Banning Oatmeal - Part 25

I'm a dirty rat according to TheIsz who says that I'm infamous in a bad kind of way and not famous. Now, I wonder, how many of you can relate to that? What would you do in a situation like that? Do you ever wonder what you might do in a kind of situation like that? Quite frankly, you probably have been in situations like this before. Well, have you been in situations like this before? That's the question of the day. In this article, I want to describe this type of situation in particular. This is going to be a really brief post. This is Part 25 of the Banning Oatmeal Series which talks about the Banning of Oatmeal. Now, for those of you who don't know, I'm That Oatmeal Dude that Mark (The Freedom Fighter 414) briefly mentioned when he called into The Alex Jones Show two days after the last Christmas of the decade, of the 2010's. So, sometimes, in life, online and offline, people try to stop me. They try to ban me. They try to censor me. But some of those people are also trying to stop you as well. That's why I'm writing this.

The Banning Oatmeal Saga

01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30

Banning Oatmeal - Part 25

2019-12-19 - Saturday - 09:10 PM - Created - 10:51 PM - Published

The Isz 82565-146695-isz.gif

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in December of 2019

TheIsz vs Oatmeal

So, before I go into detail concerning the backstory and everything concerning the fight between TheIsz and the Original Green Oatmeal Joey Arnold, let me simply show you what TheIsz wrote to me, at 10:58 AM today, as follows:

@joeyarnoldvn: Vanity isn’t value. Are you still so young, you think everything is a dick measuring contest? No one spoke of you positively. That’s your delusion. Your type of fame is actually called infamy. I was being nice not calling it out but seeing as you’re still a petulant child, there it is. Alex has actual fame, and I bet it eats you inside to know you’ll never have it.

That Oatmeal Dude

TheIsz was reacting to a thread that I started on Free Square which mentioned how I was mentioned on the Alex Jones Show on Friday, during the second hour at 01:17:46 on YouTube or around 01:16:00 on Banned dot video and I love oatmeal. Oh, is that a crime? I talk about the news. I try to help people? Is that a bad thing? Am I a monster for having a name? Am I crazy for trying to talk about the Sea Elf Car? That's code for CFR. They actually helped a company in 1924. Now, that company went on to fund the Not Cheese. Yes, they were funding the Knot G. Oh, dog, that is tight. No, it is code for Nazi. They even produced the gas that was used in the murdering of the millions of Jews. Now, I'm aint no saint. Sure, I'm human. I'm flawed. But I'm trying to expose corruption. I make videos, memes, articles, etc. We must always shrink the size of governments. So, I'm trying to say that I'm trying to do my part to help. I use oatmeal as a symbol for the state of man. I love analogies. Humans are simple like oatmeal. We need sugar. We need the spice of life. We need eternal principles. Long story short, I've been trying to help people. Sometimes, people get mad at me for that.

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What is the Infocomms? Well, it was or it is simply a community of patriots. Specifically, in 2018 and 2019, it was a website forum. Infocomms stands for the Infowars Army Community. On Friday, Alex Jones said that either it is or it might be potentially dangerous to call it an army. Now, all of this is a long story. Part of it has to do with optics. In other words, it can make conservatives and classical liberal folks look bad. Now, the Info War Army (IWA) is or was a central hub for talking about peaceful, legal, In-Real Life (IRL), active, constitutional, and political activism. The IWA forum emerged in 2018. Now, that's not to say there hasn't been other kinds of forums and stuff that predated this particular IWA site. And even to this day, we still have this Free Square bulletin board social network that appears to be like a mirror of IWA, like a backup sand box forum site thing.

My Autobiography

1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
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2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019

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Evil Oatmeal

Now, back to me, since the world revolves around me, right? I'm kidding, but some people say that I think it does. Some people also say that about Trump, Alex Jones, etc. You can call it selfishness. You can call it whatever you want. But I would like to call it branding. So, I sometimes brand myself. I sometimes do crazy things, perhaps. Long story short, of course, I may have been too aggressive in trying to educate people on how I see the world. That's why I make videos. That's why I make memes. That's why I'm writing articles. That's why I'm on the ghetto social networks which have been governed by illegal tech cartels and money cartels and power cartels. I believe in talking about issues that we all should talk about. We should always try to be as creative as possible. So, as I get older, I try to step up my game in everything that I do as my way to contribute. So, I must be evil, then. I must be a little 34 year old kid according to TheIsz (The Isz Comic Creature) who wrote: "Fame isn’t always positive." (click here to see more) Well, in life, you got what you got. If you are known, why not take advantage of that in order to raise awareness to issues that we all should be discussing and debating? For example, can we not look up into the sky and ask people, "What are those long white lines that stay up for many hours at a time?" Did you know that water vapor disappears in like seconds or sometimes in a few minutes?

Mark The Freedom Fighter 414

On Thursday, the 27th of June of 2019, at 12:01 PM, I mentioned Mark as I was talking about the problems with remote access in even televisions. Now, I'm simply repeating what I've heard on the news. But it is true. They are always trying to watch us and much more. But I'm the weirdo. I'm the bad dumb idiot, right? I'm simply trying to tell people to go to Banned dot video. It is tomorrow's news today. It is forbidden information that they do not want you to see. Click here to see more.

Free Square

Oatmeal was debating with TheIsz on Free Square and on the Infocomms in 2019. This is all a long story. Click here to see more on Free Square. You can even make an account on there for free and debate with us if you want. More on some of these things later. To be continued. Again, please click here to see more.

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