spy on him?

I know Trump knows to an extent concerning electronics but I'm wondering to what extent.

What did Q Qanon say about Jeff Sessions?

God is the origin of Free Will which means people can choose to do good or bad.

There are different viruses, diseases, 5G, radiation, vaccines, etc, etc, and COVID is killing people and yet COVID is not the only thing out there doing things. But COVID is big.

Some people can survive COVID but supply chains are breaking, governments are trying to take even more of our freedoms, there is some panic, etc, which makes things even tougher.

Can you freeze electricity, water, garbage, etc?

Some people think COVID is fake but it isn't.

Some people have said that the news over hyped COVID and yet the media actually downplayed it in January 2020, the opposite of hype for the past several months until like March.

Governments have been over hyping COVID for months via buying up stuff while the media was downplaying COVID.

I'm not your Woo Woo, I'm not your Boo Boo, I'm not your Kangaroo Roo, I'm not your Scooby Doo Doo, I'm Ra Ra Roo Roo, Ra Ra Roo Roo.

Did COVID come from 2014 Obama?


Obama said in 2014 that Ebola was like a trial run for an air-born pandemic virus disease that may come someday.

Some people say Obama gave the virus blueprints to China back in like 2014.

Pope will probably try to say he didn't get COVID even if he did.

Are we underestimating globalists?

People should write personal COVID-related testimonies on censorship-resistant Steemit.com and other websites, etc, in order to help people understand what is happening.


If you hoard, then you can be your own local store for your neighbors.

Globalists do have atomic bombs, etc, and can still try to blow up billions of people.

Patriotic military must have their eyes on the globalists who may have access to nuclear weapons, etc. Red alert.

I hope Space Force can help protect people from globalists who do try to blow people up, etc.

Panic Buying is better than having nothing.

Better to have Fear Porn than to not try our best to be prepared and everything for the worse.

I lived in Vietnam and I can confirm this toilet thing.

You can live without toilet paper.

How about three toilets, number 1, 2, and 3 can be for squatting.

Vietnam has the Toilet Sprayers and they work well for me. And they have normal sinks and normal toilets and sprayers attached to them.

Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Wordpress, etc, have banned me.

Tell Dr. Basso to start a blog.

If Dr. Basso is not spam, I would encourage Basso to consider better tactics.

I am spam.

Powerful JRE

04:36 PM - Joe Rogan Experience - Fight Companion - March 14, 2020

Joe is joined by Eddie Bravo, Bryan Callen & Brendan Schaub to watch the fights on February 22, 2020.

Invisible Trees

04:39 PM - Facebook

Justin Stromberg, My articles. If a tree falls in a forest and you cannot see the tree, does that mean there is no tree?

Elevated Charity

04:48 PM - Facebook

Don Jewett, I'm here addressing underlying philosophy, eternal principles that guides mankind, psychologically, fundamentally. I'm concerned with how what we do can affect future generations for many decades to come. I agree that people should always try to give more, that is elevated charity, welfare, on the local level that is, but an emphasis on the local level as opposed to other levels.

Shelton Talk

04:52 PM - Facebook

The COVID is very complex. I've writing articles about COVID since January of 2020, if not longer than that in other ways. It's critical to understand all the different things. It is many things all in one.

Lying ABout Christians

04:54 PM - Facebook

Shandra O'Haleck: That article and the site are fake (meaning they make up stuff to suit their own opinion). Made up by super Christian anti-abortionists. If you want a conversation Leslie bring in decent reputable articles.

Wait until April 2020.

Shelton Clinic

05:02 PM - Facebook

I encourage people towards natural remedies for fighting diseases, viruses. We should have like a clinic in Shelton, WA where we can help each other out and brain storm ideas for what we can all do.


05:03 PM - Facebook

Who is not greedy?

People were more independent in the 1920's for example. As we study history, we can see 2 key things that happened around that time. People talk too much about the second thing that started around 1929 while ignoring the other one.

Regarding Walmart

05:07 PM - Facebook

Many different problems all at the same time.

Michael Jackson

08:20 PM - Facebook | Michael Jackson Man in the Mirror Back After a Decade - YouTube | Minds

I'm Michael Jackson. I'm looking at the man in the mirror.


09:20 PM - Rock Well - Somebody is Watching Me | Facebook | Bitchute | Minds

My Nerdy Home

09:48 PM - Makeup & Media- The Batman, Wonder Woman, Johnny Depp, Loki Show, Coronavirus

Hail Merry Second to Nun

Speaking of Nuns


09:58 PM - Mario Kart & Chill? SW-6506-3508-0992

Yoshi in a Hover Craft

Merry Mayhem

10:02 PM - FortNite The Drunken Mayhem Edition

Hot Video Game Chick lol reminds me of Tomb Raider Lara Croft.



2020-03-14 - Saturday - 02:56 AM - 03:52 AM - Outlander 502
2020-03-14 - Saturday - 03:53 AM - 04:51 AM - Outlander 503


10:56 AM - 🔴 LIVE: President Trump & Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold News Conference 3/14/20

Craig Mason

11:02 AM - Saturday LIVE: Something Funky Going Down Ed. w/Special Guest: The Gitmo Channel

Lionel Nation

11:05 AM - Live Stream: America Will Never Be the Same (and That's the Way We Want It)

Akkad Daily

02:04 PM - Coronavirus Cancels Civilisation

Pew Die Pie

02:10 PM - It's Panic Time - Memes

Billy The Fridge IRL

02:23 PM - Seattle Coronavirus TRUTH?! What do we know? InfoWars - No Toxicity | $3 TTS

So What

02:28 PM - sowhat? 11 Live Stream

Patriot News

02:29 PM - Love and Light, Patriots "Faith and Trust, WWG1WGA"

Powerful JRE

04:36 PM - Joe Rogan Experience - Fight Companion - March 14, 2020

Michael Jackson

08:20 PM - Facebook | Michael Jackson Man in the Mirror Back After a Decade - YouTube | Minds

I'm Michael Jackson. I'm looking at the man in the mirror.


09:20 PM - Rock Well - Somebody is Watching Me | Facebook | Bitchute | Minds

My Nerdy Home

09:48 PM - Makeup & Media- The Batman, Wonder Woman, Johnny Depp, Loki Show, Coronavirus


09:58 PM - Mario Kart & Chill? SW-6506-3508-0992

Merry Mayhem

10:02 PM - FortNite The Drunken Mayhem Edition

Lionel Nation

10:07 PM - Live Stream: America Stands Tall and United

JRE Experience

11:28 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1439 - Michael Osterholm

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
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