
Corona Virus is the new nine eleven for the world. It was engineered to bring people closer to elevated tyranny. Will you let them do that? "Before there was Internet, there was Talk Radio." Alex Jones. White children are a minority. Tron Overlord continues to take over Steem. So, we will probably fork. See, Justin bought Steemit and not Steem. But Justin says that Steemit is Steem and that Steem is Steemit. But that is incorrect. But that is minor news when compared to how only one percent of people or much less die from the flu. Right now, early in 2020, way more than 3% are dying from COVID even as it still spreads and everything. COVID is engineered. Too many people say it is just the flu but it is worse than that. It is very bad and we can fight it. But supply chains are breaking which means you will not have food very soon. I'm on record warning you. I'm telling you to wake up. Otherwise, you will suffer more than you could ever imagine.

Remembering Tom Wade
Get Your Vote On Peeps

Remembering Tom Wade

03:56 PM - Steemit

Thomas Neil Wade was able to make me laugh. Somehow, Tom would take the time to get to know me, to ask me questions to understand the kind of individual that I was.

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2020-03-08 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-03-08 - Sunday

Screenshot at 2020-03-08 01:06:43.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Contact Me | Published in March of 2020

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Krissy Smith

My OWN Divorce Attorney Tries to PUT ME in INSANE ASYLUM #KrissyTheMovie #PsychiatricSurvivor


Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Tron Steem 3Speak

12:10 AM - Steemit

Tempting offer but Dan made a good choice in declining what might have been a trap.

But the open source is still available on Steeming.com


2020-03-08 - Sunday - 01:44 AM - 02:44 AM - Outlander 404

Jaimee buying land and being encouraged to choose wisely the tenants, the settlers, the renters, who may live there as he will be the landowner or slave master of land and not slaves.

1971, Oxford

He finds where Claire was in history in America, in North Carolina, where James Frazer bought 10,000 acres





People knew how to knit

Jaimee, The Bear Killer

They may die before the 1800's according to a letter or soemthing

Building a house

Where did Briana go?


The Rubin Report

08:14 AM - Revealing The Genius Foods That Help You Prevent Disease | Max Lugavere | LIFESTYLE | Rubin Report

Annual Month Sabbath

The Amazing Jesus

08:18 AM - The Amazing Podcast - #7 Uncle Hotep

Dropping Truth Bombs

Redefining Words

08:37 AM - Steemit

Rothschild agrees with you. So, that means you hate Steem. Because Steem was created to go against Rothschild. Murder is the theft of life. Corruption is a fuel that can cause theft as a symptom in some cases. We can talk about money. We can talk about gold. We can talk about what FDR did in the 1930's. You mentioned Popcorn. We can talk about copyright. We can talk about brain phones. Robbery and theft can be similar depending on how a person CHOOSES and DECIDES to define those words. And different people have different meanings and definitions assigned for words. It is extremely complex. And then they try to force people to go to public mainstream education, schools, to be forced to only believe in the definitions that they teach. Your belief in how exchanges can do what you call not theft is pretty scary. In the 1920's, many people tried to withdraw from banks and were unable to. We should be talking about that as that alone destroys your arguments, what you are trying to say. Understanding what happened in the 1920's in America is critical to understanding what is and is not real money backed by gold and fake money not backed by gold and/or other things. People redefine words. Every person does it. Kings would do it historically. We can talk all day about how history was generally written and redefined by the winners and stuff.

Winning Bees

08:45 AM - Steemit

I was hoping you would say that bees could fight COVID.

Sunday school. Tea. Hop back to get her. Bagels. Small group discussion. God is like the justice side of the shovel and the grace side of the handle. We talked a little bit about COVID. I told them I eat garlic. Mar added that milk can help ease how strong garlic can be in the stomach. I talked about how I was on the WOL quiz team during my senior year and I didn't answer any of the questions as I thought a lot about them but the format was mor elike jeapardy. Sunday school does not have to be like that and can be flexible and that is why I love debating and having fun when playing Apples to Apples. We will continue on page 65, day 3.

Sermon featured two guys, two shirts. One was more dirty. Christ died for that. Put on His shirt. You can cover it up. Blondie. Gopher? Rake. Sunny unlike rainy yesterday.

Killing of Uncle Sam

How did Rockefeller take over 50% of Argentina banks via Citibank?

How did Rockefeller get to obtain and own the Equador pipline?

1871 - USA =/= USA INC
1971 - USD =/= GOLD

How do we cure HIV?


02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Like Playing Cards But For People

Remembering Tom Wade

03:56 PM - Steemit

Thomas Neil Wade was able to make me laugh. Somehow, Tom would take the time to get to know me, to ask me questions to understand the kind of individual that I was.


Tribute Wall

Thomas Neil Wade.jpg

Rest In Peace (RIP) - Thomas Neil Wade - February 6, 1946 - August 12, 2015

He was very good at making jokes and getting along with people at the Word of Life Inn, 2004-2006, which were the years I was working there as a student of the New York Word of Life Bible Institute (WOLBI NY), which is a two year Bible college. I would work in the kitchen and mostly in maintenance at their Inn. Specifically, he was my boss, possibly just my first year in New York from 2004-2005 and yet I probably still saw him on and off in 2005-2006 as well. We did have different managers there as time went on and especially towards and during my second year.

My Boss' Boss

When I say that he was my boss, I mean more like my boss' boss kind of thing. But we would have lunch together as Inn staff at times. So, I was sometimes sitting near him. He would see me reading or writing sometimes and ask me what I was doing. He was kind of silly with staff and people really loved him for it.

2015-08-12 - Tom died - according to Post Star - at the age of 69. Mr. Wade was a public school administrator in the state of Michigan after graduating from Ohio Northern University and Eastern Michigan University. Upon retirement, he and his wife moved to upstate New York to be near their two daughters. He was a devoted father to Wendy Deshetsky (Ralph and children, Drew and Molly) and Kelly Eger (Tim). He was a servant leader at the Word of Life Inn and spread joy and laughter to all he met. I was generally only at the Inn on Mondays during those two school years, except for a few times when I was living and working there a few times, like during a few school breaks. During those times, we especially worked hard on many things.

Tom took the time to get to know me as I worked at the Inn as a WOLBI student, 2004-2006, would make us all laugh. He was so good at understanding individuals.

Thug Goosh

04:12 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

White children are a minority.

Cenk Yogurt freaked out at an airport as he had to wait at least 4 hours for his airplane. They said it was coming. But 4 hours later, still waiting. So, he made a video of him yelling at them. He was asking them. Then they said again that the plane was coming. It is possible that they are both wrong.

"Before there was Internet, there was Talk Radio." Alex Jones.

Helped with trying to fix the speakers for ten minutes. The wires might be faulty. Could be the one speaker. Not my speakers.

Tron Steem Drama

05:36 PM - Steemit

Oh ok. I'm sorry, I've been confused by the Tron Steem Drama. I'm trying to understand the details. For example, I'm guessing that crypto exchange websites have Steemit accounts. I'm not totally sure how it all works, but I am guessing that these Steemit accounts work as the middle man between their exchanges and the Steem blockchain. I have sent some Steem to Poloniex and Bittrex through their Steem accounts.

So, based on what I know, based on what I've experienced, it seems that these accounts have access to Steem on their exchanges and access to the Steem blockchain. So, I believe that they took some Steem from some exchanges that they had access to and powered up their SP on their Steem accounts to then vote for witnesses.

I believe Tron Overlord Justin Sun was upset as he really wanted to help those exchanges power down as fast as possible so that they could return Steem back to the random people they borrowed or stole from. I believe that some of those people did not know that the exchanges were doing this and that Roy Liu and Justin and Tron really wanted to rush things along to make sure that nobody notices. But then if they power down, then they can't continue to vote with the same voting power. And I am guessing that people can try to vote back in the previous witnesses back into the top twenty or top thirty spot as they did to an extent last week.

I feel like Tron is in a sticky situation. I don't know what I would do in their situation. Do you keep the SP so you can continue voting or do you return the Steem to the people and admit to the actions that they took. Well, either way, they did what they did.

Real vs Fake Forks

05:46 PM - Steemit

Well, I'm guessing that Smoke, Bear Shares, Dream Real, Weku like you said, @baah, and Serey, are all not forks of Steem and are simply like copies or clones as you put it. My definition of fork would include clones. But strictly speaking, they didn't literally fork like Bitcoin Cash literally forked and split from BTC Bitcoin. Therefore, I guess there has been no Steem forks yet. I remember when Bitcoin forked one time and in one of the exchanges, I think Bittrex, I saw my Bitcoin split so that I would have say 0.005 Bitcoin and 0.005 Bitcoin Cash or whatever it was during the split into Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold and I don't remember how many times.

But if Steem were to really split and fork like Bitcoin, I wonder if crypto exchanges would split and give clients Steem and New Steem or Old Steem in the same way they did when Bitcoin would split.

Building Seven

Corona Virus is the new nine eleven for the world. It was engineered to bring people closer to elevated tyranny. Will you let them do that?

Ted Cruz is trending on Twitter

Trump is still tweeting that Corona Virus is fake news and Trump is wrong about that so far. Trump must seek out real experts on what is really happening. The Virus uses an HIV thing for spreading and stuff. It reinfects people. It is man-made. It is a zombie virus. Be smart. It is very bad. build up your immune system.

Money Debate

06:11 PM - Steemit

Also, JP Morgan. He is a big big rock. Also, crony corporatism which is not free market capitalism.

Q Qanon

2018-04-09 - Monday - 06:32 PM PST LMS JA - The 9th of April of 2018 - Oatmeal Joey Arnold via Steemit - @joeyarnoldvn

2018-04-09 - Monday - 06:32 PM - Screenshot at 2020-03-08 19:01:24.png

From April of 2018 | Article on Syria

They are trying to stop Q. MSM does not talk about QAnon. Some people profit from war. Especially the Rothschild Empire. We gotta get more people to talk about all of that. MSM and the NWO hates Bitcoin and Steemit and Q. They are trying to stop all of us. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

@blackrussian (51)

2 years ago (edited)

Thank you @joeyarnoldvn - I appreciate your reply - You Know whats going on Joey ;-)

Well done like a steak.

Dan The Man

07:45 PM - Steemit

Dan, absolutely. I agree with your open letter. I would encourage Tron Overlord Justin Sun to apologize but I may not go as far as to ask Roy Liu and Tron in general to retract sock puppet accounts, bot profiles, but instead to persuade to crypto exchange websites to power down Steem they acquired, temporarily borrowed, or stolen, or whatever people want to call whatever actions that were taken.


I call it theft. People tell me it was not robbery. But Tron was indirectly stealing in a way. Of course, banks do this kind of thing but shouldn't.


Well, let me peddle my bike backwards and say maybe I would want Tron to turn off their sock puppet witness accounts, I mean Steem accounts that accounts voter for to be witnesses. If I wanted to be a witness, would I go somewhere and press a button or do something?

Remove Tron Witnesses

I don't know what the details are, but perhaps Tron witnesses could press that button to turn that off to discontinue from being witnesses. But Tron will probably not comply.

Funny Feeling

I've tried to like Ned Scott of Steemit but have had a funny feeling about him. I had a funny feeling about Tron when I first heard about it but have tried to keep an open mind. If Tron truly uses blockchain technology, then I do wish it the best.

Voting Up Tron Bots

07:52 PM - Steemit

If you guys do, could you make sure to post a list of witnesses you want us to not vote for so that we can make sure we don't accidentally vote for a Tron puppet just to find out that our accounts are now frozen. I voted for 30 witnesses and I believe I didn't vote for any Tron bots, but I just want to make sure.

Letter to Justin Sun

08:02 PM - Steemit

Tron Overlord Justin Sun, why do you say that funds were frozen? What does that mean? Does that mean you colluded to coordinate cryptocurrency exchange websites to borrow Steem from their client's accounts to power up into their own personal Steem accounts, into their SP, so that they could vote for Tron witnesses in order to centralize and govern and take over the Steem blockchain? How is that not theft and collusion and treason and all kinds of things?

Exchange Trust

08:10 PM - Steemit

I have some Bitcoin in Bittrex and Poloniex. Perhaps, I should pack up and leave. I guess I don't really need to keep money in those exchanges, especially if I can't trust them.

Steem Government Branches

08:16 PM - Steemit

Should Steem have three or four branches like the U.S. government in order to seek balance, like you said, @ammonite, in order to stop this from happening again? I'm not sure how the branches would work but perhaps there could be different teams. So, instead of buying just Steem and instead of only voting for just witnesses, perhaps we could have for example, Red Steem and Blue Steem, Red Witnesses and Blue Witnesses lol haha, no, but seriously they don't have to be those colors. But there has to be a way to put limits to these types of things like you said. So, it comes down to the architecture of the blockchain, the design, the structure. I'm a bit of a web designer but I don't know too much about blockchain. I could probably study it but I can't really say too much at the moment concerning how that would be done.

Female Justin Sun

08:17 PM - Steemit

Did Justin Sun get a sex change already?

Justin Sun Mother

08:18 PM - Steemit

Is the Test 45 account @test45 secretly the mother of Tron Babysitter Justin Sun?



But it has no profile picture, meaning it could be your mother.

Binance Powering Down?

08:29 PM - Steemit

If Binance powers down, how is that good news? Does that mean their voting power for the Tron witnesses decreases?


08:35 PM - Steemit

I'm near Seattle and yeah, I've not seen Outbreak but do watch Walking Dead.


2018-04-26 - Thursday - 05:53 PM - The 26th of April of 2018

He mentioned my name in a thread in the must of a Steem debate.

09:00 PM - 02:50 AM
Around 6 hours



2020-03-08 - Sunday - 01:44 AM - 02:44 AM - Outlander 404

The Rubin Report

08:14 AM - Revealing The Genius Foods That Help You Prevent Disease | Max Lugavere | LIFESTYLE | Rubin Report

The Amazing Jesus

08:18 AM - The Amazing Podcast - #7 Uncle Hotep

Thug Goosh

04:12 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

Get Your Vote On Peeps

Justin Sun Was Right

Two Latino Community Witnesses Ready to Launch into Top20 - Vote Now!

Review your witnesses votes NOW!!! Remove your votes from the following witnesses who have shut down their servers and help Steem. More than 65 mill SP is of no use at the moment.

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What is the Corona Virus?

Flush Out Your Lungs Daily

Why Crypto Should Care About Justin Sun’s Steem Drama

COVID Explosion - April of 2020 - Potential Projection

Did you say Sun was arrested for stealing money?

Double Government

My Uptrennd

Facebook's harsh restrictions where you are not allowed to even private message family if you don't Cave to their Agenda! Evidence and report!

"Event 201" A Global Corona Virus Pandemic Excersise (right before a real global corona virus pandemic)

Hillary Demands Even More Russia Escalations From Trump Administration

Opinion | Coronavirus and the Psychological War | Geo-Politics 101

My Exchanges with Fed Chairmen | Ron Paul

Trump Virus


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