A Prelude to Her Life: Sharing My Personal Story to the World


When murmurs about me reach my ears, they are frequently packed with compliments on my voice and asserted musical ability. The fact, however, has never been simpler: I'm just a girl who finds joy in singing and immersing herself in music, nothing more or less.

Hey everyone! Hello, Hive. I'm thrilled to finally introduce myself as a newcomer to this amazing community. Before I dive into my introduction, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to @callmesmile and @iamcheerfellll, for introducing me to Hive. I truly appreciate this incredible opportunity to connect with the wonderful people here. Thank you so much!


Alright! Now, it's time for me to introduce myself to the world. Hello! I am @makiyumee, a spirited 21-year-old young woman from Dayhagon, Medellin, Cebu City—a charming place known for its incredibly sweet and welcoming people, the place where healthy and green fields, trees, and colorful flowers grow, and the home of a lot of sugarcane! Hmmm, very sweet indeed.


I belong to a family of four members, and I am the eldest daughter. I have a younger sister who's two years younger than me, but she is also taller than me. Yup, my younger sister is tall while I'm just stuck being a 5-footer at the age of 21. You're right, I am that small. But despite my small physique, I can say that I am a strong woman. As the eldest daughter in my family, I've grown familiar with making sacrifices and carrying big duties. My younger sister has been assigned lighter and easier responsibilities, during the time I have been assigned hefty and difficult ones.

From an early age, my parents had taught me how to always give way for my sister. I always question them because if I always give way for my sister then what's left of me? I never understood their actions but now that I am older, I understood that it is indeed essential to take care of my sister because she's still growing and adapting to the world that she's living in. I learnt how to prioritize my younger sister's needs, frequently stepping aside to assure her happiness and well-being. My position has always been to be a pillar of strength, making wise judgments that benefit the entire family. This path has turned me into a resilient and supportive person who is always willing to go above and beyond for those I care about.

In addition, we also have our fur babies: Hansel (the white one) and Pit-pit (the black one), which are the Shih-Poo sisters; Panit (the brown one), our adopted Shitzu; and Mik-mik, our chubby stray cat. Yup, my family loves these fur babies very much, and so do I. They are my stress relievers and my company when I am alone at home or when sometimes I need someone to talk to.


During my elementary school days, I was always the quiet kid that sits at the back of the classroom. I was too shy to talk to my classmates—but I talk to my friends though since I feel comfortable around them, and I don't even participate during class discussions. I was sometimes behind my lectures because I was never a smart kid, I was just average, but I can still get myself to achieve some minor awards during recognition day and just not the ones received by the kids in the honor list. However, everything changed when I decided to join a ukulele ensemble in my school because of my love for music. After asking her, my mom finally agreed and bought me a perfectly sized, adorable ukulele. I learned how to play the ukulele and I had no idea that this ensemble in our school would help me come out of my shell. My whole summer back in elementary was always spent practicing, memorizing, and learning the pieces that were given to us by the teacher that led the ensemble during that time.


After finally mastering the pieces, I found myself playing the ukulele along with the other members on school events and soon it led to playing on events that were held outside the school. Winning numerous contests against other schools and earning the honor to perform at prestigious events made me realize that this club helped me build my self-confidence and deepened my love for music. I was thankful for the teacher that gave me the opportunity to join the club and to my parents also for supporting me even if they had doubts during the early phase of my practice.


High school arrived quickly, and things changed again. New faces, new surroundings—everything was different. It was tough, but I accepted it. I encountered new students who were very different from the ones I had in elementary. It was like looking at different shades of colors on a canvas. Surprisingly, I found my place and finally felt like I fitted in my class. I wasn't an outsider anymore, nor was I the meek, quiet person I always was. High school taught me to be self-sufficient, face obstacles on my own, and love myself. I had exceptional performances in my classes, I can openly play the guitar and sing together with my friends during our break, and I discovered that I like high school, in contrary to my expectations.


I also understood that sometimes we are our own most loyal companions, and that there are people who stick by you through thick and thin. To my high school pals who are reading this (which I hope you are), I want to thank you for accepting me for who I am and for consistently being by my side during both good and bad times. I appreciate your constant love and support.


College then arrived, but it presented a completely different set of challenges. If high school was like confronting the gates of hell, college was like exploring the deepest parts of it. I met more diverse people and got to know a handful of them. My days and nights in college were packed with activities, assignments, projects, and performances that seemed to go on forever. It was awful, indeed. Despite the long evenings as well as difficult mornings, I persevered in pursuit of my degree. Sleeping till dawn became an accepted practice for me and waking up early felt like the most natural thing to do during the school day. However, there are still occasions when I need my alarm clock to wake me up.


Despite the hurdles, I met a few fantastic individuals along the road. These friends made my college experience more comfortable, lively, and memorable. I anxiously anticipated each class, curious to see what kinds of experiences would arise in their presence. If you're reading this (I hope you really are), you already know who you are. Thank you for everything.


Aside from my love of music, I have an intense fondness for movies, particularly animated, romantic, and fantasy films. They function as an escape into different universes, calming my thoughts and temporarily alleviating me of tension and problems. Movies transport me to different realms, allowing me to totally immerse myself in intriguing storytelling. In addition to my cinematic interests, I enjoy reading novels, manga, and webtoons. The deep plots and different characters ignite my imagination, filling it with infinite possibilities. Each story I read broadens my imagination and leaves a permanent impression on my mind. During the pandemic, reading and movies were among my favorite ways to pass the time while under lockdown. I remembered how many movies, Asian dramas, and anime series I had seen at the time, and believe me, it was a lot. Given the amount of time I had to myself, I read quite a few novels, and I was quite pleased with each one.


Furthermore, I've developed a tremendous passion for writing. Writing allows me to express my feelings, explore new ideas, and build characters and plots. It acts as both a creative outlet and a form of self-expression, allowing me to share my ideas with others and connect with the help of the power of storytelling. During the pandemic, I also tried writing novels, and I even set up an account on Wattpad to post my work and let everyone read it. After how many months of writing, I finally got readers and supporters for my own story, which made me extremely happy. Later, I found myself stunned when editors from various writing platforms such as WebNovel, GoodNovel, FameInk, Ringdom, Yugto, Novelcat, and StoryOn, as well as publishing firms such as Ukiyoto Publishing, approached me and offered to publish my work on their platform. But, of these editors, only one piqued my interest: Dreame. After consulting with my editor about Dreame, I was finally given the opportunity to create a Dreame account for my creations. Dreame is an app that contains numerous novels published by international and Filipino authors. It's similar to Wattpad, but Dreame pays royalties to writers who sign a contract with them. They also have editors to help writers on their writing journey, which is why I chose this writing platform.


During my time writing for Dreame, I earned a lot of royalties which helped me big time since I used the money to buy materials to renovate our house. I bought lumber, plywood, paints, and a lot more that I lost count. I remember how my parents got surprised when I told them about what I had earned, and they were so proud of me which was something so priceless that I cannot trade with anything else in this world. I also communicated with a lot of people from all over the country and to be honest, knowing that someone is reading and loving my narrative makes me quite happy. The concept that my writings can connect with someone else and bring them joy makes me both happy and speechless. It's a unique feeling that inspires and drives me to continue writing and sharing what I have to say. The link between my story and the reader's experience is extremely rewarding, and I never take it for granted.

However, once the lockdown was lifted and school resumed face to face classes, I found myself slowly shifting away from writing and focusing on my academic assignments. Gone were the days where I would sit in a corner and create a scene by typing on my phone—yes, I use my phone to create stories because my parents couldn't afford to buy me and my sister a laptop in which I totally understand since we're not that blessed financially. The excitement of thinking about scenes and what to write next or maybe think about what my characters would say next was lost, leaving an empty feeling inside me. But, even if I am no longer writing, I still enjoy reading and drafting stories in my spare time.


I also treasure the time I spend traveling with my family and friends. Each journey is a new adventure, an opportunity to make lasting memories and discover the wonders of the entire world together. However, I enjoy the peaceful moments at home where I can unwind and devote time to myself. Whether it's curling up with a good book, watching a movie marathon, or simply enjoying the serene isolation, these times of relaxation are critical for recharging my spirit.

The main reason I chose to sign up is that I want to improve and enhance my writing skills by reflecting on how others express themselves through the power of words. As a writer, I am not confident with my skills which is why I am determined to sharpen these weapons of mine to produce a work that will definitely make readers feel satisfied. I'd also like to meet and socialize with other individuals. I want to make new relationships all over the country and around the world since there are times when I feel bored at home watching TV or reading, so why not meet new people to brighten things up?

Another thing is I want to read about is other people's stories, their life adventures, the obstacles they encounter on a daily basis, and everything else. I believe that each individual has a unique or maybe a similar story to tell, and each story bears deep meanings and lessons that can guide me to become the better version of myself. I'd like to know whether there are others who are similar to or different from me. I'd like to comprehend their way of life. I want to learn more about the world from the individuals I meet here and reflect on it as I become older.

That would be all for my introduction. Once again, this is @makiyumee and thank you for stopping by everyone! Have a great day ahead!

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