2013, October

Was teaching at the Leaf Pagoda, in the Thu Duc District, at some coffee shops, with the Fellowship Youth Group (FYG), at a high school in the Tan Binh District. I was living in the Tan Phu District.

2013-10-23 - Wednesday - FYG Q11 Class - 1404977_583206515078439_1621297337_o.jpg
2013-10-23 - Wednesday - FYG Q11 Class

Volunteer Friends For Street Children

2013-10-02 - Wednesday - 02:29 AM - An ffscvn emailed me: "Can you teach English for our students for free because they are all disadvantage students. And Can you please arrange an appointment at our office at 140/4 Vo Thi Sau Ward 8, D3 for more details." I went for an interview, I think but they didn't accept me. I guess, they didn't like me or something.

Moving to Tan Phu

2013-10-02 - Wednesday - 03:53 AM - Võ Thanh Phương Facebook messaged me: "I and my friends will help you tomorrow. We are going in there and get u some stuff." I moved in with him and two other Vietnamese guys for October of 2013. Back on Monday, the 30th of September, concerning my work schedule, I wrote: "I am busy after 2 PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays. I am busy 5 - 7 PM on Fridays and Saturdays. I teach for free at a pagoda in district 12 on Saturdays and Sundays around 7 AM - 1 PM. I am busy after 6 PM on Mondays. I am free at other times. Let me know if there are more people who want to join Oatmeal English. We can talk more about scheduling classes later." 05:57 PM: "A friend (Kendy Long Góc Tối) who seems to be helping with finding students for Oatmeal English." On Sunday, the 29th of September, at 10:46 PM, I wrote about my Tan Phu Apartment Address: "553/2/19 Lũy Bán Bích, Phú Thạnh, ​Q.Tân Phú, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Go on Trường Chinh to district 1, in district 12. Right on Âu Cơ, Right on Lũy Bán Bích, Pass Thoại Ngọc Hầu, Third Right. Third right. My roommates: Duy Ngo, Đức Khỏe, Võ Thanh Phương. I wrote that this was my new address as of Thursday, the 3rd of October, 2013, that is ICT Saigon time and 10:07 AM PST, Friday. But I'm not sure which day I moved to Tan Phu, specifically. Maybe late in September or early in October. I wrote to Joy Sanchez saying that my rent here was $10 monthly.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

2013-10-02 - Wednesday - 06:57 AM - My Facebook Status Comment - Joey to Oatmeal: "Why did the chicken cross the road? To get away from me. To get away from all of these questions." Phil Holmes: "Would you like me to add some more questions to your questions that you may like to question on this occasion ?" Restore Main Street. Joy Dinh. Ngọc Hòa Vernon Sin. Nguyễn Thường.

Thanh Binh District Room

"2013-05-02 - Thursday - 191/37b Võ Duy Ninh, phường 22; Quận Bình Thạnh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Asia." I moved into this address in May of 2013. This is what I wrote in an email to myself, 2013-10-07; 05:41 AM.

2013-10-08 - Tuesday - Thu Duc English Screenshot at 2019-03-27 22:27:42.png
Thu Duc English
Infowars Activism Forum

Thu Duc English

2013-10-08 - Tuesday - I wrote this out for my students in an adult business English class I began teaching in October: "Name _______________ Date ___________ Mood ____________________. Business 0001: 2013/10/08 Tuesday: District Thu Duc: By Joey Arnold, Original Oatmeal: OriginalOatmeal@Gmail.comhttp://MeaOmnia.com/ohttp://FaceBook/OriginalOatmeal http://YouTube.com/OriginalOatmeal 0-163-425-1695. 1. When 2 companies or organizations _____________________ and come-together, you can call this a _____________________. You can also say that they are _____________________ together. When a road turns into another road, into a different road, you can say that the first road ______________________ with the second road. 2. 2. A person, a business owner, who starts a business, a company, a store, a café, a restaurant, a hotel, a school, or something, is an __________________. In other words, you are your own boss. You work for ________________________. You are self-motivated, self-driven from the ______________________. 3. I buy your food. I eat your food. If I get __________ from eating the food that I bought from you, I may get ad, angry, frustrated, sad, confused, and irritated. I may ask for refunds. I may try to return the foods, the products back. I may want some or all of my money back. I may ask for some _____________________ or rebate. I may even _________________ you in court as a means of serving you ____________________________. 4. 4. Companies want to make ________________. Companies want to make more money than they spend. Companies want to expand _____________________. 5. 5. Non-profit organizations are are usually not there to make a ___________________. They are not there to make tons of _________________________. Instead, non-profit organizations are there to help people. They may offer cheaper prices on their ___________________ and ____________________. Back on the 24th of September, at 05:39 AM, Nong emailed me concerning Thu Duc English: "Dear Joey: Today, you do not teach my children because we have not arranged time to teach them, I must tell you before you came here. We will notify you late when I was ready. The class study English, it still begin from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm with the name's topic : restaunrant, when you have already finished it, you can received your money and go home. Hihi. Thank you very much. If I have any new information, I will notify you right now. Best regard, Nong." I responded: "Can you print out this paper in the attachment below? The file is called food.PDF. I have this paper that the adult class can look at. It has fill-in-the-blanks for "Restaurant" words. Can you get a projector? So, I can show you different websites, videos, pictures, books, worksheets, papers, games, song, and different things that can help people get better at English. When you read my emails, this helps with your reading skills. Will there be a children class tomorrow? Will there normally be a children class on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays, like next week? Are the children busy tonight? Maybe you guys are busy tonight. Do you want to re-schedule today's children class for Saturday to make up for no children class today? Below is hand-out for the adult class. You can make copies of this paper from the file below in the attachment. We can learn different words and learn about what people say and do at restaurants. People say things like, "Can I take your order..." Tell me what you think about this hand-out." On October 24th, at 03:02 AM: I added in that email conversation: "You need more patience."

Health Care

2013-10-10 - Thursday - 12:46 AM - Agape's Ron Clark: "A note for those concerned about health care. I have heard that there are some serious concerns and horror stories out there in light of the changes from our government health care. I don't believe people are exaggerating and that I worry about some of the struggles people will face with this system. I can only speak for my family but here is a personal experience we are facing...." Me: "People should have the freedom to choose what kind of health care they get. People should never be forced into doing certain things. People should not be punished for not doing certain things. We should not be punished for making more money than others. Businesses should not be punished for expanding. Sometimes, businesses can provide health-care for their employees, that as long as they are not being punished too severely, as in taxed or other like regulations."

Breaking Bad Dream

2013-10-15 - Tuesday - 05:46 PM - I blogged: "Me and Matthew Matthew Kurtz were touring the United States on a hot New Mexico Day in his van. As I was in the back making meth, I noticed that we were running out of gas. I tipped a can of gas into the gas receiver which is located inside of the van. Later, I noticed that it was overflowing. I put too much gas in it. As quick as I could, I grabbed the can of gas to save the day. Later, I started noticing small fires in the wood which is situated inside the ant-like metal frame. This van had an external skeleton like ants. Inside of it was burnable wood. Like water leaks, as I tried suffocating the little fires, more would appear. Eventually, I told Matt who was driving. It felt like the end of the world. Somehow, Matt brought me back down to earth and reality, he calmed me down, with the following words, "Joey Arnold, Mr. Original Oatmeal, this is just a dream. Wake up and just make sure you don't do this in real-life with my real van the next time we meet or there will be Hell to pay." At that moment, I was kind of like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I started tapping my slippers with the magic words, "There's no place like home." Other than a few minor Breaking Bad details, this was the dream I just had here in the Tan Phu District of Saigon, Vietnam Asia: 2013 October 16th Wednesday 7 AM ICT. I just woke up. I had this dream a few minutes ago. It is 7:40 AM now. I really wanted to stop the fires in the dream. I did not want to wake up. I wanted to gain the almost real-life on the job training which may allow me to learn from mistake and to better prepare myself for zombies in the Walking Dead."

Breaking Bad

2013-10-17 - Thursday - 10:20 PM - I posted on my blog a Breaking Bad recap video from YouTube which was later removed either by the uploader or possibly by YouTube.

Leaf Pagoda

2013-10-19 - Saturday - I met Hoa Mặt Trời.

Indie Cafe

2013-10-20 - Sunday - 06:53 AM - I am at your Indie Cafe right now. I like your cafe; address: 220/58 Lê Văn Sỹ, 14, Quận 3, HCM. 02:21 AM: I met Cathy Kathryn Minh Minh Tú . I emailed her: "In Case I forget, I met you today at the Leaf Pagoda. Here is my phone number below. My contact information is below. You can call me. You can text me. Let me know how life is. If you need anything, let me know. You can SMS Text Message and write to me. You can find me. You can talk to me. "

Risk in Investments

2013-10-20 - Sunday - 08:31 PM - I had a debate with Nhan Hong T. I wrote: " Nhan Hong T is clearly missing the bigger picture. Investments must endure risks. Investment must suffer temporary lost in order to reap long-term benefits from eternal perspective over the unseen horizons of a promised utopia for all those willing to sacrifice their tradition for something better." Nhan: "So spend your 85,000 for the Coffeeshop! I say the places that charge you rip-offs. You can go to places you don't have to pay anything instead. It's up to you, if you want those places then don't raise any questions about being charged."

Drink & Talk English Speaking Club

2013-10-21 - Monday - 06:12 PM - I wrote the following on my blog: "Luis Casanova "KICKED ME OUT" of the Drink&Talk English Speaking Club, which lacks native American English Speakers. Luis says that I must pay money to go to the club. Luis said that normal foreigners get to attend for free. However, Joey Arnold, theOriginal Oatmeal, can't. He says that I am a trouble-maker. Why? Am I a trouble maker for starting the Oatmeal English? Am I bad at English? Am I a terrorist for engineering Mea Omnia? Am I Satanist for initiating Ironic Mystic, Restore Main Street, Incredible Inspiration? Luis says that they appreciate foreigners. However, they do not seem to appreciate me. Plus, I never see foreigners at their club. They want to ban their only foreigner. Is it because I am American from the United States? Luis Casanova wrote, and I quote: "Dear Joey, As a leader of Drink&Talk English Speaking Club, I would like to say something so that you can understand clearly my point of view. We do appreciate all of foreigners who can come and support us. If those people are friendly, active, helpful, positive thinking, we always encourage them to come and do not charge fees for sure. We are not only want to help our customers to improve their English speaking skill, we want to help them to get the positive point of view as well. Obviously, you are not the one who can help us on this. So, even though you are such a trouble maker foreigner, we will always try to treat you well as other customers. Once again, I have to say NO with your request about none-charging. Thank you so much and have a great day. Regards, Luis." Plus, Marshall wrote, "[Marshall] The club's fee is just 5.000VND man, plus to your bill of meals and drink that you'd ordered. We do not abuse anybody. I did not force you to pay the money. It is the common thing that everyone else know. I do hope that you understand this. If you're looking for a place where you get paid to speak English, please seek schools, English centers, and go on... We are the English Speaking Club, not the English Teaching School, we create the environment for people to talk to eachother by English. That is the "DEMAND" that people are looking for, we just simply give out the "SUPPLY". And please, sir, you yourself call foreigners "aliens", we do not. We call them "friends". We don't want to "hook" people up like fish, 'cause they are human, not fish. If you want to "hook" them up, please stop doing it under our name. The warm and welcoming environment are which keep the people stay with the club. Sincerely, Marshall." The daily club fee for each customer is 5.000 dongs. By the way, if you do not order a drink, the fee is 15.000 VND. Plus, I am not a customer. I do not need to practice English. Vietnamese people are charged because they are working on their English. Do I look like I need to work on my English? There are some contradiction in what they are saying, in their logic, their reasoning, in how they see the world. You should not abuse foreigners like this. They are trying to deny it. Yet, they are misinterpreting me. I am being misunderstood. They ran off with my face."

Don't Mess With Drink & Talk

2013-10-21 - Monday - 10:32 PM - Trà Tươi wrote to me on Facebook: "yo oatmeal, what is the point you are trying to make here? 1- We're running real deal, a profitable business, not charity. 2- What we are selling is not lesson but environment.An English speaking environment. We don't want to be racist, so we apply the same so called "club fee" to every human being. 3- We know how to run our business, so take care of your own business first. I mean find a real job. 4- Hope that part on which your destiny lies won't cross mine. Or any of us."

English Rain

2013-10-22 - Tuesday - I got a message from English Rain. I taught English with that Vietnamese man in Q.Tan Phu a few times.

Moc Cafe

2013-10-24 - Thursday - I emailed myself: "Weekly English Club: Moc Cafe: 37 Thép Mới, phường 12, quận Tân Bình, HCM; Today 6:30 am - 10:00 pm.... Thé Vert...."

He Married a Canadian

2013-10-24 - Thursday - 04:00 PM ICT - I wrote the following: "10:45 AM: At a cafe in the Phu Nhuan District: We talked about how people hate my spam on the internet. He wants to help me when he can. I'll be helping him when I can with marketing, website designing. Loan called me on the phone. We talked about how she teaches songs to her art students. 12 PM: Z Cocktail Cafe in Phu Nhuan; I talked to the manager and met a designer. 5:45 PM: Teach in Thu Duc for the 11 children."

High School English

2013-10-24 - Thursday - 08:01 PM - I emailed Vy To: "Vy To, here are some links to Oatmeal English, which is something that I made. My name is Joey Arnold. My nickname is Original Oatmeal. My name on Facebook is Original Oatmeal. You asked me about where I got some of those videos. I want to show you my collection. Here are some links for now." She responded: "you don't remember me ? I'm so sad. I have email for u one times before. I teach in room 19. my name is Vy. do u remember me? But, I thanks very much so u shared me with links. see u this tonight at room 19 . Ah, today our class is going to learn unit 6, lesson four (phonics)." 10:19 PM: Vy: "that's right. I wear glasses always. hihi. I think I can write English to u but can't listen clearly. So sometimes I can't understand what u say. U don't be sad me ? hihi." 10:24 PM: me: "I am not sad. Listening is hard. Are we working for an American English program?"

War Drobe

2013-10-25 - Friday - 01:42 AM - I replied on Fulton Hawk's Facebook status: "In Vietnam, if a girl saw a guy wear this shirt, they may just say, and I quote, "Hot Boy." Even when people may only know a few words, they still manage to memorize how to say "Hot Boy" and "Hot Girl" and "Beautiful" and they like to say things like "I'm Number One, You're Number Two." This shirt design is Number One."

Yuki Eye

2013-10-27 - Sunday - 10:23 PM: I emailed myself: "Suki Yuki Eye: Phuong Dung Nguyen: 413/13a Nguyễn Kiệm, P.9, Q.Phú Nhuận; cell: 090-806-6693. I met YukiEye through Toby Trung Thanh Bui. She was born in 1983. We'll meet again 9 AM tomorrow, Tuesday, 2013 October 29, at her house. First wrote to her 11:42 AM Friday, the 11th of October 2013 on Facebook. I met her in real life through my other friend Trung Thanh Bui 2:30 PM Monday, the 14th of October 2013. We met Wednesday 3 - 5 PM at that Hi-End Cafe. She bought me a 32.000 VND milk coffee drink and gave me 20.000 VND. She practice speaking with me from her written essay answers that she wrote out from these sample questions from certain topics. She talked about what countries she would go to and what kind of job she would want. TOPICS: 1. Where would you live & why? She says Singapore to exposure herself more to English & in order to experience, see, & try new things, cultures, religions, etc. 2. What kind of job would you want? Art Designer because she likes designing, organizing. We met again Thursday 2 - 4 PM. She paid me 12.000 VND today. She gave me 50.000 but I had to pay 38.000 for my drink. TOPIC: 1. Should students wear uniforms? Yes, because it promotes unity, strengthens confidence, character; and saves time, money. 2. Should people learn online or not? Online gives you flexibility to study on your own time at your own pace. You can repeat videos. You can review lessons as often as you need to. We will meet 2 PM Mondays & Wednesdays.

Farmer Girl

2013-10-27 - Sunday - 07:32 PM: Đoàn Thị Thương emailed me: "hi, thanks.Please too see you. My introduce name . I'm Thương. I'm full name Đoàn Thị Thương. I'm 23years old and from Thai Bình province.It's a great palce. You shohuld visit somtime _; I'm learning by doing. I'm a student in Ho Chi Minh city for food industry and working at Limited company Organic Fertilizer greenfield, at the momant (moment). I hope you can help me learn english good. _; I will try hard learn English because it's help me do a better job. I listen English bad. so, i hope you help me listener. _; my phone number is 0962-961-272. My Facebook: Henna De Thuong: Thương Đoàn: Út Lỳ." 08:09 PM: me: "Do you like eating organic? You are what you eat. Stay organic. Joey Arnold: The Original Oatmeal; My Facebook is http://FB.com/OriginalOatmeal; My Email is OriginalOatmeal@Gmail.com; My Skype is Original Oatmeal; My Youtube is http://YouTube.com/OriginalOatmeal; My Mea Omnia is http://MeaOmnia.com/o; My Viettel mobile phone number is 0-163-425-1695; My Address is 553/2/19 Lũy Bán Bích, phường Phú Thạnh: quận Tân Phú, t.p. Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam, Asia; My Tagged is http://Tagged.com/OriginalOatmeal; How are you? In case I forget, I met you. I want to make sure I remember how and when I met you. I meet people all of the time. I will do my best to remember people. I want to be there for people. I want to make my self available to people as often as I can. I am sending this email to you to help me remember you. Please write back to me when you can. Please add me on Facebook. Add me on Skype. Just type in my name Original Oatmeal and search for my name on Google and on Facebook and on Bing and on Yahoo and all over the internet. You can also find me with my email address. Please help me remember who you are and tell me about yourself if you want. In case I forget, you can share your contact information with me, that is if you want me to have them. I am talking about your phone number, address, full name, nick-names, email, Facebook, stories about life, advice, or anything that you want to share at all. I am the founder of Oatmeal English: http://Youtube.com/OatmealEnglish; I have been teaching English in Vietnam since the year of 2012. I have been a teacher since 1995. I was born in the United States. I attend 4 different colleges. I have worked at schools, centers, cafes, shops, stores, restaurants, parks, clubs, houses, places, Facebook, Skype. My skin is white. I wear glasses. People think I am funny and inspirational. I make movies, websites, books. I am a man of many talents. If you need anything, please contact me. Feel free to be my friend. Google Me For More Information: http://CouchSurfing.org/jaOriginalOatmeal; http://OriginalOatmeal.WordPress.com; http://Pinterest.com/OriginalOatmeal; http://OatmealOmnia.BlogSpot.com; http://OriginalOatmeal.Tumblr.com; I am the founder of Ironic Mystic. I am the producer behind Mea Omnia. I am a producer behind Restore Main Street. About Me: I have been in Vietnam since the year 2012. I've been teaching since 1995. I've been teaching in Vietnam since 2012. I've been acting, directing, producing, making films, script-writing, inventing, designing, etc., since 1996. I was born 1985, February 11, Monday 6 AM PST. I was born in Forest Grove, Oregon, United States. I've been drawing & singing since 1989. I've been writing since 1991. I've been drawing comic strips since 1992. I've been web-designing since 2001. I've been playing guitar since 2008. I've been playing piano since 1995. I've been playing basketball since 1992. I've been cycling on bicycles since 1991. I am a Web Designer, Film Producer, Writer, Artist, Musician, Inventor, Counselor, Teacher, Tutor, Guide, Pastor, Guitarist, Pianist, Dancer, Singer, Inventor, Actor, Director, Cameraman, Philosopher, Missionary, Basketball Player, Athlete, Strategist, Comedian, and so much more. Feel free to talk to me. You can write to me. You can add me on Facebook. You can google my name. You can find me all over the internet. You can call me. You can email me. You can SMS text message me. You can find me. If you need anything, just come to me. I am here for you. Original Oatmeal; Why Eat Anything Else?"

Fringe Television Series

2013-10-29 - Tuesday - 05:30 AM - I wrote: "I'm at Coffee Nino 3: Số 11 đường A4, Tân Bình, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 123456789: Original Oatmeal: The Original Oatmeal: Oatmeal English. I'll be here until about 10 PM ICT today, Tuesday: 2013 October 29th. Come here if you want to meet me. If you are scared, then don't swim in the deep end. I am having a Fringe marathon with myself. Come if you dare. Mea Omnia. Restore Main Street. Restore Main Street. Z Coffee - Cocktail & Wine. Oatmeal Exchange Program." Address: Đường số 17A phường Bình Trị Đông B, quận Bình Tân, HCM.

Morning English Club

2013-10-31 - Thursday - 07:49 PM - The Morning English Club. Coming to a coffee shop near you. Brought to you by The Original Oatmeal, who really is the Original Oatmeal.

Chronology of My Biography

1920's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019
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Huyen Trinh Thi Thu - Q.Tan Phu - OCt 2013 VN 24302066_1726868940664977_9094274034614627507_o.jpg
Huyen Trinh Thi Thu

2013, October

Published in March of 2019 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold (@joeyarnoldvn) in Shelton, WA, USA - Biography - Social Networks - Taught English in Vietnam
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Thuong Doan 25551814_1716607661743569_2466234729235359560_n.jpg
Thương Đoàn (Út Lỳ)

My Social Networks

You can follow me: Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Add Me on the following Social Networks: About Me - Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - Infocomms - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube
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Hieu Tran 50524884_1204674103024891_9021723425386790912_n.jpg
Hieu Tran

Timeline Outline

2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:24 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019
2019-02-09 - Saturday - 08:11 PM LMS - 2019, Week 05
2019-02-15 - Friday - 05:41 PM LMS - Gotham 506
2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?
2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992
2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate
2019-02-21 - Thursday - 06:42 PM LMS - August of 2013
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 10:34 AM LMS - February of 2019
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 01:27 PM LMS - March of 2019
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 02:49 PM LMS - Stopping Climate Change
2019-03-04 - Monday - 08:51 PM LMS - Envisioning 2030
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 01:50 PM LMS - Brain TiVo
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 09:14 PM LMS - Should We Ban Incitement to Violence?
2019-03-07 - Thursday - 10:23 AM - The Fake News Song - The Deplorable Choir
2019-03-09 - Saturday - 02:12 PM - Power Plant Blackout Alternatives
2019-03-17 - Sunday - 08:14 PM - Campbell vs Trolls
2019-03-18 - Monday - 02:48 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 022
2019-03-20 - Wednesday the 20th of March - 09:58 AM PST: Is college too expensive?
2019-03-20 - Wednesday - 07:41 PM - Stop The Bias Fifty Hours Broadcast Party - Save The Internet
2019-03-22 - Friday - 12:17 PM PST - Oatmeal Discord
2019-03-24 - Sunday - 02:00 AM - Sunday the 24th of March of 2019
2019-03-24 - Sunday - 11:15 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 023
2019-03-26 - Tuesday - 12:09 AM - Tuesday the 26th of March of 2019
2019-03-26 - Tuesday - 06:10 PM - 06:59 PM: Fake Copyright Claims
2019-03-26 - Tuesday - 08:52 PM - 2013, September
2019-03-27 - Wednesday - 02:05 AM - Wednesday the 27th of March of 2019
2019-03-27 - Wednesday - 08:15 PM - 2013, October
Published at 2019-03-28 - Thursday - 01:10 AM

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