My Introductory Post: Re-visiting controversies in science

How i got to know about Steemit

The first time i heard about the name "steemit" was on an advertisement banner on a particular social media platform. Few months later, i met a friend during a get together who while we were chatting and discussing about life issues mentioned how one of his colleagues at work told him about steemit and has since then been earning on the platform.


Image of myelf: Picture taken by Samsung Galaxy Tab E

Though, he didn't really speak much about the platform, but having heard about the name before sends a signal; and creates in me an interest that wants to inquire more about it. Since then, i made a lot of look up and read majorly from facebook, wikipedia and steemit website itself.

Reading from the three platforms, the first paragraph which reads "steemit is a social media platform where everyone is rewarded for creating and curating contents" looks enticing. After i'm convinced, i took the step to register and after a lot of waiting for like two weeks, my account was approved. Can somebody shout Halleluyah!!! LolzzšŸ˜€

After i came on board, i read through some posts that looks more enticing but the more i searched and read, the more complicated the whole thing looks. I had no choice than to get back to my friend for guidance. I therefore want to use this medium to say a big thank you to @misterufem for the proper guidance. His tutoring on writing quality posts, using images that suits the article i'm writing, proper referencing, mark down styling, using of proper tags etc was very helpful. Again, i say, thank you friend.

The get-together party where i met my friend @misterufem

Introducing Myself: My Biodata

About myself

My name is Taiwo Michael (which is how i derived my steemit name teemike). I am from a south western state in Nigeria, a west African country. I had my first and second degree in Microbiology from a Federal University in Nigeria and undergoing my Ph.D degree in the same University. I am an Health worker in a Government Hospital in Nigeria and also work as an Ad-Hoc staff with the World Health Organisation. I am a teenage counsellor (health related matters), an educationist, a researcher and lover of God.

My Passions and niche

I love what is engaging and tasking. I decide to go further in my area of specialization because i found a passion in it. I love reading and writing scientific articles. So i belief this is a niche for me on Steemit. I will definitely be blogging about Microbiology, Infant and maternal health, and real life related matters. So, i have actually been informed about @steemstem, @stemng and @air-clinic community that encourages science and health-related posts. Though i have joined the discord server of these communuties, i also solicit for proper guidance on my steemit journey.

Image of myself at work: Picture taken by Samsung Galaxy Tab E)

Aside from these areas of specializations; i enjoyed brainstorming, meeting new friends, cooking and engaging in indoor games. So, for a freestyle, i might decide to blog on sports, cuisine, nature, religion and motivation. Yes, i know this is a grest opportunity to showcase what i know to do best, and from whom much is given, much is expected. To everyone that will be reading this introductory post, watch out for me.

My expectations on steemit

I am a kind of person who love to engage in a result oriented organization where my capabilities would be effectively utilized and reward for diligence, hardwork and integrity would be recognized. So, if Steemit will reward quality writeup, i should put in my best. Now, let me share this with my readers;

Image of myself at work: Picture taken by Samsung Galaxy Tab E)

While i was growing up and getting advanced in my career in addition to experiences at work, i got so many questions which have only gotten complicated as i search answers to them.

Therefore in my first set of posts, i will be blogging on

ā—Genetic modifications and the controversies surounding its products. I will take my time to discuss on products generated through this modifications especially the Gentically Modified Foods (GMF) and Genetically Modified Mosquitoes (GMF).

ā—Outbreak, re-occurring and controversial reports of purported cure for some human diseases. Many human diseases has actually made scientists look incappable because of their re-occurence after reports of finding a cure and even unsuccessful trials after spending decades finding a cure. Many of us are aware of the Human Deficiency Virus. This and some of such diseases are certainly going to be unraveled in my subsequent posts.

ā—Contraceptive use and the concerns raised over time which seems not to have a solution is another controversial report to write on. If you are a woman who have developed a side effeect after usage will understand that lot needs to be addressed on this issue.


Let me conclude by sending a shout out to my loved ones: my Dad (Elder T.S Taiwo), my PhD supervisor (Prof. A.K Akintokun), my friend @misterufem, the @steemstem and @stemng family; the @steemnaira community; my steemstem mentor @bachuslib and my new found friends @osariemen, @Serylt, @dante31, @zoneboy, @sciencetech and @eurogee.

@teemike says, Thank you all.

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