Hello world! I'm pilcrow and I'm a web developer.

I promised someone in the Minnow Support Channel that once I reached 100 followers I should introduce myself properly. So here's my (late) introduction.

I'm Stephan, a web developer and movie geek from the Netherlands. I joined Steemit almost a month ago and I've been having fun ever since. Some of my other hobbies include playing the drums, watching movies, programming, riding my motorbike and giving my cat fistbumps. I probably have more nipples than you.

My first few posts were horrible because I was just trying to make a lazy buck here, but I've since found my way and I'm trying to be a decent Steemian. I've also decided I should try and make my own Steemit web app, partly for fun and partly because I miss some functionality on Steemit that I think maybe I could try and build. For example, following a handful of tags I'm interested in and seeing the posts in there on one page.

This is what my first website looked like

While I'm working on that I try to blog about it (sharing is caring), I just finished my tutorial on how to connect to Steemit from inside your Angular website yesterday. Apart from that I might blog about things like movies, technology, mindfulness and other stuff I'm interested in.

Right now I'm working on a post about artificial intelligence and why it's scaring Elon Musk but it's turning out a little longer than I hoped. Maybe tomorrow?

Anyway, here's my worst selfie.

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