
They're boiling frogs. Microscopic HIV-Delivery-System Enabled Terminator Zombie Chimera-Virus has the purpose of weakening immune systems, a John the Baptist preparing the way for a Depopulation Disease X Jesus that they will be trying to release after this. But we can stop it.

How do we protect cells from viruses? Eat some oranges.

How do we protect cells from viruses? Eat some oranges.
05:38 PM - Steemit

These are some of the questions I've been asking lately. I want to find ways to stop viruses from entering into cells because then you stop the replication of the viruses and give the immune system more time to find and destroy the viruses.


This article is simply an introduction post to the subject of finding ways to strengthen cell walls. This is not a complete list of things that can help you. But this serves as a starting point. Eat more oranges, garlic, etc.

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2020-03-13 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-03-13 - Friday

Screenshot at 2020-03-13 18:43:11.png

Screenshot at 2020-03-13 20:55:27 The Corona Virus was engine MONEY RESET.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Contact Me | Published in March of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-03-13 13:00:26 They're trying to get people to think Trump has COVID so they can use that as a cover for murdering Trump and saying that Trump died from the virus.png

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Screenshot at 2020-03-13 12:00:17 2014 - Obama: Ebola is a “Trial Run” For a Deadlier Airborne Disease.png


Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.


12:12 AM - Steemit

Aren't witnesses suppose to be like UNL trustees? So, what would qualify as a UNL? When you say Unique, does that mean unique IP Address, MAC Address, that is the physical device of the witness, the node, the server? Do you want to hard-wire into the blockchain a mechanism for verifying unique nodes or IP addresses for each UNL? But what would you do when you run into proxies?


REDPOS would be better than something like DPOS to the extent that REDPOS can integrate REP into the DPOS system. Yes, it would stop the Tron puppets which came out of nowhere in February of 2020, at least in theory. So, I like this REDPOS idea. The details to how REDPOS would work specifically could be debated and tinkered with.

What is Chrono Virus? You mean Corona Virus?

Fallen Republic

12:19 AM - Steemit

Because of 1871, 1971, 1913, and 1933, key dates in American history, relating to how globalists infiltrate nations as they sometimes do.

Trump Marshalling In Power

12:40 AM - Steemit

People debate whether Trump should MARSHALL in some Marshall Law, assuming Trump didn't yet. But some say that U.S. Presidents declared Marshall Law in the United States of America (USA) on and off for decades. People have said that these declarations towards the federal government utilizing emergency power have never been turned off and that infiltrated government has been escalating in all that they do.

Turning Off Marshall Law

On one hand, that leads to elevated 1984 authoritarianism. But at the same time, some people say that Trump either cannot or would struggle more to turn off all the emergency powers that have been activated since like 1934, 1933, or maybe even 1913, if not earlier than that as well, that is IF TRUMP DOES NOT FIRST DECLARE MARSHALL LAW OFFICIALLY FIRST BEFORE TRYING TO THEN TURN OFF ALL THE PREVIOUS ONGOING MARSHALL LAWS. I'm against increasing the size of government. For the record, Trump and other Presidents are said to have utilized Marshall Law, federal control over local governments to some extent, periodically, on and off, for decades. And these things are generally not turned off. Too many laws. Too much spending. Too many things. It goes up and up and up.

Volume Control

In actually, Marshall Law may not be an on or off kind of thing but more a how much federal power over local power is being enforced actively. So, that has to do with the tenth amendment in that the federal government tries to utilize as much power which is supposed to be reserved for state and local governments.

Please Shrink Government

So, when Trump approves increased spending bills, etc, I'm not too happy as it is hard to undo these things. So, it is extremely risky. It is like playing with fire. It might be theoretically better than certain alternatives. Federal government could help us right now like they were perhaps helping us during the Great Depression in the 1930's and yet it was almost impossible to turn off all of the welfare, regulations, taxes, and fascism that came out of the 1930's in particular.

Balancing Act

Technically speaking, it's a juggling act, a balancing act, and yet I would still promote shrinking the size of government. But if Trump can close borders, then that can help. If military, the National Guard, the Space Force, etc, can help in some ways, then I wish them the best.

Draining Swamps

If Trump can marshall in the art of deal in draining the swamp, in going after tech fascism, in locking criminals up at an elevated level, in eliminating the IRS, in firing thousands of staff in the government, in reducing even more regulations, in reducing geoengineering, 5G, in reducing school regulations to allow for homeschooling, in reducing vaccine regulations, etc, etc, then I wish Trump the best of luck in these types of endeavors and I encourage people to vote, to spread the word, to get involved, etc.

We gotta take care of each other and not rely on government for help.

Attacking Teachers

01:05 AM - Steemit

They're trying to fire teachers wo simply talk about how Islam destroys nations as it has been for centuries. Governments and educational systems are in fact attacking free speech and specifically western civilization as seen in this example by Anne Marie Waters who is representing a teacher in a court trial in England or something like that. I promote Tommy Robinson, Alex Jones, patriots, etc. Divided we fall, united we stand. Jihadism has been destroying humanity for centuries. That statement doesn't have to be positive not negative. It is simply history. Saying that is the same as saying 2+2=4/

Curing Corona Virus

01:15 AM - Friday - Steemit by @randr10

Chloroquine is a proven antiviral treatment for malaria. It works by transporting ionic zinc across the cell membrane, which in turn shuts down the replicase enzyme needed for viral replication.

Prager U

01:21 AM - Fireside Chat Ep. 125 — Coronavirus: Panic or Pandemic?

Fixing Steemit

02:11 AM - Steemit

YouTube is a video website on steroids. Do you recommend Steem find some Steroids to help pump up Steemit, I mean the blockchain in general? Too many millions of people got hooked on the Fast Food equivalent of social networking on the Internet. Google came out of DARPA. Many things in the world have been dominated not by free markets but by corporatism, monopolies, cartels, agencies, organizations, fascism, tyranny, etc.

Choosing Witnesses

02:35 AM - Steemit

If that is what people want, they should vote on that. I may be in favor of accounts that are at least 3 months old. Well, I might be ok with no minimum age required and base the requirements on REP, etc.

1936 Sabotage

02:55 AM - Steemit

In this film, they go to a bank and ask for their money back. Ironically, in real life, the United States was banning gold in 1933 and began stealing gold from foreign banks even. They would refuse to give people back their money. But in this 1936 movie, the woman talked about giving the people back their money.

In the film, a boy hops on a trolley and an officer said that film is not allowed or discouraged as they can be flammable but then said be careful and allowed it. But then it blows up.

Screenshot at 2020-03-13 02:56:11.png

Halley's Comet

I believe the Halley or Hailey Comet came around 1985, the year I was born. I cannot wait for it to come back to take me home, wink wink.

Star Wars The Clone Wars

2020-03-13 - Friday - 03:23 AM - 03:53 AM - Clone Wars 704

Mace Windu gives them a speech saying they can lay down their weapons as drones to be reprogrammed to serve a better purpose. One droid said, "Blast him." Kenobi giggled. Windu gave them his resume of the millions of robots he has destroyed.

Should I sue George Lucas for stealing my idea. He had robots in The Phantom Menace that were similar to the way I would draw people in the early 1990's.

They infiltrate a place and take it over. They blow stuff up.

Anakin executes the spider guy.

Not sure if Anakin was teasing with the dark side of the force or not.


2020-03-13 - Friday - 03:57 AM - 04:56 AM - Picard 108

Fore Mothers, Not Fore Fathers

Black Women Jedi

She says it will drive some of them mad

About 12 women hold onto a ring a round a rosey merry go round thing. They see stuff and began to kill each other except for one or two women.

Why not use men then?

If the women can't handle it, then use men.

Elf lady mocks, "Resistance is futile."

One woman looked like Michael from Discovery.

Picard tries to save the girl

Cute doctor blond girl might be a spy they think

Eight circles or stars

Seven steals a Borg ship or something.

Do you like the food?

I don't know?

Am I even real?

Ancient people or beings brought together eight stars I guess

Am I a person?

No. You are a robot. But that does not mean you do not have value.

Also, trying to be human minimizes the value humans have.

Seven becomes the Borg Queen but the elf lady rejects Borg bodies into space and that makes me wonder, wouldn't Seven have control as the queen and all?

Picard says he doesn't know how to fly ship. I doubt that Real Picard would say that.



10:48 AM - 3/13/20 alex jones info wars

They're boiling frogs.

But we DO HAVE Open Borders in America, Trump, to an extent. This is why we need to close more borders.

The Trump Presidency is Over if Trump does not go after Bill Gates, etc.

HIV Delivery System

Curfews Coming

History Unleashed

Stopping Corona Virus

11:19 AM - Steemit

So, you agree that it is too late. I hate encouraging slaves towards too much dependency on authoritarian globalism, tyranny, governments, to come in and stick us in smart cities and stick us with smart brain phones inside our brains. Also, silver kills viruses.

Stopping Trump

11:25 AM - Steemit

I didn't know about the the 1945 U.S. rationing or I kind of heard about it before. That makes sense. The good news was that some of the U.S. fascism appeared to have been undo to an extent. For example, in the 1930's, there was a work curfew for a while. There was the alcohol prohibition.

Federal Land

It appears that some of these things were reversed and that gives me some hope. That is a lot of federally owned land and people need to be aware of that. We gotta always encourage people to confront Trump more and more regardless of how good and bad Trump is and is not, period. Because we are living in history. We are making history. Epic times in world history.

Halley's Comet

11:31 AM - Steemit

So, did Mark Twain die the same year the comet was flying by? Yeah, I heard about Mark being born like how many years before 1985, like 140 years? The comet circles every 70 years?

Steem States

11:36 AM - Steemit

Age is not relevant because age will not automatically make a sock puppet account become real. Tron could make a bunch of accounts and those accounts could eventually become old enough for your standards. And that means they can some day be old enough to ride, like tall enough to go on your roller coaster. What really matters is letting people vote for witnesses. But at the same time, perhaps Steem needs states and an electoral college.

2014, Obama said that Ebola is a test run for a more deadly disease.

2014 - Obama: Ebola is a “Trial Run” For a Deadlier Airborne Disease

Terminator Zombie Virus

12:35 AM - Steemit

Microscopic HIV-Delivery-System Enabled Terminator Zombie Chimera-Virus has the purpose of weakening immune systems, a John the Baptist preparing the way for a Depopulation Disease X Jesus that they will be trying to release after this. The 2019 SARS 2 Novel Corona COVID Virus mutates and comes back again and again. So people get sick and the viruses come back to reinfect them. Look at the people who created and released this bio-weapon for the sake of Agenda 2030. Look at Bill Gates. Look at what Obama did. Look at other people as well. Globalists have been talking about doing this for many decades or longer. You have been warned. We can Google Natural Remedies. We can do many things to fight the diseases and we should always go after the people behind the global genocide of mankind. History is being made. You are part of history. You can help save millions of people. The virus is air-born. If you don't have it, then you will eventually get infected. But we can stop it. We can do many things. We can stop the globalists. You have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people around you. Making the world greener, one oatmeal at a time. We are all original oatmeal. Now is the time. Live life to the fullest. Do your best and smile. That is all you can do is your best. Have no regrets in life and simply give it all you got. Leave nothing on the table and have fun.

The Flu Shot lowers your immune system to help COVID murder you.

Hillary Clinton says the Flu Shot will save you from COVID.

Murdering Trump

01:04 PM - Twitter | Twitter

They're trying to get people to think Trump has COVID so they can use that as a cover for murdering Trump and saying that Trump died from the virus.

@IdontTakePics replied: Sounds like a win-win either way it goes

And global depopulation to enslave humanity.

How do we protect cells from viruses? Eat some oranges.
05:38 PM - Steemit

These are some of the questions I've been asking lately. I want to find ways to stop viruses from entering into cells because then you stop the replication of the viruses and give the immune system more time to find and destroy the viruses.


This article is simply an introduction post to the subject of finding ways to strengthen cell walls. This is not a complete list of things that can help you. But this serves as a starting point. Eat more oranges, garlic, etc.

Stefan Molyneux

05:52 PM - Coronavirus Update with Stefan Molyneux! BREAKOUT! March 13 2020


06:06 PM - Steemit

Also, quality can be subjective as well like art. Agreed that Steem serves as a safe space like you said. So, I archive my work here as a way to keep backups online. That is a priceless feature. I would add a donate button on posts to allow people to send their favorite artists some tips, some money, and not just an upvote button.

Steem Upvote Add-ons

I would also encourage people to develop Steem apps and specifically add-ons which can offer different upvoting systems that do not depend completely on the Steem pool or even at all.

Decentralize Pool Systems

I would seek to decentralize pool systems as opposed to only being limited to the centralized upvote pool and also the downvote pool of the Steem blockchain. For example, Busy.org could have an independent pool system that could be added through a web browser add-on or some other method. That would add increase competition in the money systems or pool systems that could simply incentivize innovation in all of that. And it seeks to minimize cartels and especially monopolies which could plague pool systems.


06:25 PM - FULL: President Trump Declares National Emergency Over Coronavirus 3/13/20

Sock Puppets

07:00 PM - Steemit

It is not a 2 year delay if they have sets of sock puppets accounts that can come out one day and then another group of bot accounts could pop up the next week or the next month following that and all the accounts could be two years old or older and they could come out.

Mom came to me at 07:00 PM to say something abotu Trump acting like George Bush Jr did after 9/11 in 2001 and back in the early 2000's in general some of that may be true in some ways but Trump has been trying to help America regardless and yet the deep state swamp are all around Trump to trick and lie Trump all of the time.

Hurting The Economy

07:09 PM - Steemit

I agree with you that it is hurting the economy, indeed, and it is persuading some people away from increased desire to always trust corrupt government like you said.


07:15 PM - Steemit

So, when you went to get your phone, the coyotes were gone? Dakota looks like a smart dog. A man's best friend indeed.

Building Solar Panels

07:27 PM - Steemit

I really would love to build solar panels in order to activate some solar power. What do I need to do to make this happen or should I seek after other kinds of power sources? Can I connect solar to huge gigantic batteries and generators? Can batteries expire or leak power over time when they are not being used?

Solar Panel.jpeg

Justin Loves Oatmeal

07:39 PM - Steemit

Tron Overlord Justin Bieber Sun promised to make me, the original green oatmeal, Lord of all Oatmeal on the Tron Steem network. He said he promise to spoon with me, with my oatmeal I mean, to make this official.

Justin Sun 0001.png


07:48 PM - Facebook

Schools should focus more on teaching certain things and not everything. I'm against drag queen story hour.

Bill Gates

07:51 PM - Steemit

Bill Gates can save us, right, with the home kits?

Doesn't that interfere with the Free Market?

Distilled Water

08:07 PM - Facebook

Aimee Moulton, Distilled Water, Yum Yum, I drink it every day, so good, so yummy, I am now a new person, new cells.

Decentralizing The Internet

08:14 PM - Facebook

Peer to Peer Internet via Ad-Hoc Connections can bypass ISP, etc.

The Tenth Amendment

08:18 PM - Facebook

Connie Fuller Wright, I do not like too much government. I like the freedom to buy and sell without too much regulations, taxes, etc, etc. I prefer that people take care of each other. I encourage competition and everything. I favor private property rights and the freedom to buy and sell without limits. I want government not to interfere too much with the tenth amendment. You gotta love the TENTH amendment.

Supply Chains Are Breaking

08:21 PM - Facebook

Supply Chains are breaking. You will begin to see this before May of 2020.


08:26 PM - Facebook

Why not hoard? You would rather not be prepared?

Never mind the articles I wrote since January of 2020.

Why don't cars have gas locks?

Lori Lynn, First Come, First Served

It's not like parents can teach their children anything. :D

The Corona Virus was engineered and is partly here to attempt to reset centralized fiat currencies among other things in order to gain even more control over the world banks, the ability to regulate the money, to issue money, the supplies of money, and everything.

Reminds me of my guinea pig.

Rain Water

09:15 PM - Facebook

Aimee Moulton, Also, solar power. Yummy water filters. People should have water wells and pumps. Collect rain water.

Diamond & Silk

09:22 PM - @DiamondandSilk talk about the Coronavirus!


What kind of people say that we should not hoard?

Jealous people who don't hoard.

That's why they say it.

They be angry that they don't got what hoarders have.

They be jealous.

But better safe than sorry.

Info Wars Discord

09:50 PM - Discord Invite Link - https://cryptowars.me

Wu Ya Hand Virus

Terminator Walking Dead Virus


3D Printer Clone Yo Ass Virus

Eat Your Heart & Lungs Out Virus

Winnie The Pooh Batman Virus

Bill Gates Gots a Cure Already Virus

Drag Time Story Hour in Yo Mouth Virus

Trixs Are For Kids Virus

Mickey Will Eat It Virus

But they are trying to say Trump got COVID so they can murder Trump and say COVID did it, a perfect cover to the extent they can trick enough people to be fooled by fake news.

I've been writing articles on COVID but have not talked about all the different things COVID is for.

It is too bad when they try to ban HAM radio.

I need to make a list of how many different things COVID is. The globalists created COVID in order to murder Trump, money systems, to depopulate mankind, to get more people to beg government for help, to discredit Trump and patriots who said COVID is not a real virus, and the list probably goes on and on and on. And that means this whole thing is complex as in like 4D chess kind of thing.

Also, peer to peer Internet is something more people should try.

I would love to find ways to send Internet Messages via HAM Radio, Short Wave Radio, etc.

You can try to get adapters to connect devices to other monitors.

I would say you can still hack it.

But it would be tough.

If the hardware is limited by ROM, that is Read-Only Memory, and if the ROM is restricting the ability to put your own OS onto it, then perhaps, but I would still try regardless.

Five big boxes.

I would buy canned foods.

Buy Seeds

People should buy land and start farms, raise animals for meat.

I got distilled water.

Reminds me of Fear The Walking Dead, this one military farm had a stellar, a basement of foods and ammo.

The Walking Dead is propaganda designed to trick us into murdering zombies, AKA people with Corona Virus.

So, I encourage people not to discriminate against zombies.


I would not murder zombies.

Orange You Glad I'm Not AOC

I would tell them to mind their own business.

Mighty Morphin Power Oranges Fighting Against Lord Zedd and Batman Virus

The Walking Orange

AOC is my Mother

My Oranges are Bigger Than Your Oranges

Does this ORANGE make my ORANGES look fat?


Picard lost his ORANGES

Luke Skywalker drinking Blue Oranges

I will show you my ORANGES if you show me your ORANGES

The Fandom ORANGE

Remember ORANGES

Seven of ORANGES

Seven has two big ORANGES or she did

I've fallen and I can't get any more ORANGES

Breaking ORANGE, with your host, Walter ORANGE

Catch me if you ORANGE, Starring Leo ORANGE

Xena the Warrior ORANGE

The Young and the ORANGELESS

James and the Giant Orange

Angelina Jolie as Tomb Orange

Sponge Bob Square Orange

Saving Private ORANGES

Mister Fred Oranges

Ray William ORANGE Three Equals


We evolved from ORANGENTANGES

Orange World

@Nicholas Horton Jessica ORANGE did it.

Once Upon an Orange

It is air born.

Chimera Virus

Everybody will get it or got it, the virus.


8 Stars

They put eight stars together and that is interesting.

Enter the ORANGE starring Jackie ORANGE and Chuck Norange.

Your mom has the biggest ORANGES

You have the biggest ORANGES in the world.

O for Orange and V for Vendetta

The Orange Monster eats Oranges and punches the cookie monster in the face.

Black Mirror has no oranges.

Final Fantasorange.

Bri Orange

Orange Hunt. No ducks were harmed in the making of this game.

Mortal Oranges


Info Orange

Alex Orange

Paul Joseph Orange

I lost a pet to oranges

George Orange

Attack of the Killer Oranges

Walt Orange


You're on Candid Orange

Where in the world is Carmen San Dieg Orange

Star Trek Orange

Friday the Orange

Freddy vs Orange

The Angry Orange

Orange Garlic

Orange Oatmeal

Britney orange

Oops I Orange Again

Darth Orange shoots out Vitamin C at his enemy, Jedi Tooth Decay.

The old guy that trained the Karate Kid also trained the Karate Woman.

Storing Media

11:04 PM - Steemit

Yeah, I've heard about that. Is IPFS the best way to store images, video, etc?

Diversity is like a Coloring Book and America is like the blue sky. They be like, oh the blue sky is not diverse enough. Gotta mix all the colors and turn the sky muddy.


Prager U

01:21 AM - Fireside Chat Ep. 125 — Coronavirus: Panic or Pandemic?

Star Wars The Clone Wars

2020-03-13 - Friday - 03:23 AM - 03:53 AM - Clone Wars 704


2020-03-13 - Friday - 03:57 AM - 04:56 AM - Picard 108


10:48 AM - 3/13/20 alex jones info wars

Stefan Molyneux

05:52 PM - Coronavirus Update with Stefan Molyneux! BREAKOUT! March 13 2020


06:25 PM - FULL: President Trump Declares National Emergency Over Coronavirus 3/13/20

Diamond & Silk

09:22 PM - @DiamondandSilk talk about the Coronavirus!

Nine News

09:35 PM - Scott Morrison responds to coronavirus pandemic | Nine News Australia


09:43 PM - Doctor Who Backfires | Star Trek Picard Getting Worse - Friday Night Tights

Lionel Nation

11:40 PM - Live Stream: America's Ready, Mr. President

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography
Click here to watch Alex Jones & Other Infowars Shows
Some of my Top Favorite News Websites
How do we promote Steemit on social networks?

08:00 PM - 10:30 PM - Thursday - Nap

Word Press

Word Press banned me. They probably didn't like that I expose globalism.

I replied to their banning.

Are you against free speech? I support Trump. I am an American. So, I write my opinions about politics. Am I not allowed to talk about my own life on my own blog? I cannot share links on my own blog?

Screenshot at 2020-03-14 00:16:19.png
Screenshot at 2020-03-14 00:20:10.png

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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

Get Your Vote On Peeps

2014 - Obama: Ebola is a “Trial Run” For a Deadlier Airborne Disease

How do we protect cells from viruses? Eat some oranges.

It is like the fake Trump accounts in Twitter, they are easy to spot. The real Justin has REP of 58 and this one has 55.

DIY , How To Make Gloves With Freezer Bag And Flame

Homemade Ouija Board

Hey my baby Tron Overlord Justin Sun dear, who is that hot chick in the middle?

Ashton Kutcher just fooled ya again.

Announcing the Social Blockchain Working Group

muh muh muh MYYYY Coronoa!

Patient Zero Now Dates to November 17, South China Post

uuhh... This is it, we have come full circle.

Today In Stupid - Guess Who's Fault Corona Is?


COVID Explosion - April of 2020 - Potential Projection

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What is the Corona Virus?

Flush Out Your Lungs Daily

My Uptrennd

Double Government

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