1 month on Steemit! -A new introduction

I’ve been here about a month.

I love it.

It has it’s flaws for sure, but I trust overtime, things will get ironed out.

I’m here for the long haul. I believe in this platform and I believe there are some pretty special people here, as the pioneers of this movement.

I came into this platform knowing very little, although, I have leaned a tremendous amount in the past month, I still have so much to learn.

I am committed to learning more about the platform, cryptocurrencies, investing, the blockchain, and learning from others that are having success.

I thought I would share my “stats of growth" in this post. (I guess there's no way of knowing or measuring, if these results are good, bad or on track. I have no idea) But it’s exciting to grow bit by bit each day.

Followers - 280

Following -277

Post count - 296

Reputation score - 48

My top 3 most successful posts so far:


My intentions here:

My intentions remain the same. I'm here to provide valuable content to empower others through personal development and spiritual growth, for a healthier mindset moving forward.

My sole intention when joining, was to be part of communities that interest me, as well as, to be a contributor to various communities. I’m out to find my tribe!

My initial insight about earning steem here, was not something I was relying on. I guess it was a “too good to be true” kind of scenario. But I’m earning, little by little, and it’s super exciting!

I intend to take in content and learn here from others. Thank you, to those that provide quality content that is worth reading/watching.

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About me:

I am a small town girl with big dreams. I became an entrepreneur 5 years ago and haven’t looked back. I’ve mastered failure along the way. (that’s where the real growth is) But I have evolved into more of my authentic self and living more closely aligned to my purpose

I am a Mindset Coach and Desire Map Facilitator. I live to see others succeed. My purpose is to help people get unstuck and move forward. To direct them in the direction of their Soul’s desire.

I am a wife and a mom of 2 boys. My husband is also an entrepreneur and we strive to live more free everyday.

I enjoy reading, writing, deep conversations and meeting new people but I’m an introvert and love being alone.

And one of my new found interests, investing in cryptocurrencies.

What you can expect to see from me as one of my followers:

My posts will mostly consist of blogs that I free write within the topics of personal development, spiritual growth and shifts in perception.

I am all about living a life of freedom.

I’m a truth seeker.

I may use swear words here and there, as I write like I talk. (I apologize in advance if that may offend you)

You will see subtle reminders that help stay true to our authentic selves, who we really are what we really want.

I will post valuable content related to being an entrepreneur AND being fulfilled.

I have a lot to offer in regards to, branding and marketing yourself as an influencer or business.

As I learn more and more about the Steemit platform, I plan to integrate that into my work as well.

My goals:

To be a major contribution in the self-help, personal development, spiritual growth and entrepreneurship communities.

To start bringing content to Dtube (when I get the courage to face the fear of being on video)

To have Steemit be an additional source of income.

I would like to create a mastermind group, within my niche, to help empower and uplift others here on the platform, as well as, bring in new users.

To not have to rely on tradition social media platforms for community, connection, business, content and information as much.

Oh, and to become a whale of course! I would make sure my influence was well utilized.

Feedback on challenges I’m facing on Steemit:

Trending, hot and promoted posts, low quality post, struggling to find good content that is within my niche. To put it point blank, I feel like I have to sift through a lot shit, of either, topics out of my interest or straight up crap that provides no value.

I will continue to work towards seeking out topics of interest, and communities in my niche. I am willing to be patient and understanding with this platform, being a brand new concept. I trust it will only get better.

I have not figured out how to exchange my Steem for CAD. (Not that I'm ready to do that quite yet, but would be nice to know of a secure way)

There you have it, another introduction of my intentions here, what you can expect from me and my experience so far.

Thank you to all of my followers for your support and to the Steemit Community for being so welcoming to us new-comers!

I’m even more excited for this journey than I was on Day 1 !


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