Knife-wielding, foaming at the mouth Moslem doesn’t hide his disgust for non-Moslems

Knife-wielding, foaming at the mouth Moslem doesn’t hide his disgust for non-Moslems

BULGING EYED 'Allahu-àkbar'

BULGING EYED 'Allahu-àkbar'.png

Whatever else we may think of this ranting madman, at least he is honest! None of that "Islam is a religion of peace" bs. He tells it as he sees it.

A good example for showing to your leftist friends who keep telling you the moslems are in ...(Europe - America - Ausrtralai etc) because they are victims. They are not the victims, neither are the idiots who call(ed) for them to come to your country. The victims are their children and grandchildren...if they are allowed to have any.

He speaks in Spanish:

Al·lahu-àkbar, Ala es grande, y justifica la violencia si es en pro de la expansión del Islam. Europa en cambio es pequeña, buenista, degenerada, socialdemócrata y cada vez más decadente.....


BULGING EYED “Allahu-àkbar” (Islam is greater) – shouting Muslim justifies violence against unbelievers as long as it is good for facilitating the spread of Islam. He then mocks Europe as a “small, good-natured, degenerate, social-democratic and increasingly decadent society” opening the door for population replacement by Muslims.

I am lucky - I do not have any children and never will have, due to old age, but I sure pity all you mf idiots who are exactly as he describes you. No, not true... the ones I pity are the ones who did not want them and all the future generations (who will hate you with a passion for condemning them to a life of suffering and slavery)

  • posted: 15th Sep, 2020

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