Perkenalan Diri (Introduceyourself )

Selamat malam Steemian!

Nama saya Muhadzier Maop, saya berasal di Aceh Indonesia. Sehari hari saya seorang blogger dan menulis puisi, cerpen. Beberapa sudah pernah dimuat di media cetak. Saya juga menyukai seni, dan beraktifitas di Komunitas Kanot Bu.

Seorang Steemian di Banda Aceh menceritakan tentang Steemit kepada saya. Kami bertemu di sebuah warung sambil minum kopi. Ia banyak menceritakan kesuksesan para Steemian yang telah lama bergabung di Steemit. Saya tertarik dan langsung mencoba mendaftar sebagai anggota dan berharap saya bisa menjadi seorang Steemian!

Saya tertarik steemit ini agar bisa mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang menulis, blogger, fotografi dan bisa menulis puisi dan cerpen lebih baik lagi.

Untuk itu, saya sangat butuh bimbingan dari para Steemian seluruh dunia untuk bisa berbagai pengetahuan, karena saya masih sebagai anggota yang baru.

Salam perkenalan, saya akan sangat senang kalau saya diterima dengan senyuman! :)



Good Night Steemian!

My name is Muhadzier Maop, I am originally from Aceh Indonesia. A day I am a blogger and write poetry, short story. Some have been published in the print media. I also love art, and have activity in Kanot Bu Community.

A Steemian in Banda Aceh told me about Steemit. We met at a coffee shop.He has much to say about the success of the Steemians who have long joined in Steemit. I am interested and immediately try to register as a member and wish I could become a Steemian!

I am interested in this steemit in order to gain knowledge about writing, blogger, photography and can write poetry and short story better.For that, I really need guidance from the Steemians all over the world to be knowledgeable, because I am still a new member.

Introducing greetings, I would love to be accepted with a smile! :)t Steemian! My name is Muhadzier Maop, I am originally from Aceh Indonesia. A day I am a blogger and write poetry, short story. Some have been published in the print media. I also love art, and have activity in Kanot Bu Community.

A Steemian in Banda Aceh told me about Steemit. We met at a coffee shop.He has much to say about the success of the Steemians who have long joined in Steemit. I am interested and immediately try to register as a member and wish I could become a Steemian!

I am interested in this steemit in order to gain knowledge about writing, blogger, photography and can write poetry and short story better.For that, I really need guidance from the Steemians all over the world to be knowledgeable, because I am still a new member.

Introducing greetings, I would love to be accepted with a smile! :)

Ikuti saya( Follow me) @kitabmaop

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