
Hello! It has been very exciting and gratifying for us to discover this blog platform. After some research, we decided to introduce ourselves before starting our articles, so we begin our profile with this post!

In this profile, we will share plenty of photos from Norway. But before we start, let's briefly provide some personal information about the people behind this profile.

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We are Lera and Eren. We have been in a relationship for two years. Lera is from Ukraine, and Eren is Turkish. Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, Lera had come to Turkey near to Eren and they lived together for six months. Afterward, Lera applied to settle in Norway under a humanitarian protectation program and she has been living there for nine months. Eren still living in Istanbul, but he frequently visits Lera in Norway. During the past nine months, he spent three months in Norway. By the end of 2023, Eren will move near to Lera in Norway through family immigration and they will live together from then on.

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In this profile, we will showcase plenty of new places and witness the natural beauty of Norway. Sometimes, we will present mouthwatering dishes, and sometimes, we will introduce places that make us wish we were on vacation there too. We hope that we will not only be limited to Norway but also see places from other countries because we both love to travel and seeing new places is our passion

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Don't be surprised if you see Eren with a huge fish in Norway as he loves fishing there. Even if you don't know how to fish, catching fish the size of your arm is highly likely and quite common in Norway. We are already excited for the post we will write when we see the Northern Lights during winter.

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In short, we have introduced ourselves and the content of our profile. We hope you will like us, and with your comments, we can create an active and enjoyable hobby community.

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