Let's welcome AFOLMAN to Steemit!!!


Let's give a warm Steemit welcome to @afolman! He is no stranger to social media and is a positive addition to Steemit for sure! He has over 26K YouTube subscribers and over 38k Instagram followers! Those can be found here https://www.youtube.com/user/cookslawncare and here https://www.instagram.com/a_f_o_l_man/?hl=en

Adult fan of LEGO is what A.F.O.L. stands for and that he is! He has a huge LEGO city, which includes his sig tower!!! He also deals in the brick with his bricklink store that you can find here https://store.bricklink.com/Lego_Man_AFOL#/shop?o={%22showHomeItems%22:1}

Now that you know his social media credentials, a little about him personally. Definitely a great friend! My favorite quality about him is willingness to listen. When we have conversations about anything, I feel like I can state how I honestly feel without having to tip tow around. This is probably why I started to talk to him about my bitcoin trading. Usually people like to warn me about it and say its a scam, after a while you learn just to keep quiet. I have had similar experiences telling people about Steemit, once again Emery was there to listen and willing to give it a try.

Like other YouTube and Instagram creators he has become frustrated with the way his videos get demonetized. He has thought of quitting before, I even made a video about it.
Glad he hasn't given up on it yet! Hopefully Steemit treats him well and he finds a lot success here! So please go give him a follow and an upvote!

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