Magic Doors, Terr0rgram, Lunar Eclipse & other bits

MAGIC DOORS: To Knowing Everything & Doing Nothing.

I can't deny what I've become
I'm just emotionally undone
I can't deny I can with someone else

When I have tried to find the words
To describe this sense absurd
Try to resist my thoughts but I can't lie

I'm losing myself
My desire I can't hide
No reason am I for

I can't divide they'll hide from me
I don't know who I'm meant to be
I guess it's just the person that I am
Often I've felt that I don't wade
Into the gift of my mistake
Again, again I'm wrong, and I confess

I've losing myself
My desire I can't hide
No reason am I for

Blow your horn Gabriel.

I've been losing myself
My desire I can't help
No reason am I for

Dawdle, Meander, Stop and Smell the Roses whilst they still bloom in a season, let the floating fragances assail you, intoxicate you. Realize this moment of sensual indulgence and its perfume ephemeral is enticing you all the moreso because it's presence is so fleeting.

Draw it in through your nose deeply before all that remains is a lingering of memory. Retain that memory, lock it away proper like a precious tiny jewel, encapsulate it in a leaden barrel impenetrable to radioactivity or evil eyes. Take all precautions initially considered and then again contemplate those never considered.

You must do this as no other rose yet to be encountered will ever smell so sweet again

I'm Not Losing Myself. My Desire Can't Be Helped as the revelation strikes: "No reason other am I for"

There is no other reason here for me now except to propel myself through magick doors and a magick door can be any insistence upon me to act, to contemplate a memory, to listen and pray. I sit inert and magick doors open for me, pass themselves through and behind me continuously. I struggled immensely with this at the start of 2020 and the end of 2019. Trauma magnetized itself onto me in such a unrelenting volume that I was near enough drowned by it.

Still, there is some hope. I remember the past and I return there to glean whatever I can which wasn't gleaned prior. The past contains so much I must rescue out of it's memory hole, not just for us who want to have a chance of smiling about the future, but for me too.

Remembrance of a kiss from a rose is a magic door. Pandora's box being opened is a Magic Door and someone watches over me with a guardianship, compelling me beyond all reasonable logic to persist going through magic doors.

I keep on traversing through them. Portals of eldritch and sinister evil ghost me, alluding to ancient rituals that existed for the enticement of feeble human bodies and minds into a wilful subjugation. Occult pulses weave through hidden histories whispering of powers unknown, so alluring to those who have the keys that can decrypt these ethereal magick languages.

It used to be underground in subterranean chasms.. awaiting the brave or brazen. Today it is increasingly out in plain sight as it has no need to hide its subtle assault on the spirit and soul anymore. On the contrary, the common populace has been bred to be baited with greater effectiveness by blatant corruption and self-abasement: a viral affiction is quicker enacted out in plain sight so we scramble and fret, eagerly paying any premium to hasten its arrival.

It preys upon our hearts and minds unbidden. It doesn't need to do anything anymore to make us succumb. We can be dehumanized: neutered for any future potential by the subatomic obliteration of our will to free thought with a botnet or sequences of codes transmitted globally, digitally. Everything to further seal a perpetual state of enslavement upon us all can be done and I'm increasingly galled by the gloomy realisation that there is nothing to be done.

Naught to do about nothing, unless I persist doggedly and you persistently insist on righting these wrongs in tandem with my efforts and parallel to the efforts of your neighbour. There is an end which requires heralding with a chorus of cosmic horns, this celestial orchestra will herald an end so loudly that there will be no corner where it wont be heard.

This end is not thine or mine: it is yet to be foretold whose ear drums will rupture when the call to arms of a magnitude not ever heard blows its horn, heralding Armageddon.

Retribution, Wrath and Righteous Scorn. Mercy is not for the devil.

So the point is that actually I'm not doing anything, just enjoying life and working on good ideas all of the time. I considered when I was 12 years old that my mission in life was to know everything and do nothing.

  1. With the God & the Adorer I am nothing: they do not see me. They are as upon the earth; I am Heaven, and there is no other God than me, and my lord Hadit.

  2. Now, therefore, I am known to ye by my name Nuit, and to him by a secret name which I will give him when at last he knoweth me. Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus. Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt.

  3. But whoso availeth in this, let him be the chief of all!

  4. Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen.

Chapter III

  1. Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! this is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my worship be about my secret house.

Ordo Templar Orientis - Hungary Chapter - Liber V (Book 5) - The Ritual of The Mark of the Beast

Vigilance in Remembrance is likely to save us all

Terr0rgram Lunar Eclipse

KING 810 - Killem All [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

I'm ruminating over the series of events experienced & viewed (remotely?) in the last week. The paradigm shift towards an on-line, global consciousness. By virtue of decentralization it is sought to be tapped into, steered, controlled and leeched.

This shift into a fracturing of our inherent senses of human perception;

  1. to the physically restricted via global public health policy with the enforcement / government thereof
  2. to the online, disembodied, remotely viewed point of view with the perception management / occulted hacking thereof

While humanity as a whole is still largely left unawares of any inherent dangers in being exposed to online perception management and the occulted hacking thereof - humanity as a whole is up for grabs to have it's perception controlled.

The implications of a global consciousness fracturing into a portion experienced virtually and viewed through remotely accessed lenses - are unknown. So even spreading ideologies, imagery and ill-intent through such remotely viewed media will have a degree of negative outcome (on several metrics; size, spread, volume, virality, meme infectivity) experimentation. Subjecting all of humanity online to a virtualized, perception-controlled, individually targeted experiment, a psychological experiment is very dangerous; so much so that one would not think that letting such mayhem loose to spread around the entire world as the speed of light and information.

Allegorical Egregore - the (((Q)))uestion

there's been a splitting of consciousness of humanity, as a whole. there's a virtual reality that's being put upon and pushed upon all people online. So our freedom inherent within the way we perceive the world as an individual, is being fractured into a remotely-viewed world where we are controlled via mass perception management. We can be individually targeted for perception management if need be, too.

Cool Playlist (mainly DnB)

  1. Deathmachine - Exoskeletion (2021)
  2. B-Key - Man of Science VIP (2022)
  3. Dom & Roland - Clash of the Titans (2023)
  4. Jem - They (Photek mix) (2004)
  5. Sonique - It Feels So Good (1998 Version) (Official Video)
  6. Forbidden Society - Focus on Violence (2012)
  7. Crucem Sanctam Subiit (12th century AD) (further info)
  8. [A/T/O/S - Projects (2014)](A/T/O/S - Projects (2014)) (lyrics)
  9. Propaganda - The Happening (2009)
  10. FreqAx - Political Crime (2012)
  11. Nasenbluten - Fuck the Politics (2007)
  12. FreqAx - The Axe (2010)
  13. Notsigned - Lev (2008?)
  14. Dom & Roland - The Search For Meaning (2021)
  15. Dom & Roland - Abbott & Costello (2021)
  16. Miyuki Omura - The Music Makers (2023)
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