2013, July

2013-07 - Q12 - Group Photo Dinner - 1184970_547058632055765_1654165301_n.jpg

Santa Clause Farms:

2013-07-01 - Monday - 12:22 AM PST - Hanoi Anna Dieu Le chat with me via email. She wrote: "Living and working on a sustainable school farm is my dream where I will have an experience to enjoy the great combination of physical and mental work." I replied: "Sounds good." She returned: "Hey Joey can you help me and my friend more?" I wrote: "No. I'm more of a micro-manager than I am a macro-Santa-Clause." - 10:10 AM Email Time - 11:39 PM Facebook Time - Dung Pham Natsumi Rie wrote to me. We talked about favorite colors and movies. She wrote: "so we should be flexible. and i also like grey color. simply because it mix from black n white. mah 2 favor color. n i also like color movies. maybe black n white picture impress me a lot. but still i prefer color movies. but still i prefer color movies."

Chronology of My Life in Vietnam

Yearly - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017
Monthly - 2012 - 11 - 12 - 2013 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 -07

Hanoi Anna Dieu Le of 2013-01 January February 36226145_609510746096382_3541490965535522816_n.jpg
Hanoi Anna helped me out a lot in January and February of 2013

Green Shorts

2013-07-01 - Monday - 02:18 AM - I wrote to Hoàng Nguyễn: "Thanks. I am the 2nd floor. I am wearing green shorts, a blue shirt, glasses, white skin, green backpack, and on my my grey laptop. I am the only white-skin person up here on the 2nd floor. You may call this the 1st floor. You can say that I am on the 1st floor but I call it the 2nd floor. I am not on the ground floor. i am the next floor. They have an English club here daily, 7 - 9:30 PM. This is where people can practice English here." I was at the Drink & Talk English Club: at cafe Vọng Nguyệt: 36/70 Đường D2, phường 25, quan Binh Thanh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Joy Sanchez

2013-07-02 - Tuesday - 02:08 AM - I chat with Joy Sanchez via email: she asked: "It's cold there?" I replied: "I fell off my bike, yesterday. It is raining. I am in a cafe. I broke my glasses. I bought a new frame." Joy then asked: "If you have some money, I would like to borrow $500 USD." I replied: "I do not have that much money and my school didn't give me work for July, 2013." Joy: "That's sad. I really need to go there." Joey: "You should have a job before you go." I mean, that you should sign an employment contract with your employer, via snail mail, before coming, before moving, before relocating. Joy: "I will go to Janice's. We were supposed to go together but I didn't have enough money for the airfare." I replied: "I'd be scared to live up there." Why? "Less jobs." Where? Northern Vietnam, like Hanoi and around there, maybe. That is what I wrote. Less opportunities. She replied: "At least there is a sure job... Actually tyler's former boss who is my friend wanted to hire me for his school... but if i go back there, i would be alone again... but why would i choose to be alone if i had a choice to be with someone... life is always a matter of choices... i was alone for several months in bac ninh." I replied: "i have always felt alone all of my life." Joy: "you know it was hilarious because jimi emailed me saying i shoudnt go back to bac ninh because their students love me and they are afraid that it could affect their business.... so I teased him, i replied, "I already booked and I am coming soon."" I replied: "I lied. I told Jimi in an email chat that I had work even before I did in Saigon. Maybe he wanted me back in Bac Ninh." Joy: "he talked to you like nothing happned in the past?" I replied: "he wanted to know how i was. he wanted to know what i was doing. he wanted to know if i was going to come back or what.... and he said like uhmmmm..... and i am not sure if he said anything after that... he was just like ohhhhh... speechless.... not sure what to say maybe..." Joy: "Like an idiot." Me: "i was seeking revenge with him." Joy: "Me too." Me: " kind of like a girl who breaks up with a guy and then shows up near the guy with her new man. i broke up with jimi." Joy: "i wanted to do that too. which is why I kind of want to accept Leo\s offer. because I want to help leo and I want to fail them. but leo has never been online." Me: "You want Bac Ninh New Star to fail?" Joy: "To go bankrupt. and beg me to come back but i wont come back." Oatmeal: "but you have the advantage... to an extent... if Jimi knew how to make and keep promises... because you have the ability to negotiate deals in your position at times... You could say that you would return if he paid you $2,000 per month. You have nothing to lose. It is always better to offer these kinds of hypothetical conditions." Joy: "but I know them, they are big liars. they would say yes but when i get there they would keep their words." Oatmeal: "Whether Jimi is man enough to keep his word or not his responsibility, but it is your responsibility to try your best. It only takes a second to suggest offers. You can say, "Pay me more." Jimi may say, "Ok." You would then say, "Send me a bunch of money right now or I am not coming, first of all."" Joy: "no, i had enough with those people. My life there before janice came was a hell." I told her to tell Jimi to prove his loyalty: "I am not telling you to work with Jimi. I am telling you about the art of negotiation. It is important to teach people about life. It has nothing to do with lying. You have to challenge people to prove their loyalty and honesty and character. You can tell Jimi to prove it. You could say to Jimi, "If you do not mail me money then I cannot trust you."" Joy: "You're right." Oatmeal: "Jimi will probably not send you money, but that is not your responsibility. So, I know it feels like a waste of time just to talk to him. But Jimi needs to to understand that he needs to improve as an employer." Joy: "i think i have to play my cards." Oatmeal: "but old dogs barely learn new tricks." Joy: "Hahaha, i like that phrase." Oatmeal: "There are people I know that should talk to you." Joy: "Why?" Oatmeal: "Vietnamese people say they like helping people. Some are looking for teachers and teaching assistants."

Kicked Out

2013-07-02 - Tuesday - 11:27 PM - I wrote to FYG: "I was kicked out of my house."

Better America

2013-07-03 - Wednesday - 12:21 AM - Kisa Mae Kurtz replied to my Facebook Status: "dude move back here its so much better."

Joy Dinh

2013-07-04 - Thursday - 02:21 AM - I messaged Joy Dinh on Facebook to ask if we were still friends. She replied: "Yes, why do you ask that?.... do you know many people have bad experience with you? I really dont care about your analysis !!!" I replied: "If you do not want to hang out with me, then that may mean we are not actually friends. You are making unfair assumptions and judgement about my advice that are not completely thoroughly accurate enough. You lie. You say things that are inaccurate."

Lesson Plan Lets Go

2013-07-04 - Thursday - 02:46 AM - I emailed Tan Phu New Star Nuynh: "Can you tell me more about today's lesson plans? I have 2 classes today. My schedule says I am teaching out of Let's Go 6 and Let's Go 2A. I do not have a copy of Let's Go 2A. You do not have to respond to this email. I can wait until I get there. I am a native English speaker. I can pick up a book and teach out of it with my eyes clothes, without prior preparation. I am borrowing a copy of Let's Go 1A and Let's Go 6, but I don't think I have Let's Go 2A. My schedule usually has hints about what the lesson plans will be for each class. Today, the schedule is not giving me any clues. Today, my schedule says: Let's Go 6 - Let's Go 2A." I wrote, "With my eyes clothes," instead of, "With my eyes closed." I should have read over what I wrote before sending. I still make mistakes. So, I'm always reviewing what I write.

Actually Meeting People

2013-07-04 - Thursday - 09:20 AM - Opa Tom Helus wrote: "Friend to friend..... and I won't enter a debate. I have some advice. Sarcasm and verbal manipulation may be an issue. I give one example: the other day you got into a back-and-forth with a Vietnamese fellow who didn't speak English well and you kept on giving him the business over liking or not liking Vietnamese people when he was clearly simply poor at using the correct endings on words. If you were to do less of that and simply try to be kind and understanding with folks you might have closer relationships. (I'm guessing I will now experience the same type of rhetoric, probably because he wasn't Vietnamese at all but Laosan or something else that skirts the point and makes fun of me instead of taking to heart my attempt to help you in your struggle. But, that's OK, maybe one of these days you'll simply say "OK brother, I hear you. and I'll think about what you said. You can take it or leave it then, but it should be given some thought). Much love my friend." - 10:58 AM - Mom wrote: "Talk to your Dad about it. I have few "real" friends and it has always been this way. remember that you " catch more flies with honey than with vinegar". learn how to "be" a friend. that is what I have been doing. It works. Many people now smile when they see me!"

Bill Clinton Joey Arnold

2013-07-04 - Thursday - 09:02 AM - I wrote on Facebook: "Scientists facilitates experiments. Likewise, I test people. I ponder calculations. Thinking is a tool. Thinking in and of itself is not bad. It depends on the kind of thinking. Negative circular thinking can keep people in a "Ground Hog Day" quantum loop where you repeat the same days over and over again. I catch myself thinking the same thoughts. I've had a varied of reactions to these loops. However, the best is yet to be seen. Whether you like it or not, you can discover gold in the mist of such rubble. When you forget the past, you may repeat it. Those who fail to learn history are the ones that tend to repeat the failures of history. We should write down our thoughts because it helps us reduce the ongoing swellness of repeating the same thought patterns over and over again. We are not always aware of these loops. As we begin to journal, we begin to diet our brains like a trainer fits a boxer into shape." - 09:38 AM - I wrote on Facebook: "I should make some videos titled, "The Life And Day of Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal." How I may or may not interact with others online may or may not accurately portray who I may or may not be. I try telling people not to take what I say too personally because I tend to say what I say to people to everybody. I try not to directly attack and destroy people. When I write, I may or may not be writing to just one person. However, too often, people assume that I am only writing to just them. I understand that is what we do. We tend to take things too personally at times. For example, the younger I was, the more I did just that, especially when I was doing rEVOLution HAWAII from 2007 - 2008 in Hawaii of the United States. The younger I was, the less I understood of sarcasm, which I first remember from my younger sister, and I still avoid using it to this day as much as I can because it seems like lying in some ways and because I am kind of not so good at using sarcasm. The older I get, the more I try to stray from using persuasive manipulation, but I am still guilty of doing what Bill Clinton does. I want to use charm and dance with words. I have always been about pulling people towards the Dark Side of Joey Arnold. I do not see going back and forth in conversations as improper. I believe that it creates stories that is more interactive and potentially long-term in the results of what can happen. People call me crazy because I make up theories in my head and I base my entire life off a hypothesis here or an intuition there. I tried to take a balance approach between thinking, feeling, intuition, my body, and my soul where I ultimately make decisions from. You have to remember that you are not with me all of the time. That means you do not know how I react to each situation. People who have known me from previous years are dealing with outdated data. To some extent, if you know me in real life, I believe that the negative parts of me are decreasing. . I believe in character development, and I am always trying to get better."

2013-07-06 - Saturday - Kiwi JA Blue Black Drink 484677_610569615644084_1221939428_n.jpg
2013-07-06 - Saturday - Balo Hostel or Kiwi Cafe

Arnold Island NYC Reunion

2013-07-06 - Saturday - 03:23 PM - My sister, Katie, emailed me, Crystal, Guy Fletcher, & Rick Arnold, this YouTube video which is now unavailable. I saw it. There were some pictures. There was a reunion, a birthday party, photos at a park, with Crystal, Katie, Rick, & Guy in them. The reunion was probably from that day in July. But I really don't know exactly when it was. But this is when I got this email.

Complicated 50 Shades

2013-07-07 - Sunday - 08:49 AM - Trang Nhi - She responded to my Facebook status: "You re very complicated. Love- hate-love hate." - 08:51 AM - she wrote to my mom: "Marilyn Mitchell every countries has proplems when we have proplems."

Tan Phu New Star

2013-07-10 - Wednesday - 03:19 AM - I emailed Huynh: "Final attachment? You wrote the words "Final Attachment?" Does "Final Attachment" mean you will not email me an attachment next week? Why did you write the words "Final Attachment" in your last email?" Huynh: "Sorry, i meant final worksheet." Me: "Will I get a worksheet (attachment) next week? Will I work next week?"

Europe Hanoi

- 2013-07-11 - Thursday - 12:03 AM - Travel Conversation - Couch Surfing Question - Sun Binh - Christian Wendler - Private_message - Hello, I have to send some documents for my girlfriends VISA application to Hanoi. We have tried the post before but it was not reliable. I would like to you to take documents (ca. 10 pages) with you. I can send them to any European country. Thank you for your help! Christian - Hide replies - Ha Huong - Private_message - a day ago - You can send it by DHL or Fedex. It is better to ask someone help. Our company use them to sent original passport to Japan . Very safe. - looking for chinese friend who want to study vietnamese - a day ago - oanh Hsph - Private_message - hi guys! firtsly, i want to find someone who is chinese. Then i want to make exchange between vietnamese and chinese. contact with (more...) - Show replyLatest reply a day ago - TEFL courses in Hanoi - 2 days ago - Sereta Jandu - Private_message - Hi Does anybody know of a good course in Hanoi where I can gain a TEFL qualification? - Show repliesLatest reply a day ago - New Here. - 2 days ago - Minh Suong - Private_message - How are you? I am new here. - Hide replies - Tuan Nguyenanh - Private_message - 2 days ago - to get trust from people, add your pic in here first, no body like to talk with a stranger without face. - Trang Pham - Private_message - 2 days ago - ALERT !!!! - Kim Freeman or Ram Reflection or Minh Suong are from the same stupid nerd I was talking about some months ago - Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold - BE SAFE WITH YOUR SURFING ~ Gửi các thành viên mới (ít nhất trong group Hanoi) - Mình đã cảnh báo về cái thằng điên loạn này vài tháng trước. Loại rubbish ở Mỹ đang cố gắng tạo ra nhiều profile khác nhau cùng một lúc. - Hoặc là bạn muốn mua thêm bực vào người. Hoặc là trả lời mấy cái thread của nó ~ Minh Suong - Private_message - 2 days ago - Trang, excuse me? Xin Loi. - Minh Suong - Private_message - a day ago - sad - Hanoi Or Saigon. - 7 days ago - Ram Reflection - Private_message - I am thinking about starting a business in Hanoi. - Hide replies - Huyền Trần - Private_message - 7 days ago - Welcome to Hanoi Ram Reflection :) - Minh Suong - Private_message - 2 days ago - What kind of business? - Tuan Nguyenanh - Private_message - 2 days ago - Hi Ram, - Im jimmy in hanoi, i my self doing the business too in hanoi, so if you want to joy or co-work with me or get some advise, i will help you. - Call me: 0168 233 4901 - E: nguyenanhhung_20@yahoo.com - Hope to see you. - Ha Hoang Thi Hai - Private_message - 2 days ago - Hi Tuan Nguyen anh, - What kind of business are u doing can I ask? - Tuan Nguyenanh - Private_message - 2 days ago - IM SELLING SHOES,CLOTHER,BOOK,EQUYPMENT.........

My Wallet

2013-07-11 - Thursday - 07:05 AM - How much money did I have at that time? I emailed myself the following at that time: "I have over 7.500.000 VND, plus $51 USD exactly. Minus 2.200.000 for the rent of August. Minus around 6.000.000 for food for July and August." 2 million Vietnamese Dongs (VND) equaled to almost $100 USD around that time. So, in other words, at that time, around $400. I would spend around $150/month on food. During the summer of 2013, I transitioned from Tan Van and Tan Phu New Star teaching jobs and towards jobs in Thu Duc, FYG, Nguyen Thi Hien high school, etc, towards the fall of 2013. In July, I was in the middle of that transition, unable to see what lied on the other side of those mountains, those hurdles.

Brother Lincoln Hawk

2013-07-11 - Thursday - 11:10 AM - Couchsurfing CS Blogspot Archive - Lincoln Hawk - Dan Henderson - Ram Reflection - NickBitshull Worths - Nick wrote: "Hey. I downloaded ultrasurf.com. It's an over1Megabytes file and can be carried in USB. It will create a random proxy for you to access any blocked website. Foolproof to use." Joey Lincoln wrote: "I am visiting HCM. It looks really beautiful here. I am a fan of art, as you can tell from my girly pink shirt. I really like the street food here." It was a picture of Rick Arnold, not Lincoln. Rick wore a pink shirt when he went to visit our sisters in New York. I also wrote the following around that time: "I was pretending to be Joey Arnold, but I read that the police of Vietnam kicked him out of Vietnam. I am talking about Original Oatmeal. Here is what he wrote as follows: The police in Vietnam kicked me out of my house without telling me why, which means it may happen again. I was not told why at all. If I try living at another apartment or hotel, this may happen again. Yours Truly, Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal. http://OriginalOatmeal.WordPress.com/ - OriginalOatmeal@Gmail.com - 0-163-425-1695 - Yesterday, I fell off my bicycle (broke my 8.000.000 VND glasses) & I was told I have no work (for this month of July 2013) from a school I work teaching English for. That means less money. Later, the power cord to this laptop I use starting shooting fireworks. Today, a man sold me the wrong replacement cord for almost 400.000 VND. He will not give me a refund. I gave him the money too quickly. I showed him the problems and he laughed at me. A place tried selling me rice and chicken and rice to me for 60.000 VND, when it is suppose to cost around 15.000. I ended up giving them 30.000. After that I was riding my bicycle for the past 4 hours because I kept on getting lost, & I skip breakfast everyday, because I do not even enough money for rent right now and I have no where to go. Smile. As I was riding my bicycle a few guys and girls said hello to me, which gave me a smile to my face, in the mist of this temporary storm. At the moment, I have no idea what I should do. I was not told why I cannot live in this room at this house in district Binh Thanh. I was not told when I have to leave. i do not know where to go. Here is my current address as following: - The Never Ending Story in Never Land. - Joey Arnold - 191/37b Võ Duy Ninh, phường 22 - Quận Bình Thạnh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - On top of this, it is my mother's birthday (2013-07-03, Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013). Marilyn Mitchell. Oo Joey Arnold. Rick Arnold. Restore Main Street. Mea Omnia. Jen-jen Pableo. Live long & prospers."

Deleting Pictures?

- 2013-07-11 - Thursday - 12:12 PM - Le Bui Question - Bạn là bạn của tôi - Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Le Bui - I met Le Bui in person in February, 2013, at the Mường Village. So, around the 11th of July, 2013, on Facebook, I asked her if she deleted some of her photos. I told her that she should upload some of the photos of me. She said somethings in Vietnamese. So, I asked if she accidentally deleted my images, pictures. I wrote: "Bạn mất một hình ảnh của tôi trên máy ảnh của bạn." She wrote: "Bạn tôi xóa hết rồi.

Kathy Bike Debate

2013-07-11 - Thursday - 12:15 PM - Did I tell you to sell my electric bicycle? - I got a bike in like March, 2013. I left it at Kathy's house. When I came back, like that same third month, it was gone. I would ask her why and how. We would debate on what happened. I didn't really care except that I was concerned that she was not honest enough about all of the details. I was sad but I was mostly concerned with her integrity, character, as a person, the example, the details. We went back and forth on the details for many months or even years via emails and via Facebook. We would chat back and forth for many hours, many different days, for many months, back and forth, many things.

Tattoo Debate

2013-07-11 - Thursday - 12:19 PM - Bad Boy if Got Tattoo Debate Question - Phoebe McGuiness asked me: "Ddo you think somebody have a tattoo is a bad guy?" I said no. But I probably should have said yes or that it depends on a few things. It's art but it's also dangerous. She added: "hey, i've just call the host..T_T....He is so kind..T_T...He told me that He wishes we can find another room...T_T..." I replied: "Thank you so much for calling. Thanks to him and his wife for wishing for the best." She returned: "the holiday is suck... you? living near bars, haizzzz, maybe its fun? ah Im lokking for a job at Go 2 bar... looking..." I replied: "I found a room in the Binh Thanh District." Before that, she was trying to help me find an apartment. I found one on the first of May, 2013. I continued: "You are only at Go Go like 3 AM only like once a week?" She replied: "no, when i have free time, and wanna go during the night with my friends....and Go 2 at 3am because that place opens until 6am.... do you wanna join us.. ? it will be fun." When? She replied: "This Saturday, the 25th of May, 2013 at 03:00 AM." So, this conversation is from May and not July but was archived to my Blogspot in July, 2013. I said I probably wouldn't go as I normally attend church on Sunday mornings. Later on, I asked her why she wasn't my friend. She said she thought we were still friends on Facebook. She looked and then wondered why I wasn't on her friends list. She said Facebook must have made a mistake. Conversation with Ichada Pham.

Snif Petite Conversation

2013-07-12 - Friday - Blogspot Facebook Archive - I knew Snif Petite on Facebook. She talked about being drunk.

Bellisa Chi Nguyen 2013 Friend July 16 Tuesday 19260700_1756590477691692_1219305259454735025_n.jpg

Bellissa Nguyễn
2013-07-16 - Tuesday - 08:35 AM - Chi Bellissa Nguyễn - She sent me a friend request on Facebook.

Hoa Le - Beard Makes Me Old Comment - 2013-07 - 43952850_2207255179298578_6263161550022901760_n.jpg

Old Beard People

2013-07-17 - Wednesday - 09:47 AM - Hoa Lê - she responded to my Facebook picture: "Later when u shave ur beer , just post that , I will tell u what is different...... No , shave ur bread, look more younger than now , Now look like a old old man." In an email to Brent Groth at 11:43 PM that same day, I wrote: "The money you gave to GoDaddy is similar to the money people give to rent and buy land. The price of land can vary depending on the value, but the value depends on what you do with the land. For the past 14 months, I've told you that we should take things one step at a time and that we can build the fundamental pillars to our site without donating our site to a completely separate third-party." Brent: "here may be other pillars to uphold the site. Yes, your right, it is what you do with the land, exactly. If you buy a vacant lot somewhere populated, and build a sky scraper, and there is high demand to live in the building, that is a good investment. We're at the mercy to have the site housed by a third party, we're at the mercy of that. We don't have a choice. We have to pay for internet, and are stuck with the few monopolized companies that have surrounded the area, unless you want to crouch in an internet cafe(but you feel like you have to buy something, and it cost gas, time, and money to get to that cafe). We are at the mercy of bringing in php code that other builders have made. We are at the mercy of using GoDaddy, because it is very expensive to pay electric(maybe not now), maintenance, and for new equiptment. GoDaddy takes care of that kind of. They are rather expensive, but it balances out in a sense. If your paying rent somewhere, it is ultimately owned by the owner, but the person who leases can do what they want with the space, as long as they are paying rent, and after they keep paying rent and build their business, then they can buy their own building and pretty much do whatever they want. This is assuming that they don't want to wreck the place, but rather make it a nice place for everyone. If the tenants want to make improvements, it will be hard for the landlord to complain. We want to make improvement, we just have to trust that GoDaddy will provide land where any kind of building can take place. As long as GoDaddy can allow the site to be housed with them, and for it to be unaffected by them, then it should be fine. Now i have the server in my building, and it is a good server, but my internet speeds aren't good, and internet is not cheap. It's $300.00 per month for 100 mbs for fiber.. This is way to expensive. Also, if for some reason someone wants to steal the computer, it's gone. This won't happen, as i have faith in humanity, but it is still a risk. Also, if the internet goes down in the building, that is a problem, and the site can't afford that. GoDaddy has back-up internet, back-up power, customer service, fast internet speeds, etc. They know what their doing I think. My only concern with GoDaddy, is to make sure that they do not tamper with the server, or any of the content that is housed there. I don't think they will, so therefore I trust them until something goes wrong. It's like renting an apartment, and office, etc. Owners, let you do whatever you want to do with the space as long as it is not ruining the property, or detracting from the value. It is the space of the tenant, the tenant is paying money for that space."

Drink & Talk English Club

2013-07-18 - Thursday - 01:54 AM - In an email conversation Phng Võ, I told her about the Drink & Talk English Club: "7 PM nightly (2nd floor) at the cafe called Vọng Nguyệt: which is at 36/70 Đường D2, phường 25, quan Binh Thanh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It is the Drink Talk club on the floor above the ground level floor. In Vietnam, you call the second floor the first floor but I call the ground level floor the first floor and the first floor after that I call the second floor.... There are around 15 people each night. I have been to this club a few times. The cafe wants each person to buy a drink and/or food. A drink may cost around 10,000 VND or more. The club costs 5,000 VND per night if you buy at least one drink, but if you do not buy a drink, then the club costs 15,000 VND.... I will be there 7 PM today. I am not sure if I will order a drink there or not." She responded: "Today, I am busy. Can i meet you next time when you are free? I want to have coffee with you at phu nhuan or tan binh dist."

Amber Alert

2013-07-19 - Friday - Facebook Conversation - Amber Briggs - Teresa Cumbo - Don Cumbo - Michael Mike Cumbo - Bill Bailey - Kim Warren - Teresa: "David Baucoms family would like to gather back at Mary's kitchen after the service for a potluck style reception. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers God bless. If attending for convenience you may drop off a dish anytime at Mary's prior." Amber: "I am terribly sorry he passed although I am glad I had the chance to visit with him the last few months going into Mary's he will be missed. Sorry I won't be able to make it though I am up in Washington." I wrote to Amber: "Amber, you were the first Amber I have ever met in my life. This is an Amber Alert. Sorry to hear about David. I do miss Mary's Kitchen."

Bicycle Tires Popped

2013-07-20 - Saturday - 07:56 PM Blog Time - 02:00 AM ICT - Kids Did This - I wrote: "As I was riding my bicycle home today at 2 AM, kids started begging me for money. I stopped to firmly reject their request. The 7 year old boy popped my back tire. After that they began yelling. They started threaten me with rocks. Motor-bikes saw this but went on by. Does this mean that I cannot even trust the children in district Binh Thanh at 2 AM?" Scott Sidartha Schwartz replied: "you cannot trust Anyone ANYwhere at 2 am, bro." I replied: "I want to give people a benefit of a doubt. I tried keeping my eyes open. I am not sure if my tire was popped or not. A man put more air in that tire for 2,000 VND. I was not sure if there was a hole in the inner-tube or not, but the man just pumped up my wheel. We will see if it holds. Whenever bad things happen to people, it kind of scars us and it makes us more defensive, more distant, and more careful. While it is vital to be attentive, it is also depressing. At night, I usually avoid people, but like Michael Jackson and Pee Wee Herman, I kind of have a weakness and petty wire sweet tooth for children. The children refused to accept my no. They kept on asking me. I kept on saying no to them. Grown-ups will walk away but these kids thought they could make me change my mind. I wanted them to see that I am not that kind of person, especially if I were their parents. Reminds me of the episode of the Simpsons where Bart & Lisa kept on asking the following question to their father, Homer, for hours strait: they would ask, "Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad? Can we have a pool, dad?" Children know that parents can be manipulated in this fashion. Sadly, it is not going to happen with me. I raised my voice to them and told them it is bad to mess with the things of other people. They briefly apologized. They said bad words to me. They asked me to leave. I told them they broke my bike. They tried stealing from my backpack. They pushed at me a few times. A woman came from a house and asked me in English what was going on. I told her these kids were asking for money and the boy took air from my tire. She told me to go down the road to get it fixed. I decided just to slowly walk off after that. I could have told the woman, "It is 2 AM and nobody can fix my bike right now, you liar, and these kids should fix my bike because they broke it and they want money from me but they should be the ones giving me money," because the woman said specifically that I could get my bike fixed right then which was not true, but maybe she was just trying to get rid of me, or maybe she thought that the bike shops were still open, or who knows what. This whole thing is not really a big deal with me, except that I wish and hope the best for these children, and I do not want to see them take the wrong path in their lives in what they do and in how they deal with people, in how they treat people fairly or rudely as they did with me or not."

Kid Beggars

2019-07-20 - Saturday - 10:46 PM - Hoàng Anh Huỳnh - He wrote on my Oatmeal English status on Facebook: "As a vietnamese i could say that almost beggars, homeless kids,... especially at that time of a day. they're all under control of their bad parents, relatives, or even the gangs."

Mea Omnia

- 2013-07-21 - Sunday - 03:45 AM - I emailed Brent Groth: "I discovered a carousel of links on Blogger.com, while I was making my new blog which outlines the story of my life, each year. My blog is called - http://OatmealOmnia.BlogSpot.com - On Blogger, the tags are called labels. I added a widget (plugin) onto the first right sidebar on my new blog. It displays the tags (labels) there. If you stick the mouse (Cursor) above the carousel, it starts cycling through the labels (tags) which are links that you can click on. For example, if you remember, if I had video posts with tags (labels) for those posts, using the word tag (label) "Video:" then I could click on the word "Video" to see the different blog posts with videos in them. I told you that I don't like carousels, but it depends. This type of carousel here is interesting. We could have Omnia Slides and have carousels as well. It depends on many factors. It can sometimes work. As long as the carousels are not too clumpsy, bulky, slow, etc...."

Mea Omnia

2013-07-22 - Monday - 02:09 PM - Brent Groth emailed me: "This carousel here that is on your blog is a lot more fitting, and doesn't take up too much space. It's fitting, and pretty cool, and allows for other areas of the page to be utilized. So carousels of slides. Verticle, horizontal, etc. Everything can be cool, it's just how it is used. This is a good idea for this project. Let's keep progress on these new ideas." He was responding to my email from Sunday, July 21th, 2013.

Bike Stories

2013-07-23 - Tuesday - Kyle Smith - Santa Monica, California Story - Kyle Smith wrote: "So today I was biking in Santa Monica on the awesome beach trail. These young kids were zipping past me...the fit looking young ladies were rushing past, gosh even some old guys were passing me. My pride was hurt. How could all these people leave me in the dust? Let me tell you why they left me in the dust. They left me in the dust because I was on mile 20 of my journey...thats right I biked 20 miles, from Santa Monica all the way to LAX and back. These guys passing me had just started...they had plenty of energy....This little experience made me think about life, how easy it is to look at people who are struggling and judge with out walking in their shoes...or riding on their bike. Let me tell you 20 miles sitting on a bike seat is not pleasant. Anyway if we knew everything that people had experienced I think we would all be a little more compassionate and less judgmental. I know I will be from now on...at least when I am riding my bike." I replied: "I peddle my bicycle miles daily to teach English at schools in Saigon Vietnam. People tell me to buy a motor-bike. They remark that I must be so healthy. I try to tell them that riding a bike is normal and that they should try it more often. It's good exercise and it does save money. I spent $150 on a bicycle in Vietnam. That is the most expensive bike I have ever bought, but I think it is worth it. Sometimes people pass me, and I can kind of get angry at times. When motor-bikes pass me, I can think maybe, "Oh, what? You think I am slow because I am on a bicycle instead of a motor-bike?" Then I start peddling faster in order to pass them. Talk about competition. Sometimes I am too tired and I let it go. Keep up the good work."

History of the New World Order

2013-07-23 - Tuesday - 11:09 AM - A history of the New World Order — Part I - Part II - Michael Journal - I copied and pasted information from the Michael Journal website which featured some outline of the Rothschild family, the central world bankers. They began really doing what they do in the 1700's. I'm not too sure about what happened before that - 1773 - Mayer Amschel Rothschild assembles twelve of his most influential friends, and convinces them that if they all pool their resources together, they can rule the world. This meeting takes place in Frankfurt, Germany. Rothschild also informs his friends that he has found the perfect candidate, an individual of incredible intellect and ingenuity, to lead the organization he has planned – Adam Weishaupt - two hundred years before my birth in 1985 - 1785 – An Illuminati courier named Lanze is struck by lightning, and killed while traveling by horseback through the town of Ratisbon. When Bavarian officials examine the contents of his saddle bags, they discover the existence of the Order of the Illuminati, and find plans detailing the coming French Revolution. The Bavarian Government attempts to alert the government of France of impending disaster, but the French Government fails to heed this warning. Bavarian officials arrest all members of the Illuminati they can find, but Weishaupt and others have gone underground, and cannot be found - Dec. 23, 1913 – The Federal Reserve (neither federal nor a reserve – it's a privately owned institution) is created. It was planned at a secret meeting in 1910 on Jekyl Island, Georgia, by a group of bankers and politicians, including Col. House. This transfers the power to create money from the American Government to a private group of bankers. The Federal Reserve Act is hastily passed just before the Christmas break. Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. (father of the famed aviator) warns: “This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this act the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized.”

District 12

2013-07-24 - Wednesday - I might have ventured to District 12 on this day. I made an album called "Wednesday in District 12." I remember going there to have dinner with 2 Vietnamese girls, Russia Nguyen and Tiffany, and also a Vietnamese guy. I have the photos but I don't remember exactly what day it was.

2013-07-24 - Wednesday - Su Bin Tan Binh HCM Screenshot at 2019-02-21 11:15:34.png

Su Bin

2013-07-24 - Wednesday - Su Bin: "Hi, How are you? I'm good. Thank you. I live in Ho Chi Minh City too ____ Tan Binh district. Where are you exactly? Really nice to meet you. ____." Me: "I live in district Binh Thanh. I teach English. I peddle a bicycle to different districts. I know where your district is. Do you like living in Saigon? I am doing ok but I have been sick for the past like 2 weeks or so with fever, headache, cough, sneeze. I was sick last week and then I started getting better but then I started getting sick again a few days ago."


- 2013-07-26 - Friday - 03:46 AM - I told mom I was sick. She responded: "whatever feels better, sometimes sitting and resting is better when you're sort of sick. Larry just got home. I will soon see what his plans are now, we might be going grocery shopping. Larry's on the phone. if you're coughing sometimes sitting up helps
going shopping now, back in an hour... sit better... I thought so. back with groceries. happy. hopeful.
get well soon." - Le Quoc Tien - he wrote: "I hope you willl be good soon."

2013-07-29 - Monday - Mark Robinson - Americana Appreciation Screenshot at 2019-02-21 11:31:01.png

Appreciating Americana

2019-07-29 - Monday - 07:22 AM - Mark Robinson responded to my Facebook status: "The United States is a state of people living through their dreams and imaginations of how we should be. It is the exercise of the mind to participate with others of so many different mind sets that all are mixed to an imperfect expression known as the melting pot. It is hubris to think we are so much better that we can judge such expression. To hate the USA is to hate the self as it means you are not participating with the grand experiment started by those founding fathers reaching for freedom for all the generations to come. When you say it is broken, it only says you don't understand that all systems are broken and it is our responsibility to participate and improve it through self expression. All systems are in a state of decay or development all the time. The USA has evolved and will continue to evolve as we refine the expression of freedom that so many have died to protect and allow to flourish."

Keep It Weird

2013-07-30 - Tuesday - 11:46 PM - Hoang Vi Lieu responded to my Oatmeal English's Wednesday in District 12 album. So, that must have been the previous Wednesday, the 24th of July, 2013, that I went to have dinner with 2 Vietnamese girls and a guy. One girl was named Tiffany.


2013-07-31 - Wednesday - 05:18 PM - Mehdi BenKahla - he messaged me on Facebook: "Yes. I'm Muslim."

Annual Chronology of My Biography

1920's - 1930's - 1940's - 1950's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019
forbidden frog forums

Huynh Hoang Anh of 2013 on kid beggars comment 27501085_1839867529359317_4990291568518848205_o.jpg
Huỳnh Hoàng Anh

July of 2013

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2013-07-10 - Wednesday - Balo Hostel - ICT Date - 999483_612916552076057_1811958192_n.jpg
2013-07-10 - Wednesday - Balo Backpacking Hostel, Q.1, HCM

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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2013-07-10 - Wednesday - Kiwi JA Tea - ICT Date - 999483_612916552076057_1811958192_n.jpg
2013-07-10 - Wednesday - Kiwi Cafe - Tan Phu, Saigon, Vietnam

Timeline Outline

Published in February of 2019 by Oregon's Oatmeal of Shelton, WA, USA & Vietnam
2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:24 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019
2019-02-19 - Tuesday - 09:06 PM LMS - July of 2013
Published at 02:39 PM Thursday - 2019-02-21

2013-07 Q12 Girl 02.jpg

In District 12

2013-07 Q12 Girl 01.jpg

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