Greetings from Bulgaria

Why hello there!

I'm just a simple guy from Bulgaria, working as a game designer for Creative Assembly. Designing games is my job and my passion. Sounds nice, eh? I assure you, it is. :)

I have a beautiful wife and a baby daughter, who is just about 1 year old at the time I am writing this. I love them both.

I'm here on Steem because I love the idea and I want it to succeed. I've been dabbling into blockchain technology recently, and the more I learn about it, the more I see it deeply embedded in our future. One of my aspirations is to help bringing the blockchain technology to gaming.

I've decided that I'm not going to hold a piece of paper proving I'm a real person. You know, just to keep some mystery. :)

I'll finish this with a blockchain joke:

  • How many blockchain developers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
  • 51%
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