
A zombie is a person who is walking around while infected with the Corona Virus. It is air-born. You cannot stop it from spreading. We are all being exposed to it. Vince Carter played what might be his final game Wednesday. He made that three at the end of that game.

Curing Corona Virus

Chloroquine is a proven antiviral treatment for malaria. It works by transporting ionic zinc across the cell membrane, which in turn shuts down the replicase enzyme needed for viral replication.

Independence vs Dependence

Do you want to remain dependent on the government for your welfare, for your health and well-being? I encourage people to help each other out voluntarily. Would you rather tyranny stick a gun in your face and force you to give them too much of your money (taxes)? Do you trust them? So, authoritarian governments can have all the guns and you cannot even have a knife?

Freedom vs Protection

Which do you prefer, alleged protection from federal government or the freedom to live, the freedom to try, the freedom to worship, the freedom to compete, the freedom to buy and sell, the freedom of private property, the freedom of privacy, the freedom to bear arms, and the freedom of free speech?

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2020-03-12 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-03-12 - Thursday

Screenshot at 2020-03-12 05:10:32.png

I love buffalo

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Contact Me | Published in March of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Lionel Nation

12:08 AM - Live Stream Special: Harvey Weinstein Gets 23 Years — Your Reaction(s)

Art of the Argument

12:50 AM - Steemit

People make false statements about things all the time. Stefan Molyneux wrote a book about it called The Art of the Argument. That is why I love America so much, for the foundation it stands on.

Naomi Brockwell

01:44 AM - “Stop calling it the flu” pleads doctor

A zombie is a person who is walking around while infected with the Corona Virus. It is air-born. You cannot stop it from spreading. We are all being exposed to it.


2020-03-12 - Thursday - 02:09 AM - 03:06 AM - Outlander 411

Roger thought he escaped but did not. He thought he went through the stones but it was probably just in his head.

Bri's grandma was an artist just like her.

Bri's aunt had a dinner and invited unmarried men and tried to find a husband for her.

Hope is at the very heart of love.

They take the time to bury a dead man who was with Roger, even as they were trying to catch up and find Roger.

Claire is a strong character that is very wifey and motherly. She compared Jaimee with Briana.

2020-03-12 - Thursday - 03:07 AM - 04:03 AM - Outlander 412

A priest in the hut says he had sex with the Indian healer, had a baby, and could not baptize the baby due to sin. but all have sin says Romans 3:23. And you should not baptize babies.

The Indians want the priest to baptize the baby and he refuses to and they will murder him for it. Roger tells the man to fake it to save his life and he refuses to.

All Roger had to do was reach out and touch it, pun intended, to get away, and he did not.

They burn the dad because he will not baptize his baby but slowly. Roger throws gas on the fire to make die or burn faster and the mother walks in to burn with him. Burnt at the stake.

Love that strong is hot, pun intended.

Roger got the mother to commit suicide which was bad. Yes, it symbolizes unconditional love between the father and the mother but not love to the baby.

2020-03-12 - Thursday - 04:04 AM - 05:02 AM - Outlander 413

The Indian chief knows English and the tribe is impressed that Claire, Jaimee, and the boy, traveled from South Carolina to New York for Roger but then see the gem on Claire and they then don't want to trade.

Jaimee gives up his life for Roger but then the boy chooses to live there.

The boy past the test. Get past the line of Indians trying to beat you up and touch the chief and you can then become one of them. Roger beats up Jaimee.

Bri has a baby and her aunt says they will decide or lie about the birthdate of the baby in order to make sure the baby is not a bastard born before marriage or outside of marriage. I say that does not matter. Marriage is important but lying is dangerous.

2020-03-12 - Thursday - 05:08 AM - 06:08 AM - Outlander 501

Season five.

The Frazer Ranch

She wants to stay in the past and he wants to go back to the 1970's. They marry in the 1770's.

He says you cannot change a man, only his circumstance.



11:15 AM - 3/12/20 alex jones info wars

The Corona Virus is man-made created by the Chicom and globalists to take down the United States.

Alex Jones predicted 9/11 ands also Las Vegas 2017 but the Corona Virus is not a hunch but rather based on evidence.

Stopping Deep State

11:34 AM - Steemit

I love America. However, it appears as if you were attacking 1776, well unless if you were attacking the deep state. It is not a false statement if it is true and especially if it appears to be what you were doing. If you are against the corruption inside the RINO Republicans, then I agree with that.

Silver can kill the corona virus on surfaces faster than copper could.

Copper can kill viruses within hours and silver even faster.

Chemo Therapy kills more people than cancer does.

Princeton University did a study and found that it is air-born.

Car washing, day 2. Dishes. Shower. Meatloaf on soup salad. Are they locking down New York due to COVID, AKA the 2019 Novel Corona Virus? That is the problem with people begging or going along with government trying to keep us safe as it can lead towards 1984 Marshall Law Authoritarianism and everything. People will try to get their money back as things are canceled and the money may not be there. Like NBA games for examples. Now, some things may not be refundable. But imagine billions of people globally trying to get refunds all at once. The problem can be in the fractional banking in how money can be fake and how fragile the economy can be as money goes around from place to place and struggles to go in reverse and so on and so forth.

Stefan Molyneux

06:44 PM - Coronavirus Update with Stefan Molyneux!

5G is a microwave.

Internet Bandwidth can be free if you bypass ISP and/or reroute around certain things via P2P and/or other things to decentralize the Internet and to reduce costs and/or etc etc.

People should teach Stefan Molyneux on how to reduce his Bandwidth Costs.

You can have free Internet.



07:08 PM - 3/12/20 alex jones info wars

AOC is retarded

Talk about what kind of leader China King Winnie The Pooh is

Judgement Value

07:21 PM - Steemit

People should judge people in the sense that people should confront other people and some judgements have already been made. Now, keep in mind that judgements may not always violate or interfere with freewill and judgements can be an aspect of free speech.

Sun vs Steem

07:29 PM - Steemit

Some people prefer safety and that is why they favor Sun. But freedom is better than alleged security and protection promised from centralized authority, government.

Satellites shoot lazers at each other?

Star Wars is real

Circle Jerk

07:41 PM - Steemit

Would the circle-jerk be decreased as people join Steem to vote to balance or counter-balance and better compete with the whales, the dolphins, the sock puppet accounts, the duplicate accounts, bots, etc? I would say I hope so. And that is one of the problems, that Steem has only around a million people or a lot less active users each month as opposed to like billions like Facebook and YouTube got.


Lionel Nation

12:08 AM - Live Stream Special: Harvey Weinstein Gets 23 Years — Your Reaction(s)

Naomi Brockwell

01:44 AM - “Stop calling it the flu” pleads doctor


2020-03-12 - Thursday - 02:09 AM - 03:06 AM - Outlander 411
2020-03-12 - Thursday - 03:07 AM - 04:03 AM - Outlander 412
2020-03-12 - Thursday - 04:04 AM - 05:02 AM - Outlander 413
2020-03-12 - Thursday - 05:08 AM - 06:08 AM - Outlander 501


11:15 AM - 3/12/20 alex jones info wars

Stefan Molyneux

06:44 PM - Coronavirus Update with Stefan Molyneux!


07:08 PM - 3/12/20 alex jones info wars

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