A Mad Scientist joins the Fray: My Hive Introduction


Hello everyone, my name is xSuiLx and welcome to my introduction :) When I was younger I was thinking of a username and decided to use my real name but backwards. A few months later...I realized I had misspelled it but I stuck with it. I'll let you figure it out ;D. I am part of the Shield of Glory Guild in Splinterlands and heard about all the other cool aspects of Hive through @azircon and my other guildmates on our guild discord.

I was born in Cuba right after the fall of the Soviet Union so times were very tough for the common people as Cuba-US relations were at an all time low due to the Cuban Missile Crisis. My mom, sister, and I were able to leave the country through political asylum when I was 5 years old and we went to live in New Jersey. I was home alone a lot as my mom was working 2-3 jobs to be able to afford to put a roof over our heads and food on our table. As a result, I navigated towards the blossoming online world and started playing RuneScape. I loved everything about Runescape. It was a world I could escape to and do anything I ever wanted. I loved PVP but couldn't afford membership so I joined one of the Free2Play clans. I went on to rise in the ranks from New member->Member->Moderator->PK Leader->High Council->Leader and we would manage to become the best F2P clan in the game for about 3 months. It was glorious. We would have "Wars" with other clans that would last 48 hours non-stop. This was when I first started hearing and experiencing "DDOS'ing" (Denial-of-service attack) as people would try to get thousands of bots to ping opposing clan official's IP addresses and boot them off their internet. It was the wild wild west.

My family would go on to move to Florida. I went to college, joined Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity and had tons of fun. I am currently engaged to a wonderful girl :) We have been together for 7 years and have been through many highs and lows but it has only made us stronger. Now I am a Clinical Lab Scientist at a Children's Hospital. My job is awesome as it is very diverse and every day is a little different. One day I am growing and identifying bacteria from blood, wounds, or anywhere really. The next day I am putting blood on a glass slide, smearing it, staining it, and looking at our kiddo's cells to make sure there are no irregularities or immature (possible cancer) cells proliferating.

As for crypto...this is a whole new world for me. I am trying to learn as much as I can as I believe in decentralized finance as I can see the allure to it. I would go onto find out about @splinterlands through my 55 year old Chemistry Supervisor of all people. A couple of town halls, some ranked battles, and I was hooked. This ecosystem is wonderful and has so much potential in my eyes. Every day I learn something new. I am part of a wonderful community in @shield-of-glory that motivates me to strive for excellence. Hive itself and PeakD has been a cool discovery as there is so much more than just Splinterlands. I have seen the Ukraine support community, @leo-finance , sports community, and many others. I even tried to start a Medical Science community but quickly found out that it wasn't that easy haha.

Thank you for everyone who read my introduction. I am super excited to be here and can't wait to interact with you all. @xsuilx
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