Introduce myself

(Note: I just had to make a minor change and tag this properly. I am a newbie learning my way around. I welcome any support! Thank you!)

Hello and my name is Joyce. I would like to introduce myself in here and learn along. I joined here because I see it as my opportunity to join the Steem community to build my cryptocurrency portfolio. I have made my first huge investment in Litecoin and wanted to expand my portfolio of investing in other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. I have made other three different small crypto investments as I have gotten them free as promotions so I have a total of 4 now. Bitcoin is very pricey - that is the reason why I want to join in here to learn and earn so I can expand my portfolio in the cryptocurrency world. I believe all the Steemians and I have made a smart move today and be prepared once the world goes digitally crypto in the future. It will take some time for the world to evolve and change. Remember back in the past where people used to pay for everything with cash, then boom came credit cards — debit cards — pay from smart phones — some already started with Bitcoin —- finally fully digital money???? Will cash survive and be deemed any value in the future? Hmmmmm

Alright! I am excited! I am taking my time to browse around the Steem platform and be comfortable with it. As you can see my username is “thepitbullgal” - that is because I love and adore pit bull dogs ever since I was first introduced to a stray pit bull girl by my mutual friend, Josh. Josh and I went to RIT in Rochester, NY back in between 1995 - 1998 or so. He unannouncedly left Rochester and I did not know where he was until my husband and I bumped into him at University of NM in May, 2002. We were so surprised to see him again so a few months later he asked us about taking in a stray dog. He told us that it was a pit bull. We were not sure but I wanted to see the dog first. Upon the sight of her, I simply said “beautiful” while Jonathan was still afraid and unsure. Until we brought her home, we instantly fell in love with Fawny. She was a red-nosed pit - such a sweetheart. She helped us to change our perspective of the pits. SO we decided that it is the pits we will ever own and have! Damn those medias feeding wrong information on how dangerous the pits are. They painted wrong images of the pits being the most dangerous breed in the world when it is ACTUALLY NOT about the breed itself. ALL breeds are innocent unless proven to be a threat to public inflicted by their arrogant and ignorant owners. These bad owners are to be blamed for not treating their dogs right. Ever since owning pits, all my past and current 6 pits are very friendly, sweet and lovable. That is because I give them ample love and discipline them with love - thus are the most well behaved dogs around people and dogs. Out of 6 pits, for the first time we adopted 6 weeks-old female twins back in September 2018. They are now 8 months old. We absolutely love them. It takes lots of patience, time and love to train / discipline them. They are getting better everyday. They are very friendly despite of being afraid of some people and dogs as well as unfamiliar noises. I gotta be frank up front with you all - I am deaf. Because I cannot hear some noises, I cannot tell the twins what it is and that it is okay not to be afraid. The pits are the best protective asset for me because I can walk alone in safety considering my deafness. They also help to thwart people in general to stay away from me because of their brains-already-infected by the media’s untruthful propaganda on the pits. Minus people who are simply afraid of dogs in general - that’s different. It is truly unfair for the pits to get a very bad reputation while other breeds are often not mentioned in the news of attacking / killing people. Anyway, having pits help me to go out if I have to walk them alone without my husband due to schooling and work schedules. Few people would stop to adore and pet my dogs because they know and understand the pits. That I welcome! Even my pits help to educate and change other people’s perspective as they would often comment not realizing how sweet and friendly they are! Bravo to them for realizing the truth upon meeting my pups!

Whew! How’s that for my first post in here? I welcome any tips or suggestions! I am here to learn and thrive. I wanna expand my crypto portfolio for the sake of the future. I wanna be ready when the world is fully money-digital. Having cash is awesome but sadly it will be slowly depleted and will no longer be used for a major variety of reasons. Hint: government imposing silly and nonsense regulations on us - that’s another debate! I am not going into that now as I am sure other Steemians have shared in here. I have to fish around and look for these posts. If you know such posts, let me know. Thank you and good night! Will be checking with you guys and gals later.


Karaju and Odella are 8 months-old twins. Osayna is the oldest girl and will be 16 in July. Karaju means high wonderful spirit helper. Odella means a wealthy little spiritual girl. Osayna means praise.

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