Hey, everyone! I'm Colleen with Over Drinks, a marketing company helping independent restaurants and bars with their adult beverage marketing.
I started Over Drinks in March of this year (2017) when I lost my job, marketing adult beverages in the national on-premise sector. I love what I do and have always wanted to work with "the little guys" as I feel they are the true heart and soul of the hospitality business.
Things you will likely see me talk about here will be:
- cocktails (some with recipes!)
- beverage trends
- beverage news
- cannabis (yeah, I know)!
- travel (not as often as I like)
- restaurants (I do local reviews for a website)
- digital marketing
- miscellany (occasionally whatever pops into my head to rant about)
I look forward to learning more about this platform and maybe making some new friends and connections.