Karla's first steemit post || Hello world!

Let me tell the story of how I got here.

A friend told me that there's this platform called steemit where people publish blog posts about whatever they want. I was practicing my writing skills, and I needed a fresh platform, so yay!

"Hello world!"

Yes, yes, I am an IT student. I am pretty much a lot of things - I could be a loving friend ( if I'm being honest),
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I am a cat lover (oh, please!),
a wide reader, an aspiring writer, a coffee addict, a bathroom singer, a frustrated make-up and/or tattoo artist wannabe, and the list goes on. I am kinda hoping that maybe steemit and the people in it could help me find out what I could add to that list.

You see, I am just another person trying to figure out what I should be for the rest of my life. This is but one of those little ways to get me there. So, join me in my journey?

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