Hi! My name is Andrew Szanto. I love social media and got introduced to steemit so I'm gonna use it for a number of things including:
Videos of me spinning poi/staff/nunchuks.
I've been involved in martial arts and "flow" arts all my life. What is flow arts you ask?.
This is one of the biggest parts of my life. I'll upload tutorials, practice and performance videos, and share awesome videos that I find of other people.
Card & board game reviews and commentary.
Citadels is my current new favorite game right now. Incredible strategic depth and replayability. Cheap too, and easy to learn. I highly recommend it.
News and political commentary/discussion.
I'm currently in Washington DC volunteering with the non-profit harm reduction organization Dancesafe at the National Cannabis Festival. That's me on the left with my best friends who also are in our chapter. I'm super interested in public policy and politics in general and I like to learn, discuss, and debate about the issues facing us as a society in an effort to help everyone learn and find answers. I've been very involved in politics, from volunteering for candidates, working for non-profits, organizing around issues, organizing protests, setting up callocal candidate's forums, etc.
My cats!
That's Oliver. He fetches hair ties. He doesn't seem to realize he's a cat. Suuuuuuuper friendly and cuddly. Here's my princess, Arwen:
I rescued them out of the street as tiny baby kittens and raised them myself.
I'm also super interested in music, science, technology, current events, food, and various other topics that I'll likely post about on my journey to discover the world. Hopefully you'll join me!