I'm Coming Back!! | Full Steem (Get It?) Ahead

It seems like it has been FOREVER since I have posted on here and judging by the date of my last video... it actually has been a long time.

I'm forever grateful for Steemit and the connections that it has brought me. I had to take some time to myself to focus on quite a few life things (as explained in this video) so I took a break. However, I'm in a good spot to get back on here!

Who the heck is @theaudgirl?

9 months ago (how has so much time passed?!) I made my introduction to Steemit and was welcomed by the nicest, most supportive community. Nothing compares. @AlphaSteem and @paolajane are just some of the amazing people that have kept up with me on other social channels even while I've been gone and I highly recommend following them if you haven't already!

As a little background about me check out some of my past posts:
1st post

Starting a Business

Reminder of what you will see me post on here:

1.) Fitness + Self Love
This is the backbone of all that I am and what I am serving to accomplish through my business. There is a change in the fitness industry where we are seeing more people focus on exercise as a tool to leading a healthy life. I am trying to further that movement through showcasing the WHY behind exercising. It's not to just lose weight, it's not to get a summer body (implying there is only one body type?!), and it's not to finally feel beautiful. My focus is helping women and impressionable young girls understand that their body is the only one that they have and they should love all of it at every stage of life. Through self-love (not hatred), it's important to take care of your body. That doesn't mean exercising until you are a size 2 or whatever other unrealistic standard society puts on you. It means exercising and fueling your body with nutrients until you feel healthy, capable, and strong.


2.) Social Media + Marketing:
This is what I know best! It's what I have immersed myself in since graduation. Throughout this process of going after my dream, I have learned so many tips and tricks. I want to be able to share that with all of you!

3.) Life Happenings:
Fun adventures I go on, day to day life in AZ, and more!

4.) Some Crypto News:
I'm not going to lie, I have been a little MIA also from the crypto world. I was a little obsessed for quite some time and it distracted me from things I needed to accomplish. Crypto constantly changes and keeping up with it could sometimes seem like a full-time job haha. Crypto has been down, but I still believe it will come back with time. There is no doubt that blockchain technology is the future. :) So, I will dive into some topics and even start discussions for others to catch me up with all that has been happening with cryptocurrency since I've been away!

Questions about what I've been up to? Comment below! Also, can someone catch me up on all things Steemit?? What is new on here? :)

Feel free to follow me on my social channels below:
Instagram: @audreykoomar
YouTube: Channel


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