Israelis value the lives of Palestinian children more than the Palestinians do.


“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” - Golda Meir

That's clearly still all too true.

If you want to see people flex vacuous, paper thin ethical values, one needn't look much further than Noam Chomsky and his acolytes talk about this conflict. Really, they make the same argument when it comes to just about every conflict - the side with power is wrong and the side with more dead bodies is right.

Of course, intent doesn't play into their moral calculation. The vision that each side has for an end goal isn't important to them. How each side treats it's own people now doesn't phase these people.

To simply look at the moral superiority in this conflict through the number of dead people on each side is to fault Israel for doing a relatively good job of defending their people and to praise Palestine for firing their guns over the shoulders of their own children. It's perverse.

These are also "liberals" who are letting a warped understanding of intersectionality lead them to make the liberals the bad guys. You would think that self-identified progressives would take the side of a liberal, secular democracy with freedom of religion. You would think. You would be wrong. No, they're taking the side of the regime that will kill you for apostasy, oppresses gays, and openly wishes for a future Holocaust.

Of course, Israel is far from perfect. But, the moral calculations that people are making as a result of this conflict are horrifyingly backward.

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