My Introduction post and how I got into the Hive community !!

Hello Everyone

I will start by saying that I am really bad at presenting myself in life and hope you will still appreciate what I build for you guys to learn more about me ! This was inspired mostly by @drabs587 but a lot of it also comes from all of the community starting to do their presentation also! It makes me feel more comfortable talking about me and the past that I had since a lot of you guys are opening themselves out !!


My Gaming Life

My name is David ''Skynotik'' Savard, I'm from Canada but more specifically born in Quebec! Yes I am a French Canadian by blood but for me it's something that mattered much in my life as I would have preferred way much being born as a native English person than French. Don't ask me why I could give you over 1000 reason for it but two of the main reason were for the fact that I think it would have helped me a lot while being young and being so much an avid of gaming and anime! So as soon as I could, I started learning English but I did that mostly on my own. School wasn't that great with making us learn as fast as I would have wanted and for me to be able to do everything that I wanted to do when I was around 10-12 years old, needed me to be able to not speak but at least read in English!

One of the first console I got when I was a kid was a N64. I think I was around 6 years old when my Dad and my Mom gave that to me! I remember myself almost crying because I was so happy that I would be able to play games on the TV at home and not just at my friends house losing my game every time I made one! I have so many great memories on that console playing Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Golden Eye 64, Mario Kart 64, ETC ! This was one of my most memorable console even though I played a lot of Super Nintendo I am born in the 90's so for me it's more about that N64 !! Of course I played other console like the Sega, PlayStation 1 with that memorable startup sound :

and of course Xbox but that was only at my friend house since my parent's weren't willing in paying a monthly charge for me to play online! I found myself with a computer instead but it wasn't that great so it made me play some online game like runescape, ragnarok online, but one of the most iconic for me would be Tibia! What the hell was that game you would say well here is a screenshot of it :
It wasn't the greatest game at all but god was it great at that time! Me and my friends had so much great time on there!

One of the other game where I spent mostly of my time was Neopets :
as you can see my account is 18+ years old but it says on there that I am from the United States and I also had to fake my age on that account to be able to make friends on there because they were blocking people under 18! image.png What a bad kid I was !! image.png


What I did after School

I did graduate from school from where I live with actually very good grades. Sadly I wasn't accepted in the first program that I chose to do and so I became a little bit delinquent and started to mostly party all the time and started to even do drugs..


This made me learn so much in my life because in those years I made so many errors and almost became homeless! It's only because I have a great family that I was able to make it out of this kind of phase and I am really glad I did because I was going down a shithole !

It made me go through a lot but because of these two beautiful sister that I have :


I was able to have the support that I needed to make sure I would be able to go through all the dark thoughts and everything that comes with that! The one on the right is the oldest one of the two and is a Nurse in life! While being so down in that period I was always going to her to get help even though the other one was also there for me I knew that the other one had studied in that domain and could help me a little bit more. It inspired me so much that I actually became a Nurse myself! After all of that bad vibes that I had I felt that helping people in life was something that I needed to do and I felt like I was meant to do so!


If you're looking for me I'm the one with the arms in the air on the left !! This picture was actually taken in France at Cognac when I was there to study and also be an intern at the hospital of Cognac! I was there to take care of people that are affected by any mental illness. One of the most memorable thing there was the fact that I was being hosted in a big house of people with mental illness but that were able to live their day like everyone except for some chore that I had to help them do! This actually made me learn so much about others and problems that we can have and sometime see so big but when compared to these people our problem become so small and meaningless !! This was incredible to feel.


Sad Part Skip If you don't want to read 😊 !

I think that if you talk to people around me they will tell you I am a genuine person and always trying to make people happy around me even if I'm the one feeling down! Something that makes people worry about me is sometime I don't even care about how bad I feel as long as people around me feels good it will make me smile ! I have became like that I would say since I was diagnosed with Cancer! This was a really hard time in my life and still is since it still carries a lot of weight even after getting through it!! It's not been long since I got through everything I can still remember the date I was said that I was starting my ''2 year remission''. The 11th of March 2020. Yes you got this right just before Covid was made a Pandemic !!


Today I feel glad because I am one of the few lucky that got through Cancer but I had to fight it for almost 2 years! You don't know how glad I am to have been said that I was clear of it just before Covid came. Of course I have to take care of myself even more because of all of that and since I'm a nurse but today I just want to make people feel better as well since I was given a gift and that gift is to be able to live longer!


What brought me into Splinterlands


Like I said I was always a gamer since I was a kid and I joined crypto in 2017 without having any mindset about it whatsoever! Crypto was shown by one of my best friends and he told me a lot about it and he sent me some link for me to read about it at the time! So I started to do so and even invested a lot back in the day! I joined back in December 2017 so at the first peak of 18k USD! Sadly for me after joining 1 or 2 week later the Market knew one of his first biggest crash ! I lost a lot of money that I couldn't lose at the time but that was my fault since I should have never put money I had a need for!


Sadly I left the crypto market after that big loss, to me it felt like I had lost too much money and since the market was crashing I wasn't seeing myself live long enough to make money anyway because of what I told you earlier! It's not until January of this year that I started to look back at crypto more intensively and even thought about let's look at Crypto Game! In january with what I had found the only blockchain that I was able to find with the little research I did was GALA !! Which I played a lot of Town Star on ! I found this game very interesting until I got really bored of it and then stopped playing Crypto Games!

It's not before end of August of this year that I found people were streaming crypto games on Twitch! so I started to make some more research about everything that I could find on Twitch! That is when I found some people out there streaming some Hive Games. That's when I started looking at that blockchain for specifically since the game that I saw on twitch were Nice but not the kind I was looking for! That's when I found out Splinterlands ! I decided to look up this game while also searching for some stream on twitch if some people were streaming that game ! I found one of the OG of splinterlands @Gank who was streaming one of his first stream I think and I had such a blast on that stream and ended winning some prizes also that booster my collection and made me want to really start and invest in the game ! I can't thank @Gank enough for all the giveaway and learning that he gives out ! I am the one that won the October Jackpot of 5000 DEC and also I won a Dr.Blight on his 1k Follower Party ! This makes me so happy and feels like I can upgrade my deck so much with all those giveaway you do !! Thanks so much @Gank !!

Another awesome streamer that I cannot pass that I actually met a bit later but still appreciate so much for what she is doing to the community with every tournament she host, giveaway she does, Guild she owns and upgrade for the members ! And so much more, you know who I'm talking about the one and only @clove71. She is so awesome and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate everything you do and every gift you give to everybody in the community !! It makes me smile every time I see you do this and be happy doing it !! I wanna say thanks for showing me the way of streaming and how to still be happy in life even though it can be hard in the background !!



If you red this far

Special thanks to you if you red this far in my post! I appreciate you very much since this one is really personal and probably the biggest post I will ever make! Hope you enjoyed learning more about me and if you still want to learn more about me you can still follow me on Twitch where I will do ton of giveaways and at least have the time to know you all better !

Huge shoutout to all the amazing people that got me to where I am now : @clove71 , @splinterlandsHQ , @gameboyali , @zasktrader , @cmmndrbawang , @boredaf , @groovy828 and everyone in the #NOSLEEPGANG !! I cannot say thank you enough to support me because without you nothing would be possible ! I feel with all the support coming from you guys I feel like I can do better and keep on improving in every aspect on my life and specially on the streaming aspect ! Also a huge huge shoutout to @Drabs587 for helping me find the courage for making this possible !! Thank you brother and keep on doing what you do you are one of the best !!


Come play Splinterlands today

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